✔ Give and receive support from others who are loving from a distance.
✔ Post anonymously with a click of a button in our anonymous sections.
✔ All members each get a personal blog - share your LDR journey or use it as a private journal (posts can be made private).
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✔ Registering unlocks photos posted in threads.
Me and my boyfriend joined it already once to lurk a bit, but somehow this account got lost and now i have my own :>
I am probably gonna ask him for joining too. <3
Ive told my SO several times about this site but he doesn't really show any interest in joining even though he might like reading all of these stories that people share. Maybe some day it will happen.
my bf is a typical guy, not very emotional. so he isnt in to it but very happy i found something that helps me get through rough times. when i told hom about the site i said "this is gonna be cool to talk to people who have the same issues as us" he said "we dont have issues" lol! its so easy for him he says because he knows were going to be together forever so whats a little time apart? me on the other hand...im a worry wart lol.
so i read him some threads and we talk about them its helping us to get to know another side of eachother.
and im glad he isnt on here because i need this to myself
Both my SO (Reckless_Anarchy) and I are members. We both love the forum and give as well as recieve advice. It's so lovely to have other LDR couples that can relate to us.
i'm so happy that eric joined as well, i know girls are the ones that would probably use this site the most.. so it's awsome to have some guys inputs on here, and that you guys don't think it's stupid and use it seriously