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Not sure what to do...

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    Not sure what to do...

    Okay so I'm just gonna do a quick filler inner for you before I write my post:

    My SO and I had been online buddies for almost two years now. He had always been very flirty and I knew he talked to a lot of girls, so I didn't want to take him seriously at first. He had been saying he wanted to visit me since August 2010, but we were not serious back then at all, and he was with his ex girlfriend until October 2010. We talked a lot, and I guess the point when we both decided to be exclusive would have been in February 2011. Anywho, he held off his visit until July, which was when we finally had his passport and tickets all sorted, after much frustration. He is currently staying with me and will be here until mid-october. I know, I was sceptical about the 3 month stay, being a first meeting and all, but its been wonderful and time is flying fast.

    Sorry I know that was a little long, but back-story is needed here (thanks for staying with me!)

    Now, my problem today is that he's been feeling that I didn't take him seriously until he got here. Part of that is true, because he had money and time to come see me, he was just really chicken or something rather.. idk. But when he finally put on his big boy pants and took the step to see me, I knew he was serious. You know how actions always speak louder than words.

    He had always been really insecure before coming to see me, always accusing me of talking to other guys online saying I had multiple online "boo's" (which wasn't true at all) and then I'd jokingly say that he must have lots of girls too, and he'd deny. Of course everyone has random internet people they talk to on MSN/AIM/FB (I think that's how a lot of these LDR's start out, right?) but he was the only person I spoke to day in, day out. The only person I would confide in.

    Anyway, idk when, but he must have used my laptop a couple of days ago and left his gmail logged in. Something compelled me to check his chats, and there were multiple logs from all these girls I know he is friends with. I know I shouldn't have snooped, but it confirmed everything. He was still in contact with his ex right up until a few weeks before he came to visit me. He met up with her (this I know because he told me and was honest about that, told me they are still friends), but the way he spoke to her in the chats was very loving, saying that he missed her and enjoyed hanging out with her.

    I went back in the history and noticed that the way he talks to all these girls was the way he spoke to me, too. I thought that maybe I was special... but now I realise that it's just the way he is. I don't really know what to make of all this... its kind of sad. Maybe I shouldn't have gone snooping, and should have just stayed ignorant... sometimes I'd rather not know because I can't handle the truth. I'm just really sad/confused right now.

    If this has happened to you or you have some consoling words, I'd love to hear. Thanks for reading.

    You're right, you shouldn't have gone snooping. Snooping can lead to no good. If you admit to it, then he knows you don't trust him. If you don't say anything at all, then it will eat away at you. You have to decide what to do. Whether you want to get to the bottom of it, or by just trusting him and not saying anything.

    I think that he has already admitted to being friends with his ex. So conversations with her is no big deal. I think he has showed a great deal of commitment to you by coming to visit you for 3 months. That's a long time! I, personally, think you should let it go. And never, NEVER, go into his private mail again.


      I know I shouldn't have snooped... I don't know whats wrong with me, I feel like he holds a lot back and doesn't tell me a lot of how he is feeling and I don't know, in my mind I must have rationalised that it was okay because none of it would have ever come out of his mouth so I would never have known. Which I know is completely out of line.

      I just don't know whether I should tell him or just pretend like I don't know. He knows something is wrong but I didn't say anything to him, so he left me and went into is room,


        Yeah I mean you just have to make that decision for yourself. What is more important to you?


          Its really hard when you have insecurities like that to not want to snoop. I know.. I right there with you. The only thing I can say that hasn't already been said is that you create your own dramas by snooping. If he wanted to be with them he would be. You said he had money and a passport so that wasn't an issue... but he chose you. Take security in that fact and try to ease your mind.

          I have easy access to my guys stuff, he leaves everything logged in on his laptop and doesn't hide anything and I STILL have moments when I wonder and have insecurities too. Its tough but you will be doing yourself a big favor by just going with what is in front of you.. HIM.. rather than worrying about what is lurking around the corners.
          Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
          Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
          Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


          You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
          Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

          Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
          Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


            I snoop. Sometimes I think it's the only way you can protect yourself. *shrugs one shoulder* But then, I also know it could happen to me, and that helps keep me in line a little.

            I've found similar disturbing things on Obi's computer. He did try for a long time to fall for someone other than me. And then there were his bed buddies... and somehow, even once we were exclusive, he didn't straight up understand that some things are not going to be ok any more. Gradually (and after some uncomfortableness) these people have dropped out of his life, because the friendships weren't deeply founded or anything. He had to bluntly tell one of them to stop flirting with him or he would cut contact. But, although it was clear that he realised if I knew this stuff would upset me, he didn't really consider it wrong and probably wouldn't have stopped of his own accord.

            The moral of this story is talk to him. Own up to the fact that you looked through his shit, and tell him that it makes you feel less special - kind of the same as he feels you didn't take him seriously. Maybe tell him this is kind of the thing you were afraid of and that it does make it hard to take him seriously... or something. Just open up, be honest, and don't shy away when the conversation gets awkward. You can work through this. Maybe once the hurt dies down this can actually bring you closer.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Okay I told him and apologised to him what what I did and that I wouldn't again.. he's not angry that I snooped but he's asking me where were the instances where he was flirting and what not... I told him I didn't take notes. He says he doesn't know what I'm on about. I feel like he's not owning up.


                He's probably just clueless. Sometimes they don't realise they do it.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Is it possible you were reading more into the messages than what was really being said? It's easy when reading through a cloud of emotion to read far more into an "i miss you" than is really there. I miss several of my male friends.. they were good friends, some were more than friends.. but that's all I mean. I miss talking to them and laughing with them. I do not want to be with them again in that way. Heck I even miss my ex sometimes for the things we shared.. but I definitely do NOT want to go back there either.

                  My guy has several girls that he went to school with and still talks to on and off. He does "miss" hanging out with them and laughing like they used to, but as far as anything further no. Granted our age difference is one big insecurity of mine and when he starts talking to friends his age I definitely feel the pressure. I can't compete with a 27 year old physically... but I have his heart and he chose to be with me and not them. That speaks volumes.

                  FWIW I agree with Zephii here. They really are clueless (sorry guys) and what we read as being flirty to them may just be having a laugh or being nice to someone. It was a really cruel twist of fate to make men and women SO different in so many respects. I'm sure the higher powers have a good laugh over that sometimes. Personally I think they owe all us girls margaritas for having to sort thru the guy stuff to make sense of things
                  Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                  Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                  Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                  You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                  Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                  Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                  Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                    He's probably just clueless. Sometimes they don't realise they do it.
                    lol thats funny, what i think though is us girls are more sensitive. We tend to read into things alot more. What a guy might find as just being nice and comforting a friend we will take it as hes being to friendly and attracted to her or likes her more then he should or something. My advice would be to relax. Which I know is hard. Im sure if i went through my SO's conversations i could fine things to be upset about because he is friendly, but in the end its about trust. Plus your SO is being open and honest with you and doesn't look like he has anything to hide. Communication is key so its good you guys talked about it, continue to be open and talk thing through, best of luck!

                    ---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------

                    He's probably just clueless. Sometimes they don't realise they do it.
                    lol thats funny, what i think though is us girls are more sensitive. We tend to read into things alot more. What a guy might find as just being nice and comforting a friend we will take it as hes being to friendly and attracted to her or likes her more then he should or something. My advice would be to relax. Which I know is hard. Im sure if i went through my SO's conversations i could fine things to be upset about because he is friendly, but in the end its about trust. Plus your SO is being open and honest with you and doesn't look like he has anything to hide. Communication is key so its good you guys talked about it, continue to be open and talk thing through, best of luck!
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      I do not advocate for snooping, but I must say that sometimes that really helps to open your eyes up on what the person really does and who he really is. Not to mention you may find out a bunch of lies.
                      I was in a similar situation and like someone said, it was eating me up for months. It finally came out anyways when the situation got really screwy on his part and i HAD TO speak up and tell him that i know everything. It did not end well at all and now even if i wanted to snoop i couldn't - everything has passwords and he is very careful.
                      What I have learned from my situation was that i WISH i spoke up right then and there, that I wish i put boundaries right then and there and let him know that if he wants to be with me, things like that are NOT ok. I am sure he would not be happy if the situation was the other way around. I wish i told him then and I wish i let him know right then that he has two choices: leave or shape up and prove that he really loves me. I did not do it. And had to suffer for many months. Now the relationship is full of distrust. We are working on it but it is terribly hard.
                      I wish you luck and hope you make a decision that you will not regret later


                        I think it's a good sign that he asked for info about what was flirting/not flirting. And good for you for owning up to it. Talk it out with him and let him know what felt like flirting etc. to you. If you were a geographically close couple, you would have had this convo already, only it would have been about real life interactions, like the stereotypical SO ogling a good-looking somebody who isn't you.
                        17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.


                          I'm going to have to be the one that comes in and isn't so nice and understanding about the situation.

                          BUT, it's only because I've gone through something similar and it turned out that he was cheating and some of the things that you said are just simply red flags in my book.

                          When someone is accusing you of having other "boos" as he put it, 1. it's a sign he's insecure and 2. if he has accused you of this multiple times then that's what he believes. If he believed you didn't or took your word for it when you said you didn't, he would drop the subject not keep bringing it up and bringing it up. If he doesn't believe he's the only one then I'm sure he's going to act out accordingly. If you don't believe someone is being loyal to you, then why would you be loyal to them? And I think any talking he did with women online in the same manner that he talked to you was because he thought you were doing the same with other guys.

                          He accused you of not taking him seriously, but I don't think he took you too seriously either since he didn't come and see you until now though he had as you said, the money and time.

                          But I don't think any of these things are that serious. I think things are probably more real to the both of you now because you've met, but I would definitely go over with him any conduct that you find inappropriate or will not tolerate in your relationship.

                          I agree with you too when he said he didn't know what you meant that he wasn't owning up to it. Sure, there's the possibility that he didn't know what you meant, but if it was a rather obvious thing, I'm sure he did. But I would've just called his bluff on that and told him if he didn't really know we could just go over his chats together and you could point out what's bothering you.

                          I'm no advocate of snooping, but I honestly and truly believe if your partner isn't doing anything they shouldn't be then there should be nothing for you to find to be upset about. If you do find something you are upset about, isn't it better to know than to go on in the dark?


                            Mara, you're right when you say he is insecure. He gets jealous very easily and he told me he feels like I'm too good for him and is worried about losing me to someone else.

                            After my last post he tried to talk to me about it but I really wasn't in the mood and wanted to be left alone, but he wouldn't leave me for a while, then he got upset too and went to bed without saying goodnight. We both have slept on it. I had a terrible sleep.. it took me over an hour to doze off and my dreams were not that great D:

                            We haven't spoken this morning yet properly, he woke up and then went back to sleep. He has a photography job who was meant to call him back to get it done, but they haven't, and we cancelled our plans to go to the zoo for this gig. And its such a nice day today.

                            Anyway... lol. wish me luck.. I think I will talk to him about what I see as inappropriate so he knows for the future. Thanks guys.


                              just talk about him with it since he knows you went through his email. sit him down and talk about it. communication is key. snooping is wrong but you had a feeling and you went with it. I gave my girlfriend the password to my phone, email, AIM, Tumblr, etc., because I wanted to show her that she can trust me. Maybe you two can do something like that? being completely open with one another is important, his bones are rattling and you two should give them a proper burial.

                              but the person who commented it right. he had the opportunity to pick her and he chose you. take comfort <3

