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Our First Meeting

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    Our First Meeting

    In just 13 days I will get to meet my SO for the first time! Super excited to say the least. I wanted to ask all of you who have been here and done this already for any advice you might have? I'm kind of nervous that we will have some awkward moments at first as we aren't use to being around one another. He will only be here a few days so I don't want to lost time to awkwardness. I feel like we will feel the need to fill every moment with talking and I want to be able to just enjoy being together talking or not, but it's weird to go from the phone or skype where well we just talk to just being together and not having to fill each moment with words. Not that I don't want to talk to him I want to talk about stuff, but we do that on the phone already. I want to be able to just enjoy being with one another but not have it be weird. I also really want to just run to him and give him a huge hug when he walks off the plane, but I don't want him to be like "whoa we just met in person what are you doing?" But we have been talking since January and I feel like I already know him, even if we haven't met face to face yt. I guess I just wanted to know what you guys did and any advice for all of that.

    That is awsome!!!! Good luck and enjoy his visit!!!!!


      You'll be shocked at how easy it will go. There will probably be awkwardness for a few minutes, but it will pass. Even though it's your first meeting, you'll feel like you've known him forever. As far as hugging him right away, go with what feels right, but he might want to hug you just as much as you want to hug him.

      Enjoy yourself!


        Hi! That's so exciting!! Meeting my SO for the first time was pretty much one of the best moments of my life.. seriously it was awesome! Though I was so nervous and excited before hand. One thing maybe you could do to ease some of the worries is to talk to you SO before your trip, though I don't know how feasible it is with your schedules but if you could ask him what he'd think about whether you could give him a hug right away and if he'd feel awkward about it, then I think it would take a lot of the pressure off. Then if he would feel awkward, don't worry, I'm sure you'll warm up quickly enough when you meet him. Otherwise my advice is just to relax and let the excitement take over and enjoy every minute of time with your SO. If your experience is anything like mine, when you see your SO for the first time, you'll be a bit shocked because he'll look more real and "3D" but then you'll walk towards each other and hug and the whole time will feel like your dreaming.. a very good dream. But I'm not sure how you're experience will be. Just enjoy it and relax and if you can, talk to your SO before your trip about how you both are feeling and what you want to do together and I'm sure you both will have a great time!


          Ah so excited for you! First time meeting is just so wonderful, that "Finally!" moment. My advice is to just enjoy it. I had alot of worries like you did, and then when I saw him, all those worries were so silly, and unnecisary. When I saw him, I just went to him, and we hugged and there was no shyness at all. (lil self concious with mom there...) but it felt right. So no worries. Meeting my SO for the first time, him being my first everything, I was so nervous before that things were going to go slow and i'd be shy and maybe a bit awkward. But it went great, and im sure it will go great for you two too. So have a great time! congrats!
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            Ooo, that's great! Good luck for you two!

            I'm not sure I have any advices or tips to give, but I was super nervous when we met first time. It was just a date at a restaurant because I was on a fun trip with my friend in Scotland, so I popped in to Glasgow to see my SO. The trip started with my flight being delayed - we were meant to see in Edinburgh but we didn't, because I was so late, and she was angry because she thought I had dumped her. She hadn't got my text messages and I wasn't able to call her. It was the first time my phone stopped working. Anyways, we got that sorted out and when we finally met in Glasgow I was really fed up with all the unfortunate happenings that had come between us that I kind of went with the attitude "this is gonna go to hell". At the end of the day I returned to Edinburgh giggling and getting weird glances from the other passangers from the train.

            Just try to relax about it and don't worry too much over awkward moments. They'll come or they won't come, but even if they do, you'll surely get over them. Be yourself. For me it helped to list all the things I was worried over to my SO, and she had first thought that I'm not nervous at all. For real I was the one being more nervous over it, because she ended up being very laid back when we met.
            "Everyone smiles in the same language."


              Awwww happy for you sweety!

              First of all don't worry too much. Because most of people in here will get the anxious feeling for their first time meeting. But the thing is 1/3 of thousand things that we worried about wont happen at all!

              Try to enjoy your self as much as you can. Made more memories with him, and just let it flow...


                It most likely will be awkward, but you just have to go with it. Me and my SO established that is was definitely going to be awkward, but by the end of the first day seeing each other we were a lot more comfortable. It didn't help that the moment I drove out of the airport (right past the parking pay booths) I HAD A FREAKING FLAT TIRE, so we had something to joke about all day.
                Events that happen while your together will start building up, and soon you'll have A LOT to talk about with no worries. I hope everything goes well for you!! I'm a little jealous!


                  I'm so excited for you! I met my boyfriend for the first time this past July and it was more amazing than I ever imagined. I thought I would be super awkward when I met him, but as soon as he came around the corner, all my nervousness went away and it was like I had known him forever. We hugged each other really tight and I kept pulling back to look at him thinking omg this is really him =) I think I kept saying "omg I love you" over and over again haha. It was the best feeling in the whole world =) He even kissed my cheek while we waited at the baggage claim and I didnt even get nervous then. I was just so happy to finally be together after so long =) Cherish every moment you have with them and take lots of pictures so you can look back on all the great memories =) Also take videos together =) It fun to look back on them when you're feeling sad or you miss them. And just have lots of fun together =) He's here to see you and he loves you so try to put any nervousness in the back of your mind because you only have a few days. You'll feel it start to go away because you're so excited hes really there. As for when they leave, its hard and always will be hard. But always remember you are both in it together and are there for each other. I told Chris how much I loved him and how we'd see each other again very soon and that it will be ok =) Maybe give him something he can take with him to remember you by. I gave Chris one of my baby blankets I sleep with haha =) Good luck with everything and have tons of fun!! =))


                    Well my SO and I met in July for the first time. I was so nervous on my way to the airport, I thought I was going to throw up (not even kidding haha). My stomach was doing constant flips. And it didn't help that his plane was over an hour late, too. I gave him a hug (not too long, I was just too nervous) and we ate breakfast at the airport as he flew in at about 7:30am. It was a little awkward at first, but when we got home, we just sat on the couch and talked for a couple of hours and it felt like we had known each other forever. We finally kissed on the 3rd day lol. He's still here with me until october 15 and I am going to be so so so depressed when he leaves


                      Good luck with the first meeting! And definitely let us know how it goes I'm hoping to meet my SO for the first time next year (wish it was sooner, but what can you do? ) so it's always exciting to read how others first meeting went lol
                      You never forget your first love...


                        Thank you all for your encouragment and kind words. It has helped to ease the nervousness of the whole situation to hear about your first visitis. You guys are great!


                          Just enjoy your time!
                          I was so nervous to met my SO for the 1st time, but when I feel enjoy with the meeting we can make the conversation go smoothly.

