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Things just aren't making sense :(

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    Things just aren't making sense :(

    So me and my SO have been talking since December and things have been great between us. However, at the start of August, we had this argument about not seeing each other and dating in general. After this argument, we haven't spoken since. It has been three weeks!! I have tried talking to her on this app we use, and I've gotten no response.

    However, things are becoming very weird. I've tried emailing her and still no answer. So today, I got the nerve and just texted her phone. I got a response saying it was her brother and that she no longer has a phone and moved to Germany and is now living with her uncle. This does not make sense to me, she never once said that and she told me her brother is at marines training til October. Was it just some stranger?

    I love this girl, and yes I have visited her in person. I don't understand what is going on with her. Should I just move on? What should I do? I'm hoping you guys can help me, I really need other peoples opinions.

    You haven't spoken in three weeks, and then this?

    Honestly, it sounds like you're either being played and/or she is no longer interested. Three weeks is a longgg time to not talk to someone you supposedly want to be with. If she would do this about a simple argument, I can only imagine how she handles other life problems. I would simply consider yourself to have dodged a bullet and move on with your life. You deserve way better than that.


      This may not be what you want to hear...but if you ask me it sounds like she is no longer interested and wants to move on..Alot of excuses sounds like and no one deserves that. She should at least have the common decency to talk to you about it. Well best of luck either way!
      " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
      Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

      Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


        I have to agree with the others. I don't think she's interested anymore and sounds like she took the cowardly way out by not telling you. good luck and I hope you find a girl who's worthy of your love.


          I can honestly tell you from first hand experience if her brother is in training till October with the Marines, there is absolutely no chance that it was him. My brother also was in training with the Marines about 4 years ago, and cell phones is definitely top on that list of things they aren't even suppose to pack, let alone have use of.

          It may hurt to say this, but the others are probably right. She has probably lost interest, and may even be playing you with the whole story of Germany. It's an immature, and hurtful way to treat someone, so they're right. You did dodge a bullet. If she is going to treat someone she was suppose to care about like that, then I can only imagine how she could handle important situation, or how she would be treating anyone else.

          Take this as an opportunity to find someone who will love you for who you are, don't dwell on somebody who would intentionally hurt you like that.

          Best of luck.


            Thanks for the responses everyone. I have talked to her since I started the thread. She is actually in Germany on some exchange (I saw on webcam). However, I did end it. I didn't care that she went there for schooling, its the fact that she left in the middle of the night and hadn't tried to contact me and after 8 months, didn't treat me like anything special. I did tell her I love her, but what she did truly hurt

            Anyways, best of luck to everyone in their ldr. I hope all of you end up happy together, don't let the distance ruin what you have

            Regards, Scott from Canada, aka Rosser


              You did the right thing. I did an exchange, and believe me, planning one takes more than three weeks, so she knew already about it, she knew about it when you were together, and you deserve someone who is always honest with you.
              Scott, I hope you'll find someone who deserves your love.

              Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                You did the right thing. I did an exchange, and believe me, planning one takes more than three weeks, so she knew already about it, she knew about it when you were together, and you deserve someone who is always honest with you.
                Scott, I hope you'll find someone who deserves your love.

                Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                  Thanks joyce, and you are absolutely right. I know I deserve better but she was my first love, I guess I just didn't mean that much to her. Oh well I guess.


                    Im sure it hurt doing it but from whats been said youve done the right thing. Stay Strong


                      I think you should go see her, dashing and romantic, and try to win her back. find out where she really is. Find out her family and friends' info. Maybe they know where she is.

                      I hope she is not being cowardly, and is merely hurt instead. I hope she is not another Francesco. If she is, then be prepared to let her know you will NOT be ignored or lied to. I dont' believe you, the (possible) victim of this, BTW, should have to just suck it up and forget it. A relationship is a promise, and she promised herself to you, or at least didn't have the honesty and courage to tell you why.

                      Just remember. NOthing hurts worse than not knowing, than "just leaving it be"- forget all the modern hooey about "moving on" and all that jizz. Dump her or not, you have a right to at least get some resolve for your feelings by seeing or talking to her.

                      I'm going to do that with Francesco.

                      ---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

                      Oh, sorry, didn't read all the posts. :P

                      ---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

                      I think yuo must have meant something to her if she talked to you for that long, even if she forgot it, or doesn't want to admit it. But good for you on breaking up with that liar!

