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    Sixx Thanks!! I'm sure it will all be fine too


      My boyfriend and I definitely both did that a lot and sometimes he would ask if it was about me not trusting him. . . It definitely wasn't. I trusted him completely. It was about my feeling insecure. I didn't trust myself. I had something so amazing and I didn't want to lose it. . .

      Whenever he'd be like that to me, I never made it about trust, though. :x He's very reserved with his feelings, so if he's going to be vulnerable with me, I certainly wouldn't want to make him feel bad about it!! So I just took care of him.

      It goes away after awhile, so be patient. And try not to make him feel bad about it. You don't want your man to be like mine can be with his feelings!


        It'll get better. ^^ As agentholli said, everyone goes through it. Not everyone is so open about it tho. ^^;;

        Given that he had a bad past relationship, I can understand it. Maybe (if you don't already) could let him know what you're doing before you go out just so he's got some peace of mind. Ray and I tell each other if we're going out, where we're going and about when we'll be back. Sometimes he has to stay later at work, so he'll let me know that he'll be home later. It helps us to be less worried as we're pretty true to our word and let the other know if anything changes.

        Over time he'll get used to your daily routine and know when to expect you. And he'll just feel more secure in the relationship overall because you're still together.

        Sorry I can't be more helpful, but it's one of those "time will work itself out" kinda things.


          We do try to tell each other the plans for the next day and when we'll be back and that stuff I guess I'll have to be patient and see how it goes with time. Thank youuuu!!


            omg ok i just want to say thanks to all of you. having the same problem with my bf right now. & that reply about trust.... just wow, thank you so much for that i needed that. gonna try to talk to him before things get out of hand with this... he knows i'm not gonna cheat but past experiences have him paranoid & i know he trusts me but at times it almost seems like he doesnt. but seriously thank you guys so much

