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How can i deal with Jealousy?

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    How can i deal with Jealousy?

    I've been with my Boyfriend for 1 year and 1 month now. Recently, though.. I've been getting paranoid, and jealous. For no reason, it's not like hes ever done anything to make me think that hes cheating on me. It's not like he really goes out much at all, but when he does.. I get sooo jealous and i start thinking stuff.

    He starts adding people (girls) on Facebook and stuff. I mean, we do have eachother as in a relationship, and he doesnt really comment on anyone stuff. It just irks me sooo much. Especially because when i went to a rave he got so mad at me for talking to "strangers" and adding guys on facebook.

    I don't want my jealousy to start messing up our relationship.

    Well, do you really know the girls he has on his Facebook are "strangers?" Maybe they're co-workers or fellow classmates. Not one of those things you know unless you come out and ask. :\

    I had worries like this as well. There were really only two things that solved them:

    1 - My boyfriend coming out and telling me that I was the only one he wanted.
    2 - Trusting that he loved me enough that he was willing to wait through the distance to be with me and not pick up the first girl he met where he lived.

    If it bothers you enough, perhaps ask about how he knows the girls. Otherwise, since you've never had any worries about him cheating; I wouldn't let it bother you. :3


      I would say just talk to your SO. Jealousy is really common for us girls lol, and i think a bit more in a LDR. I know I get jealous at times, many times, and i've been paranoid in the past and what always made me feel better and at ease is just letting it all out and telling my SO my worries. As far as FB friends, just ask him, my SO has alot of friends on there but I know that im his only girl, so it doesn't bother me... even when my mom or sister make comments and say things about his female friends. I know he doesn't have romantic feelings. But if i do have any issues or worries or feel paranoid its hard but i bring it up and tell him and he always reassures me, and sometimes that's all you need to feel better is that reassurance. That and you just need to trust your SO.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        Well yesterday he went to a party and told me that he was talking to some girl that was a exchange student from mexico, and when i went to post him a link on his page i noticed he had two new people added. one of which was that girl he met at the party. I mean i already talked to him about it and he said that he only has eyes for me, but idk why i get so insecure and paranoid lately.


          I'm a guy who used to get jealous frequently, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I guess what helped me get over it for the most part is remembering that I have given my girlfriend an incredible amount of trust already. She knows things I never dared tell anyone else. She has so much power over me, but yet I still allow her to keep it. Every day I am with her I am trusting her with more than just who she is talking to and such. I'm trusting her with my heart and its condition. If she has not hurt me yet, and believe that she never will, then it is not worth the time or effort to be jealous. At the end of the day, she loves me. No matter who she talks to or sees, I am the one she wants to be with, and in return she has trusted me. If you feel like you and your boyfriend give each other the same amount of trust, then jealousy should melt away. In the end worrying about jealousy can only harm a relationship and, if you and your partner are truly meant to be, is misplaced 100% of the time.

          I hope you can overcome your jealousy.


            The only thing I get jealous about with my SO is the fact his friends are able to hang out with him and I never can haha. I'm not really the jealous type, because I know that my SO loves me and I believe him enough to know he would never to do anything to hurt me, and the same fact can be said about me. I could never bring myself to do anything that would hurt him. What I would recommend you do is that you talk to your boyfriend, tell him gently how you feel and understand that there isn't really anything to be jealous about If your SO truly loves you, which by the sound of things he does, then there is absolutely nothing to fear.


              us girls get jealous- a lot! lol early in my relationship I was very jealous over girls my bf was friends with on fb. turns out I was right about their motives and he dropped them (long story). I've learned that unless your bf gives you a reason to be jealous then try not to be.


                Dont worry I think alot of people are jealous at first. After a while you will realise that majority of the time its nothing to worry about. But if there is something that concerns you or makes you jealous talk to them about it but dont "attack" them or "convict" them of something because there is probably a simple reason. Hope that makes sense

