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Have you manage to surprise your SO with a visit?

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    I wish I could do this. If I could I would surprise him when he least expected it like in the middle of him teaching a zumba class just be waiting on the side lines, or when hes out wait for him outside his house when he comes home. Lol to give him a surprise. Thing is I could never do this. For one I most likely would get lost... Trying to get there, not remembering the street names and such. And also my first visit im alll nervous and need his help on how to get there, im sure most of anywhere big i go i'll need a bit of guidance, so be hard to do it on my own and surprise him. Ah well...
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I tried. I have such a hard time keeping secrets but I ALMOST managed!

      Two days before I was scheduled to fly I quickly replied to an email from my SO's grandfather, mentioning that I'd see my SO in a couple of days. Without thinking about it I forwarded my SO his grandfathers email together with my response (sometimes when things get busy at work he has little time to keep in contact with his family and that way he's still informed about what's going on). As you can imagine I got a call from him within minutes: "You're coming over????" At first I was flabbergasted and asked him who had told him about it before I realised it had been my mistake. Fail I was sooo upset!


        Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
        I´m planning on doing this next month for our 1 year anniversary! I´m going to get some of our mutual friends involved, and have them fill his time with fake plans that weekend so he doesn´t go anywhere xD :3 I really can´t wait! Muahaha.
        Yay that sounds like fun to plan!


          Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
          I´m planning on doing this next month for our 1 year anniversary! I´m going to get some of our mutual friends involved, and have them fill his time with fake plans that weekend so he doesn´t go anywhere xD :3 I really can´t wait! Muahaha.
          Yay that sounds like fun to plan!


            Ummm...I might sound odd but I don't think I'd do a surprise visit because I'm afraid that by the time I get there he will have already got other plans or busy with other things. I just can't imagine appearing in front of his door, surprising him (I'm sure he would be so happy and excited upon seeing me) and then I'd feel somewhat bad for making him change his plans because of me. I'm pretty he wouldn't mind doing that and I'd feel honoured and appreciated....but I'd feel bad too.
            I'd rather make a different kind of surprise. For example, when I'm with him, I'd surprise him by giving an unexpected gift or something else.
            I think I'm not making any sense here lol. :P

