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Dealing With LDR Fatigue

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    Dealing With LDR Fatigue

    Hey guys,

    While my boyfriend and I haven't officially been a couple for all that long, I have been dedicated to him for awhile. We are lucky enough to be able to see each other frequently - about once a month or once every month and a half, but I am really suffering from fatigue from this relationship. I know he's worth it, and I know I don't want out of the relationship.

    The constantly saving money, the missing him, the there being no end in sight makes this harder and harder for me as time goes on. Every time he leaves he takes more of me with him and I'm worried that soon they'll be nothing left.

    I'm going on vacation in two months, so that should be good to get away from the computer and just be enjoying myself for awhile but man, this is hard.

    It's funny, when I was younger I was in a long distance relationship and I didn't feel this way, I'm wondering if it's because of my age, or if it's because I believe this is the man I want to marry and I'm frustrated that we can't be together, or if it's just the LDR compounded with all the other things that are going on in my life right now.

    Has anyone else gone through this and come out on top? How did you deal with it?

    I had the same issue. Been in a LDR before but this one is so much harder. I don't have any tips, but I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's just so intense. I'm only able to see my girlfriend - once every five months or so. (first visit was in July, next is this December.)

    Love you forever and forever
    Love you with all my heart
    Love you whenever we're together
    Love you when we're apart.


      Originally posted by WithAllMyHeart View Post
      I had the same issue. Been in a LDR before but this one is so much harder. I don't have any tips, but I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's just so intense. I'm only able to see my girlfriend - once every five months or so. (first visit was in July, next is this December.)
      That must be so hard, and I have to admit, something that I probably wouldn't be able to do myself.
      There is just so much added work that goes into a LDR on top of maintaining the relationship alone. To be honest, I even find it hard to sign on here and read about other people's LDRs.

      I wish I could take to my boyfriend about it, but I know he'd take it the entirely wrong way. I love him, I want to be with him, it's just that what we're going through right now is really hard and missing him every day makes it even harder. I wish I could take a quick vacation from my life. Just two days to sleep lol.


        It is obvious you are in love with this man. (:
        I found the remedy to this fatigue is to keep yourself occupied.
        Whenever i have things to do i don't feel lonely, but when i sit there and wait for a response (text, facebook, etc.) time passes by immensely slow and i am drowned in loneliness.


          Originally posted by Piglet- View Post
          It is obvious you are in love with this man. (:
          I found the remedy to this fatigue is to keep yourself occupied.
          Whenever i have things to do i don't feel lonely, but when i sit there and wait for a response (text, facebook, etc.) time passes by immensely slow and i am drowned in loneliness.
          I SO occupied and I think that's part of my problem.
          I find that every minute of my time is pretty much spent doing things for other people, and then on top of that the sacrifices that I make for my long distance relationship are starting to pile up.

          Maybe I should have titled this thread: "Real Life Fatigue" lol.

          It's just hard to think about the relationship in relation to the other things going on in my life, I see it as one more thing I'm having to do. I almost broke down crying last night because when I finally walked through the door at 9:00pm to spend some time to myself for a few minutes before my boyfriend got home from his second job, he called me at 9:10. I wanted to die. I mean it killed me not wanting to answer the phone and wanting to talk to him at the same time...

          I'm just conflicted. I guess I understand why people say they need a 'break'. I don't want a break from my relationship though, I just want a break from life. I feel like I'm drowning underwater and my LDR is one of bricks holding me down right now.

          ---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

          Originally posted by Piglet- View Post
          It is obvious you are in love with this man. (:
          I found the remedy to this fatigue is to keep yourself occupied.
          Whenever i have things to do i don't feel lonely, but when i sit there and wait for a response (text, facebook, etc.) time passes by immensely slow and i am drowned in loneliness.
          I SO occupied and I think that's part of my problem.
          I find that every minute of my time is pretty much spent doing things for other people, and then on top of that the sacrifices that I make for my long distance relationship are starting to pile up.

          Maybe I should have titled this thread: "Real Life Fatigue" lol.

          It's just hard to think about the relationship in relation to the other things going on in my life, I see it as one more thing I'm having to do. I almost broke down crying last night because when I finally walked through the door at 9:00pm to spend some time to myself for a few minutes before my boyfriend got home from his second job, he called me at 9:10. I wanted to die. I mean it killed me not wanting to answer the phone and wanting to talk to him at the same time...

          I'm just conflicted. I guess I understand why people say they need a 'break'. I don't want a break from my relationship though, I just want a break from life. I feel like I'm drowning underwater and my LDR is one of bricks holding me down right now.


            I am sorry that you are overwhelmed Sierra, but just think how good you have it if this is the biggest issue in your relationship.
            I still believe that you should discuss how overwhelmed you are with life with your SO.
            Let your emotions out with the one that you love and the one who is there for you.
            Reassure him that you do not want to take a break from your relationship.

            And Sierra, it's okay to cry. It just means that you care. Plus it feels nice to cry. (:


              I want a break from real life too. I feel guilty. I had the same thing with phone calls with yesterday and today except my situation is different - my grandmother died three days ago and I'm having a hard time coping with anything at all. She seems to understand, but I feel so bad about it.

              Love you forever and forever
              Love you with all my heart
              Love you whenever we're together
              Love you when we're apart.


                Ok you need to relax for a second lol. Your just lacking a little free time simply let your boyfriend know that you would rather just spend some time with yourself than talk to him. Say it nicely though YOU DO NOT WANT TO MAKE HIM FEEL LIKE HE IS NOT IMPORTANT.

                Just say " honey i love your very much but lately i have been feeling crowded w because I am doing so much in my life right now" make sure he doesnt fell like its his fault ok that will just cause insecurities.


                  I think that every once in a while we all feel like this. I think what has helped me is talking through it with my boyfriend, sometimes he gets upset about the conversation at first, because he thinks I'm complaining about him not being able to come home sooner and make it close distance, but in the end he realizes that it's just me being exhausted from the strain that a long distance relationship takes on you. I would definitely suggest talking to your SO about it.



                    I agree with pytsip. It's something that affects even the strongest of people in an LDR at some point, and it's completely normal that you should feel this way. However I don't think you should dwell on it: keep yourself busy and by all means share how you feel with your SO. But just think to yourself: you'll be able to be with your SO in the future and before you know it, you'll be spending 24/7 with them


                      I felt like this with my last SO a lot and even though me and Chris have been apart about two weeks, I'm starting to feel like just going back and giving up. What's really kept me through it is that in just 9 months, I'll be back in Alabama with him for good and we'll be on our way to saving up for our own place so I can go back to Florida and live the rest of my life with him. It DOES get hard, but you gotta keep your head up and go through it. Also, talk to your SO. Even though it's hard for him to hear about it, he'll be able to get you through it.


                        huufff... this is what i'm afraid of

                        Another good bye, another drive to airport, spent times together more memories... another good bye again..airports again.. over and over like cycle.. and i can not see the end of it.. nor he say anything about closing the distance.. even if you give like 10 different hints to him...and you dont want to end this because you know he is worth all of this confusion, sadness, and stressful.

                        I could feel what you feel... it make it worse because my family kept pushing me to get married soon, as my younger sister already 5 years happily married.. and my age is already categorize as "spinster" at my jungle city in sumatra island-i am 30 btw. And my family never see my bf... even thought i am never interested to have a family my own. Yet every month there will be wedding invitation from my friends or my co workers etc.. drive me nuts to think about this.

                        I know how you feel, all i could do is being happy with the relationship, i want to be with him, and he's the only guy i want to be with. This is my choice, and i just going to suck it up, we stick with our SO because we know that there will be no happiness without them

                        I think this picture quote is suit with our situation:



                          I am with you. My boyfriend and I haven't been dating super long or anything but it is so worth it and I see a future with him someday. We try to visit each other once or twice a month but as work and college is taking up my life, I'm scared it will be once every two months or something and it just gets harder and harder. My issue is that I feel so needy when he's with me because we don't see each other on a day to day basis. So I feel that I always want to be snuggled up close to him no matter where we are. Which isn't bad, but I just feel that I'm just constantly in his space! Haha, but all I just need is his touch; something I wish I could have on a day to day basis. It's hard, but I believe it's worth it.

                          He's from Canada and I'm from the States and he tells me he really wants to move to the States to be closer to me and eventually continue our future. I love when he says that, but I know how hard it is going to be considering he's Canadian. SIGH, I need some positive reinforcement.

