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    My SO lets me go through his phone, he says he has nothing to hide. And then i found out in his texts how, a bit less than a year ago, he kept hanging out with a girl he had kissed (we weren't official then, but it still really hurt when he told me he kissed another girl). He had told me when they kissed, but he never told me that they kept seeing each other (no physical contact involved) for three weeks. The texts were flirty and i found out she had stayed a night at his place because she didn't want to be home alone (grr lame excuse), they had gone out to sushi together, and they would do p90x at his house.
    I was really hurt, because i trusted him, and because that happened just a month before my visit, when he would tell me i was the one and that he loved me, and that we'd make the distance work.
    I know how it feels when you don't feel special anymore.
    Talk about it with him, it helped me to talk things out, and to get a sincere apology.
    Best of luck xx

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      Joyce, thats kind of what it was like with him... the messages were from just 3 weeks before he visited me, and we had been exclusive since february.


        Ok ok ok ok ok ladies and gents. This is the SO... lol Im here to explain to you guys that the only reason im insecuree yo is because im im not some sexy emo boy zapookie is fucking gorgoeus beyond belief and sometimes i just dont feel like im sexy enough for her ( when shes obsessed with this dude and hoties like <wiener here lol ... idk i just get jelly. gosh... you guys are super ontop of it with your answers everybody except mara haha.


          Every girl has crushes on actors, just like every guys has crushes on hot girls. It's a way of life and something wired into our brains. However, that doesn't mean we don't love our SOs the way we should. So what if there is a hot dude on TV. That's why he's getting paid to act. You don't need to be a really handsome guy for us to love you and want to be with you, because obviously we have looked past that for a reason. Most people in an LDR fall in love with a person for their personality long before looks. I personally don't care what my SO looks like, he's the one for me. That said, in my eyes he's the hottest guy ever, I don't want no one else. That said, I'll still get goo goo over Johnny up there or the guys from Stargate lol. I don't love them and I would never compare my SO to them. Why? Because those kinds of people play fake people. They aren't real. They are just a face. An SO however, is more than just a face.

