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I think its over...

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    yeah Im kinda at a loss right now dont know what to do. I cant really think because im so upset. Ill figure something out.


      I just read through the four pages of this, so I'm going to go off on a limb here to try and give you some advice with this.

      You need to think about how important trust is to you with this. If he was willing to lie to you about being a model and what he looks like, then you need to think of what else could he be lying to you about. It's easy to be somebody you aren't over the internet, especially when feelings are being involved. When you love someone it's hard to see the bad because you desperately want to believe all the good in them.

      I highly encourage you to webcam with him at least once before you even think about keeping this relationship going. I can tell you love him deeply, but you don't want to set yourself up in something that could become even more serious, or even dangerous since he has already lied to you for in 9 months straight.

      I really wish you the best of luck, but do be careful.


        Give yourself a few days to get your head straight. Everything will be okay. Life is about experience and learning, just take this as a just a bump in the road and pick yourself up, and dust yourself off. Seriously, I have been where you were, before, except I figured it out 3 months in, so it was much easier for me to let go and forget it ever happened. I only wish that its as easy for you.

        Go out and hang with friends, do things to take your mind away from it. Occupy yourself. You'll start to feel a lot better


          I feel horrible, but I think you need to look at it from another angle before deciding to continue to talk to him or to keep the relationship. He says that he loves you, but where exactly was he planning on taking this relationship? Eventually you were going to find out the truth, and yet he didn't bother to tell you from the start, or even when things got serious, that he wasn't who he said he was. I don't think that someone who loves you could possibly lie about something like that to you. The whole plan in long distance relationships is to eventually be not long distance. That's everyone's dream, and things happen between then and there, first you start chatting on the internet, then you start skyping with them, and then you visit each other and eventually, the outcome or at least the hopeful outcome is to close the distance. All of those, except for the very first stage mean that you physically have to see the person. He knew, that if this relationship was serious, that that is what it would have come down to, and yet he continued to lie to you. Obviously none of that was in his plans, and that leads me to believe that he's not serious.

          I'm sorry that this happened, you are a very nice girl and you don't deserve this, no one does. I know that none of what I'm saying is going to help the pain that you feel right now, and I wish that I could say I understand, but in all honesty, I don't, but I am empathetic to your situation, and I just hope that you take away from this that you are a wonderful girl and you deserve someone who is going to acknowledge and respect that about you.



            I thank you all for your support It means a lot to me. Ill figure something out its just so depressing and I dont get it


              Originally posted by Breanna143 View Post
              He keeps saying he loves me and im the only person for him and stuff like that and its killing me because i know he does love me but why does he have to hide himself and lie to me to keep himself hid.
              I think the harsh reality is he doesn't love you. How can someone lie to you for 9 months about possibly everything, you do not know what he does, how old he is. That is not love. I know you have feelings for this person. But you now have no idea who he is, you can not possibly love him like you did before knowing he is lying. You love the idea of him, the sweet nothings he's told you, the conversations you have had.

              I would not even consider thinking about continuing a relationship with this person. He could very likely be a 40 year old man who likes to manipulate young girls and knows just the right things to say. Do not webcam with this person, do not give him the time of day to even explain. As hard as it is you need to completely remove him from your life. He is only going to continue to lie to you and make up stories. Be strong, get out before he can manipulate you further.

              Again I am so sorry and we are all here for you.


                The reason he did it was because you are a pretty young girl giving him attention and he knew he could manipulate you if he lied. Stay away from him, please honey, he is bad news.


                  Not only did he lie to you and pretend he loved you, but he may have all the wrong intentions in more ways than that.
                  Take care of yourself by cutting all ties and making friends and building relationships with people that you know and can spend time with. I get horrible feelings about underage people meeting others online. It just doesn't sit right with me. Meeting another person online is fine, but when you're younger especially, you cannot be sure that the person is not a predator.
                  This boy may be totally harmless. But he's already deceived you and made you believe you love someone that is fictional. Do you really want to be in a relationship with that kind of person?
                  Last edited by Sarah M; August 25, 2011, 05:40 AM.


                    I also agree that you should stay away from him, I don't think it would be healthy to continue this because you really don't know who this person is or what they are capable of.

                    Madly in love with Michael


                      I know I really shouldn't there is just so much on my mind im just so hurt and its hard to just walk away because ive talked to him every single day for 9 months and i fell deeper in love with him ....oh well ill figure something out


                        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                        He makes a remark at your age but then goes and acts like a 5 year old. If he's going to throw a hissy fit and delete you then I think you are better off without him.
                        I agree, That was very immature of him. How old is he and how long have you guys been together?


                          I've been reading through all that's been said, and I'm really sorry this has happened to you. To be unsure of who you're actually in a relationship with, to not even know who it's really bad to say the least. This happened to a friend of mine: he was in an LDR with someone who he thought was a model but in actual fact wasn't who she said she was. She always came up with an excuse as to why she couldn't webcam with him and why she couldn't chat to him on the phone.
                          I think you should cut off all contact with him immediately. Since you have no idea who the person you're speaking to is, I think it would be in your best interests and perhaps for your own safety. I don't want to alarm you, that isn't the intention, but there are a lot of bad people out in the world who love to do bad things and misuse the internet. What you should do is block him on everything you have, make sure that he can't reach you again. Once you've done that, you should start to forget come time and in the meantime, whilst things settle down, you should ensure that you do things to take your mind off the situation. Hang out with friends and family, do anything that will occupy your time and mind, because believe me, dwelling on a subject like this doesn't do anyone, least of all yourself, any good.
                          I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you feel better very soon


                            XxMeg589xX--------He says hes 24 and I do believe he is we have been together for 9 months. one night He told me he wanted to video chat me but I said not tonight because I was really sick not feeling good. hes lying about how he looks and I dont get that but thank you guy for all your support trying to help me


                              Any updates? Did you talk to him about it?


                                Please forgive me if this sounds rude. But something seems totally off with this relationship...I feel that he may be lying or keeping something from you...Someone can claim they're a certain age and for the most part to a PERFECT job at faking it and making it seem believable but until you've actually seen him or a picture of his license or his birth certificate i'd stay very cautious because he is acting extremely suspicious.

                                One of my best friends (whom I have known since I was 4) father is a cop, and I told him your story and he seems this is a very suspicious case and you should do your best to protect yourself by any means necessary. This may not be the man you think he is... And until you have confirmed it with your own eyes stay on guard. I apologize for what happened to you but I feel that if he truly loved you and cared about you...he wouldn't just "RAGE-SPAZ" and delete you and say these rude things to you. My guess is he's hiding something or he's afraid of something... You're 17 I know you think this man is the love of your life but I promise you everything happens for a reason...I think there will be a silver lining to this situation.

                                I hope this helped. Take care.
                                .We've Closed the Distance.
                                no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                                i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                                no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                                all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                                Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

