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    His name is Christopher, he's 18, and he is very passionate and an incredible saxophonist.
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


      His name is Aaron, and he will be 23 in a month. I love so much about my husband, but I think if I were to have to narrow it down I would have to say his compassionate heart and genuine nature stand out to me the most. I also love the way his eyes light up when he smiles It makes me amazing when I cause it.


        Erik is 25. He will be 26 in August. He is the love of my life. He's a craps dealer at a casino.


          His name is Charlie/Chuck/Charles, He just turned 34.... He's an Amazing Self taught Drummer and Guitarist and actor.... and my Best Friend!!!


            Hello My boyfriend's name is Ben, he's turning 20 in less than 2 weeks, and he has the best humor ever to always make me smile


              My SO's name is also Alex. He knows me better than anyone else.


                My boyfriend's name is David. He is 32 (but will be 33 in a few weeks). He always knows just what to do to make me happy. I love him so much.


                  his name is shelby.
                  he turned 20 in march.
                  i love so much about him, its hard to say one thing.
                  he's my best, i love how he is always there. through the good and bad.


                    His name is Kyle and he's 20. He lives in Michigan and studies Computer Science. One of the things that I love the most about him is his personality. He makes me laugh all the time.

                    I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                    I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                      His name is Christian and he is 21. He is a music producer and a DJ. The thing I love most about him is his ability to read my mind. haha.


                        His name is Sebastian, he turns 21 in 4 days & one of the things I love about him is when he asks me whether I can cuddle/spoon him or have him in my arms. That makes my heart melt! He's sooo sweet! but shhh, he'd kill me if he ever go to read this xD


                          His name is Dylan, he'll be 18 in October. I love everything about him, but I always get this butterfly feeling when he reads his poems to me. I'm his inspiration, and I think that is so sweet! He's also incredibly good at it. I also love his smile and his weirdness, as he always makes me laugh. =)


                            My turn!

                            He is StVF101. (I don't really want to say his real name. xD)
                            He is five years older than me, and lives on the other side of the world.
                            I absolutely love everything about him. He's so sweet, patient, and understanding. And he likes to surprise me.
                            He's a very good lurker and doesn't like to use shortcuts (LDR, SO, and stuff like that. xD)
                            He loves to read and write stories. He can quote movies and shows.

                            I can go on and on about him all day, but I think I should stop now. xD
                            I love him sooo much. I just wish he'd post more. :P
                            "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
                            a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
                            which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
                            - Rainer Maria Rilke

                            "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
                            regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
                            The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
                            - an ancient Chinese belief



                              His name is Terrell, but usually everybody call him T. He turned to 19 in April. And I love all about him He is like a little kid sometimes and he can make me laugh in any minutes but he is really caring and loving and sweet. He makes me the most happiest women in this world oh and I love his smile


                                His name is Jordan and he's 22 and will be turning 23 three days after my birthday! He makes me smile nonstop, and I find him to be the sweetest most caring person I've ever met. Especially when he stays up longer when I can't sleep, to comfort me to help me fall asleep! He's my ideal perfection in a guy! :]
                                BEST FRIENDS SINCE: 10/03/2012
                                FIRST MEET: 02/10/2016 to 02/15/2016
                                SECOND VISIT: 03/30/2016

