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Sometimes needs support Anyone care to help sometimes?

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    Sometimes needs support Anyone care to help sometimes?

    My Boyfriend and i have been dating officially for a year and two months in less than an hour. I love him so much and he loves me the same way. However, we used to chat twenty four seven whether it would be through Skype or through texts or even aim. However, we both went off on our different paths for college, me Bowling Green and he Boston College. The distance has been tough for me as we have been thirteen and a half hours away. I am not highly used to talking to him less frequently and sometimes feel abandoned. But i know we will be forever together. Any suggestions for coping with the feeling of not being able to talk as much? Any one want to be friends on here since I"m new? Just a little shootout or hello will definitely make my day anyway


    Hey, welcome to the forums.

    The single most important thing i remember when my SO and i have a dip in communication for whatever reason is .. he may not be able to talk to me but he's is always thinking of me and he's always loving me.

    We're a super friendly forum and you'll get all the support and advice you need here.
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance



      I feel the exact same way at times. It's hard when there are those dips in conversations. Do you send any Facebook messages or emails at all? I find those help me a lot. There's usually a 14-hour time difference between me and my SO, so there are some days when there just isn't an opportune time to call or Skype. But it means a lot to wake up in the morning to a Facebook message saying why he couldn't/didn't call and that he loves me. Just the simple things strung together make up for some of the harder times.


        Welcome to the Forum!

        Time difference seem to be the hardest obstacle for a lot of LDRs just because they screw up communication. I agree with SnowAnd38Below, email and Facebook can be life-savers. Also, are there any good times when you two can talk to each other? Find maybe a couple of small time frames that work... and then try to stick to around those times. When he's walking to his next class, is it your lunch break? Right before bed, is it right after dinner for him? Things like that.
        Every long lost dream led me to where you are
        Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
        Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
        This much I know is true...
        That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

        |First Met: 02/28/14|Exchanged Numbers: 03/07/14|First Date: 03/14/14|First Kiss: 03/21/14 |Became a couple: 04/05/14|


          Welcome to the forums!

          There's a number of things you can do to try and make things better. Ask him if he could text you in between lessons, when he gets breaks and at lunch. Work out the best times for you both, when you can talk. Email each other, as the others have suggested They can be of great help when talking times are strained.

          If you want to chat anytime, just message me


            I'm definitely in the same boat you are- my SO and I go to universities 15hours apart... I also don't get to talk to him as much as I'd like too-he's usually busier than I am so I have a whole lot free time that I spend wishing we could talk. And honestly, I don't really have advice to give (aside from the whole get involved on campus stuff that everyone says lol), I just thought you might appreciate hearing from someone who's going through the exact same thing But the emailing idea that people have suggested sounds really good! If you ever want to talk, just message me


              I'm in the same boat. My boyfriend recently changed jobs and our time we spend talking to each other has been cut in half. I always encourage him to go out and hang out with his friends and I don't want to take that away from him and he makes time for me without a double, but I feel so alone and abandoned sometimes. I'm trying so hard to stay strong for both of us and this relationship and it's almost impossible sometimes. I find myself crying all the time and I just want his comfort.

              On top of it all, he's moving in a week, into a new apartment complex with friends he's made from work. Of course I want him to make new friends but I just see this taking away more of our time together because they are going to want to hang out. How is he going to balance new friends with old friends and then me? I just don't know.

              I try to keep myself busy but it's hard, I love him and I want to stick this out with him and support him so I don't make him feel guilty about the whole thing but it's tearing me apart.


                Thank You everyone for the WONDERFUL responses These things after getting back from my kinda busy teaching schedule just made me smile! Anyways yeah there are good times when I can talk to him but usually he is out making friends during these times in which i question him and ask I give up time in my schedule for you sand you're telling me you can't just set aside a teensy bit for me? We went from like 24 7 to half an hour a day? Doesn't really make sense....BUT WE ARE TRYING TO SKYPE DATE TODAY!!and Sierra I feel the same way as you do EXACTLY!!! If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here That goes for anyone


                  Can i just build off of this now? Today was our 14th months and yes i know he is in college and he has stuff to do but when i ask for a couple of texts on our special day he yells at me and turns his phone off... is something wrong?

