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Okay, I'm scared.

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    Okay, I'm scared.

    Rane leaves for Vancouver in 16 days. His medical is in 17 days. And then, his final immigration interview is in 18 days on April 29th.

    We started the K1 fiance visa process on 1.8.10.

    We've worked so hard. It's already cost us close to $2k (and we both work in retail, so this was not easy). We've put months into the paperwork (this includes time before sending in the petition).

    So far, everything has gone so smoothly, so fast, so well. My petition was approved in 52 days when the expected wait time is five months.

    But now here we are, just over two weeks away from our final answer. I don't even know what to do with my thoughts. ONE PERSON is going to decide our fate. If he moves here in one month and four days. Or if we are back to square one.
    I know that we have done the best we can do. I am just so scared that our best isn't enough.

    I know that no one has a crystal ball and can say oh, you guys will make it. I guess I just wanted to get this out, because I am going crazy. This is actually a very short wait time for the interview, but time is passing so slowly, omg. This is mentally the hardest part of the whole process for me. I knew I could do a good job on the paperwork on my end. I knew Rane would sail through his paperwork. But now we are dealing with an immigration officer, and that is a whole lot harder than making sure you complete a packet properly.

    I have total faith in Rane at the interview. He will nail it. But we could still be denied. Maybe the person is having a bad day, and decides our age difference is too much. Could be anything.

    I seriously do not know what to do with myself. I want to get my house ready for him... after all he would be moving two weeks after the interview and there is a lot to do! I've done some, maybe I should do more, keep myself busy.

    Mentally, do I get excited because we seemingly have a really good shot? Do I expect the worst so I don't get crushed? Do I pretend it isn't even happening and try to not let it in my head?

    Anyone have any thoughts on how to get through these last two(ish) weeks?

    GOOD LUCK!!!! No advice though.... sorry


      Think positive!! and best of luck


        its going to be a tough two weeks, dont let it ruin your excitement because if you think negitively and its all okay you will regret worrying instead of enjoying this exciting time, despite if you worry or not, what will happen will happen, just try and be as positive as you can although its hard! good luck to the both of you!!!!xxxxxx


          I would suggest find something that you can immerse yourself in for the next two weeks to take your mind off it. Worrying will not change the outcome. Do you scrapbook, or anything like that?


            I'm happy for you all. congrats on such a fast process. I really don't think you will have much to worry about and I doubt they will deny you soley based on an age difference. I wish you good luck and Rane and hope it all goes smoothly. I know it will be stressful and on your mind 24/7 about it until its all said and done but try to keep busy and look forward to all you hard work paying off when you all are together. Best of luck!


              Keep yourself busy. Do something with your hands. When I feel like time is going by way too slowly, I knit, crochet, embroider or write. I also work long hours, so that helps. I run with my dog, and clean obsessively. You could try teaching yourself something new.
              I can't tell you how to feel, and I have discovered that it's not always controllable.... I have had the best luck with trying not to get too excited, and just taking it one day at a time. But that is not always very successful. Keep smiling, and keep going forward. Two weeks will be up before you know it!
              Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!



                I feel for you, my husband and me have been in a similar situation and his brother and his wife are going through the same as you at the moment (only they are already married). All this visa/immigration stuff just sucks big time! It's so expensive and nerve-racking and the officials at the embassy are usually anything but understanding. Then again, I wouldn't want their job either. Even though the process is certainly different in the US than in Austria, I think they're rather looking at your income and whether you can support the both of you than at your age difference. They never asked my husband anything too specific (only general things like "where did you meet?", "how long have you known each other?" etc.)
                What are your options if it gets denied? Can you get married and then apply for the visa?
                Good luck! Hope for the best but expect the worst, I'd say.


                  Dont worry, things will work out for the best and you will finally be together! Think positively and everything will be fine good luck!


                    Originally posted by lunamea View Post

                    I feel for you, my husband and me have been in a similar situation and his brother and his wife are going through the same as you at the moment (only they are already married). All this visa/immigration stuff just sucks big time! It's so expensive and nerve-racking and the officials at the embassy are usually anything but understanding. Then again, I wouldn't want their job either. Even though the process is certainly different in the US than in Austria, I think they're rather looking at your income and whether you can support the both of you than at your age difference. They never asked my husband anything too specific (only general things like "where did you meet?", "how long have you known each other?" etc.)
                    What are your options if it gets denied? Can you get married and then apply for the visa?
                    Good luck! Hope for the best but expect the worst, I'd say.
                    We haven't come up with a firm plan b. I assume that we would marry, and go the IR1 route. The thought of starting over makes me sick.
                    I have been very active on a visa support group, and they all seem to think this will be an easy approval. We are lucky that he is interviewing in Vancouver, Canada, as it is one of the "easier" consulates. I don't make enough to support us, but I have a co-sponsor who makes a few thousand more than she needs to, which is *supposed* to be all thats needed. I feel like we really have done everything we can do, and now we just hope it's enough.


                      Thanks to you all for the luck and good wishes. I do knit, and digital scrapbook, and I've been cleaning more than I have in the past five years. :P In terms of the house, I've decided to just have faith in it, and get things ready for him to move in. So that has kept me busy today.
                      How I wish it was April 30 and all of this was over.


                        it will defiantly be enough, and i do see you two together so try not to worry, i know it will be diffacult but i think you will be approved


                          I'm sure that when they see you talk about each other, they'll know your love is true. I'm sure it's a frightening process, though. I'm thinking good thoughts for you!


                            Good luck! Wish the best for you!! I like the "Hope for the best expect the worst." Works out you're super pumped, doesn't you're not totally disappointed! **crosses fingers** I'm sure it will work out.


                              Garnet... my faith tells me that we get what we put out. IE..we do something bad, it comes back to us. We put out negative energy, we get negative results. I truly believe each of us can change the WORLD by how we manifest our energies day to day. What I am trying to build up and rane both put out as much POSITIVE energy as you can and you will get the result you want. Combine your guys energy with everyone here and on and on.... Odds are defintely in your favor. Be strong and believe... it will come.

