I'm not in a relationship but I have an online romance going on. Haven't met him yet; going to Canada next month to see him. At this point if I wasn't going there yeah I'd walk away pretty soon and after we meet I still don't know if I want a relationship. Might just have a fling with him and call it a day :P
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Would you?
No...cannot do that...would not do that...we have now made the ultimate commitment to eachother and it's going to be hard but we are going to get through it" Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"
Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011
When we were long distance I will admit that there were a few times when I wondered if I could do it. But honestly, the actual consideration of it never got passed that, because I realized that it was stupid, I would either be broken up with him, and just waiting for him to return so that I could be with him again, or I could at least enjoy the little time that I spent with him on skype and on the internet and still just wait for him to return. Honestly, he is the guy for me, and the thought of being with someone else is beyond my realm of cognition, so I thought that even though it sucked being away from him, that it would be entirely pointless to not be with him.
I did, once. Stupid mistake on my part. It took him a long time to convince me to trust him enough to be in an LDR together, that it could work. He really liked me, and I really liked him, although I wouldn't admit it at first (we've never met in person, so the whole LDR/online dating thing scare me). I finally admitted it and decided to give it a chance (that was the end of last year), but after a month or two I broke down and told him I couldn't do it. I know I hurt him, but I just didn't feel I could handle it. After I did that though, we stayed close friends, and I really started to realize what I was missing out on. Things just felt.... different, than when we'd been just friends previously, and I realized it was even worse that way. It got to the point I'd cry anytime it got brought up, because I felt so stupid for breaking up with him, because I didn't want to live without him, but he was hurt, so it took him some time to trust me again enough to give it another try.
He finally asked me back out one day, and I said yes, no questions asked, and that was one of the happiest days of my life (and there have been many since then). Yes, it gets hard; Yes, I would rather be with him in person, but we can't do that right now, and we understand that. We're working on it though, finding a way to be together. I know I still have my days where I feel like I can't do it anymore, but when I think about being without him, I would be broken without him at this point. He's my best friend, yes, but he's also my first and only love, and I just couldn't imagine living another day without knowing he's mine, no matter how far away he is.You never forget your first love...
Never in a million years. I know it's tough now (and I'm really struggling now because we're about to resume distance again tomorrow) but I know he's going to school where he is because it's the best school for him and he's building a future for us one day. This is only temporary, though it will total about 6 or 7 years total LD, but we've gotten through 1 year already so that's only 5 or 6 more. I'm so in love with my boyfriend and he is the most important person to me so I would never ever give up because I love him that much. I told him I'd only ever do LD for him, and he was so honored. We're perfect for each other, and we both know we can be strong and get through this. One day, when we're living CD forever, all of this distance will just be a memory and will really strengthen our relationship in the end. This has to be a blessing in disguise.
Yes, I would. This is not a situation I'm willing to be in indefinitely. If we can't close the distance before too much time has passed I'll be forced to move on. My boyfriend is special and so is our relationship which is why we are willing to endure this in the first place, but this is a temporary situation, not a long term one.
As adults there's really very little reason why we wouldn't be able to close the distance within a reasonable period of time.
Nup. Technically, only if to be CD with him, but between the way wefeel about eachother, the romantic flair of this, and my awkwardess irl, no. I couldn't give my sweetheart up if I had to. Not at this point. (I'm a little bit proud of this considering it's taking me one of the longer amounts of time even for a first meeting, from what I've seen)