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We're done... and I'm ok with it.

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    Originally posted by Tigertray24 View Post

    P.S. I also agree that it's ridiculous to see my boyfriend only once a week. I dated a guy a while back that was a workaholic and just couldn't make more space for me in his life. If it's such a pain designating a certain amount of time for your girlfriend, why did you bother courting me in the first place?
    That's exactly how I feel. Right now, I just feel like the whole thing was a waste of my time. There's a really great guy who I had a few classes with two semesters ago, and he's liked me, tried taking me on dates etc. and I turned him down for someone who I shouldn't have. I'm trying to re-kindle that, and maybe see where it goes, but I just feel like this whole thing could have been solved had Andrew just stopped dragging me along for the time that he did. I also feel like I lost my best friend. If any of you know the history of me and Andrew, you'd understand this, but for those who don't, we were best friends long before we dated, partially the reason why I turned him down at first was because I was afraid of this day, when he and I wouldn't even be able to be friends... that's the part that sucks about all of this.

    I want to thank everyone, and also, I do wish to stay on the forum, however, as much as I realize this is a good thing, it still hurts, and this website was such a big part of getting me through the relationship, it's hard to separate that from him. I wish that it wasn't the case, all of you are such wonderful people, but it's a sad reminder to me, or at least as of right now while everything is still so fresh.



      This must be the first break-up post I've ever read that actually made me feel happy! I'm glad you did the right thing for YOU. The right person for you is out there

