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    My gf wants us not to talk for the next week. no communication at all. our relationship has been for over half a year and everyday we have talked.. everyday. but now she wants no communication for a week because she wants to see something, but she wnt tell me what. from what she was saying it seems she wants to see if i forget about her. I am just confused why she would want to do this.. i want to talk with her everyday =/ so far its only been a few hours of the first day for that one week and i am already missing her.

    I know it's tough but I personally think it's a good idea for all couples to take a short break at least once in their relationship. It's a difficult thing to explain just why someone may be feeling like they need the break but what it can vaguely be boiled down to, in my personal opinion, is to have some time alone to evaluate just what exactly the relationships means to you and your partner. I don't think your girlfriend is trying to hurt you and if she wants this time for herself, even though it hurts, it may be best that you just give it to her. You can also take something away from this experience and maybe get back in touch with your own thoughts, how you feel about your relationship with her, the goods and not-so-goods and how you feel you want it to play out in the long run. Take this time to clear your head. It'll be okay.


      I have to agree with Rosebud. My SO and I did this a few months back. It wasn't planned it just happened when he was sick with the flu. It gave us time to evaluate our feelings, etc. I know that it made our relationship stronger since this hardship. Just like you though we talk every single day. So yes it wasn't easy to not talk to him during that week but as I have already said it made me realize that I never want to lose him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He will also tell you this. Yes, it will be hard. But during this think about everything that has happened between the two of you and your feelings for her. Good Luck!!!


        i agree with the other 2. at first it might be something to be concerned about, like she doesn't love you as much. but lets face it, everyone needs distance. no matter if you're deeply in love, you need to have some distance from your partner. just take a deep breath, and let her do her thing. the more you question it, the more it will bother her.


          I think some time apart can be good, like what's been said already! When my SO and I first became LD, we both had very limited internet access and could only email each other once a week, for an entire month. It's tough, but it does definitely make you take a step back and see where we both stood with each other, and realised we were both still nuts about each other after a month of minimal contact!
          I wouldn't worry, if you both still miss each other after a week apart, you'll be ok

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            Don't worry too much about it. Everyone needs a little time to themselves, even if you don't think so right now. It's a good thing. If anything it'll just bring her back into things fullforce. Talking a lot is really good since we are all in LDR I think a lot of talking does all of us good, but a week of no contact won't break you. Just try and do your own thing and she'll get back to you. (:


              ok thanks guys, hmm i guess i was thinking on another trail... i thought, what if she wants me to break the time limit and contact her before a week just to show i miss her?

