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    So, tonight I discovered something. My internet here is crap. So crap that we can't voice chat. I can't phone him either, that's way too expensive. So, I want to learn how to make videos. My phone has awesome 720p capture, no worries there.... but, what do I say?
    I've never done anything like this before.
    I'm sure he'll love it... but.. I don't even know where to start.

    I know Booglebee and NaNi have done plenty of videos, and others here probably do too... So.. where do I start?

    We still have texting and msn, so it doesn't need to be a video letter, but I dont want to be stuck with "I love you, I miss you" either.


    I feel like I'm totally branching out here!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

    Do you guys like to send letters or gifts in the mail? I know this might sound silly but I think it's really cute that when you get something in the mail from him, record it! I know that I absolutely love hearing about when my guy gets packages from me since I always packs lots of little things and I like to hear how he reacts to each part of the gift. I think recording it, if you guys do the same, would be a really nice way to show your appreciation and I bet you'd like seeing the look on his face when he gets something from you too Or if you like to read poetry or short stories you could always read those over cam if you don't feel like just blabbering on about something fun or that reminded you of him during your day.


      That's an awesome idea Rosebud. Right now we're too poor to be sending gifts, but I like this idea. I'm sure I can apply it to something else
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I just start talking, I usually just say "hey, miss you just thought i would make a video letting you know how i feel...." then go on from there. Or if I have something to show him, like i would make quick vids showing him my outfits lol, just do the video without thinking, and then watch it. And see it how it sounds, you can always redo it. My So did a sweet long 10 minute video. He told me that he had no idea what to say or talk about but he knows i hadn't heard his voice in awhile and that i love it, so he was going to try to talk as long as he could. It was so sweet he just told me about his day, and about work and him stripping paint off his scooter. lol and was cute at one part i couldn't understand well cause he was by the road and it was windy and every time a car passed by. But i loved it, and him just telling me he loves me. It really made my whole day. So i think it doesn't matter to much what you say or how you say it. Just him being able to hear your voice would be sweet. Say what's on your mind, and don't over think it.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          I've only sent one video, it was when the sky had turned black and the lightening was super loud so I got out my camera and started talking about it. Maybe find something you want to show him or talk about, start off with that and then perhaps the rest will just come naturally.


            Zephii, do either of you have landline phones? I phone Canada every other day with a phone card, it's like $10 for several hours worth of calls, and over there he buys one which is only $2.50 for roughly the same amount of time too. You can use them to call FROM a cellphone, but they only give you like 10 minutes if you're calling TO a cellphone


              I sent my SO a video as his christmas present, and at the time, we'd only been together a month or so. I was really nervous, but I basically just told him how much I cared for him, I cracked a few jokes and told him I missed him. Second time I sent him a video, this time as a birthday present, I sang happy birthday to him and I was laughing really loudly. The last time I sent him a video, that I can recall, I was on holiday and we couldn't Skype at all, so I sent him a video telling him what I'd been up to, what it was like where I was staying, things that had happened, funny things, the differences between where I was staying and where I lived, the fact I'd got him a present but I wasn't going to show him what it was ( and so on. Perhaps just telling him what you've been up to, what you've been doing, what you have plans to do over the next few weeks etc might be enough Good luck!

