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Okay, I'm scared.

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    I've never been through this situation but I wish you luck, girl. Keep yourself busy :]


      Oh wow.. I have this coming for me in the future. Immigration officers are scary haha ;x.

      I hope all goes well for you. Just try to take it easy and not think about it.. Keep yourself busy.


        Hope everything works out for him good!!


          Originally posted by garnet View Post
          We haven't come up with a firm plan b. I assume that we would marry, and go the IR1 route. The thought of starting over makes me sick.
          I have been very active on a visa support group, and they all seem to think this will be an easy approval. We are lucky that he is interviewing in Vancouver, Canada, as it is one of the "easier" consulates. I don't make enough to support us, but I have a co-sponsor who makes a few thousand more than she needs to, which is *supposed* to be all thats needed. I feel like we really have done everything we can do, and now we just hope it's enough.

          Oh, all that sounds really good! The visa support group is definitely a plus, I wish I'd had that back then. It's also great that you have a co-sponsor! I didn't have one, so I had to stop studying and get a job and hold it. I only got a pay raise after 6 months of work and my husband couldn't apply before then because I didn't earn enough! It was soo frustrating, so I'm glad that you don't have to deal with that. As I said, I don't know the American process, so I can't really say anything about your chances, but to me, it looks pretty good. I just said the "hope for the best, expect the worst" thing because that's usually my motto. Doesn't mean you shouldn't think positively or that you should tell yourself it won't work, but just don't get too excited too soon. My sister-in-law did that and posted all over facebook that my husband's brother will be there soon (just because he got an interview appointment) and now they told him that she doesn't earn enough either and she needs a co-sponsor, yadda, yadda, yadda...


            Thanks guys. Gurl, despite my worries, I think we have both been putting positive energy out there. We are both moving forward as though it IS happening... so we have faith that it will (yet understand it's not for sure).

            I honestly don't think we could have done more to prepare. We both put everything we had into it.

            I've been sort of sitting here staring at the tickers, wishing there was something I could do. We know we have an "easy" consulate. Our age difference shouldn't matter there. My divorce shouldn't matter. This SHOULD be approved. The waiting, omfg. X_x

            I took the day of his medical and the interview off, because really, I'm already losing my mind.

            The immigration process, it wasn't "hard." We didn't need a lawyer, we had no problems. Everything to this point has been smooth sailing. I just, I miss Rane so much, and to know this is it... we either get our happy ending or we are back at square one. That is just about too much to wrap my mind around. No second chances. If we fail, we just lost these months, all our money, and our dreams. Ugh.

