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Attraction Growing with Time?

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    Attraction Growing with Time?

    has anyone been in an LDR where you're attraction to the person has grown over time?

    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      To an extent. Like, I thought my SO was kinda cute when I first met him, but nothing special (sorry hun!); no offense to him, he just wasn't my "usual type". But I think due to our relationship growing, and also us growing up (we've been friends for almost 4 years now), I've definitely become much more attracted to him now.
      You never forget your first love...


        Originally posted by heylittlekrissy View Post
        To an extent. Like, I thought my SO was kinda cute when I first met him, but nothing special (sorry hun!); no offense to him, he just wasn't my "usual type". But I think due to our relationship growing, and also us growing up (we've been friends for almost 4 years now), I've definitely become much more attracted to him now.
        totally agree with this!


          Absolutely! My guy gets cuter everyday I'm more attracted to him with every visit.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein




              Well we didn't star as an LDR, We were CDR all the time, actually we have less than a month being in a long distant situation. But I feel the same as all the people that comented here, on the begining he was just cute for me, but cutter every day and for me he is even super sexy


                Absolutely yes here.


                  Am I the only one who doesn't get the question?

                  What's the alternative? Attracting becoming less with time? Attraction not changing?

                  How can attraction to your SO not grow over time? I was attracted to my boyfriend from the first second I saw him, but the more I got to know him and realized that he's not only incredibly handsome but also smart, reasonable, with a sense of humour (..the list goes on, but I'm not going to bore you) I became attracted to him a lot more.
                  I don't see how it could be any other way? I wouldn't be with my boyfriend if my attraction to him became less with time...

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.




                      Yes of course. I think it's natural, as you get to know each other better, you find more things to be attracted to. We're aware of each other's flaws now more than before, but they don't change anything in the grand picture, in fact now we are more in love each other than in the beginning.

                      But you need to have enough chemistry to begin with. Hoping that someone who's not that into you might become with time usually just results in heartache and a waste of time.

                      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                        Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                        Am I the only one who doesn't get the question?

                        What's the alternative? Attracting becoming less with time? Attraction not changing?

                        How can attraction to your SO not grow over time? I was attracted to my boyfriend from the first second I saw him, but the more I got to know him and realized that he's not only incredibly handsome but also smart, reasonable, with a sense of humour (..the list goes on, but I'm not going to bore you) I became attracted to him a lot more.
                        I don't see how it could be any other way? I wouldn't be with my boyfriend if my attraction to him became less with time...

                        I completely agree with you. And I couldn't have worded it better myself haha


                          Even though I was really in love with my ex, I was NEVER truly attracted to him sexually. I think that was a big reason we broke up after 4 years. Well, that and many many other reasons. But that was definitely a big factor.

                          With my current interest... never met him in person... but the moment I first saw his photo, the entire earth dropped around me and my insides melted. Well kinda. Instantly, completely overwhelmingly attracted :P I can't wait to meet him...


                            yes <3
                            "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

                            Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
                            Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


                              I felt very attracted to him the first day I met my SO and as the days have gone by that attraction grew. So, yes.

