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Seeing each other for a weekend?

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    Seeing each other for a weekend?

    My boyfriend and I usually see each other every six months and the next trip will be this winter (probably January). We both work and I'm in school so money is a little tight. We're trying to save and he would like to move here in January, but that is still a HUGE maybe.

    Lately, we've been kind of frustrated with the distance. Him more so than myself. He's been really frustrated that we don't feel close at the moment and he misses me. As I was thinking about our recent issue this morning, I wondered if maybe we should plan to see each other for a weekend. It's about $350 for him to come visit for four days. I would most likely be the one paying for everything since he has very little money.

    I feel stuck. I want to do a small trip like this so we can see each other and be reminded of what we're waiting for, but at the same time I know saving money is important right now. Any advice? What are your experiences with this kind of thing?

    I do plan on bringing it up to him when he gets home from work...

    My SO and I only do weekend trips. I assume given the cost that you have a pretty decent amount of distance between you. I would talk to him about it and get his opinion. My Chris and I do that all the time when making decisions. We sit down (in front of our computers of course) and discuss all the pros and cons of it. Then, we decide together what we want to do. It hasn't failed us yet.


      Initially our goal was to save up as much as we could to close the distance asap. But after I got a full time job I ended up earning more than we were expecting and realised we could afford 2000 dollars for a visit and went ahead with it.

      I would suggest drawing out a budget of how much each of you are intending to have before you closed the distance and calculate how far behind spending the money on the visit would put you from your goal. Then decide together if it is worth that money or if closing the distance is more important/urgent.


        I think if you can afford it without spreading yourself really thin, then you should consider it. I have never regretted a single dollar spent seeing my SO. It was all worth it. When we were LD, we usually spend a few hundred a month just so we could see each other monthly.


          Build a budget and discuss it. Communication and money management are essential components of a marriage in any case, so take this opportunity to start building on them.

