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An Unusual Situation...

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    An Unusual Situation...

    Hello everyone,
    Okay so there is this girl, she got accidentally internet famous while making a seemingly inocculous vlog on youtube because she is so naturally sexy. She is flattered by the attention but decided that it was a bad idea to continue to get this kind of attention on youtube so took her account down before I had ever seen her. However, a couple of days later youtube recommended a video of her to me which someone had reposted. I was immediately taken aback at how beautiful and charming she is so I tracked down a place where I could leave her a message thanking her for what she shared and telling her how sorry I was that still able to leave a message thanking her for what she shared.

    A couple days later she opened a Twitter account for her fans which I joined and we began messaging eachother. We began to find we had a great deal in common. Then about a week later she used this real-time chat feature in Twitter which I joined and when it was done she said she hoped that she and I could talk personally sometime. So I sent her my email address and she emailed me. We talked via email for about a week and then she started PMing me in the email's chat client. Since then we have talked for hours almost every day and she is wonderful.

    She is bright, fun & positive, she loves to learn and cool things like art, books, old movies, games, camping, shooting guns, etc. she's back in school after not knowing what to do for awhile just like I am and I think she's maybe the most incredibly beautiful and sexy woman I've ever seen. We spend so much time talking, laughing, flirting and sharing things via text and webcam. And she really likes me. She has said as such as well as that I am cute, handsome, charming, amazing even. I've noticed that she barely even pays attention to her "fans" anymore despite their always crying out for more videos. Maybe it's because she's spending so much time with me? I honestly don't care either way if she keeps up with her hobby of making videos. I understand that it must be nice for her to go somewhere from her every day life where she is adored and people clamour for her because they too think she is so beautiful and charming. Besides, I've already gone out with someone I met in real life who was accidentally far more internet famous and really it doesn't bother me.

    Then one day I just said, "I've never had an internet girlfriend because I thougt it was beneath me but if you ever decide you really want me, all you need to say is wait, wait until we can figure out a explore our attraction in person. If you said that, how could I go on meeting girls in my every day life when everything I've ever wanted is on the other side of this internet connection?" and she seemed taken aback and said that she thinks about me all the time and asked if I was really serious. When I said I am she just asked that I changed my mind to please say so so that she wouldn't say anything embarrassing and I said I wouldn't change my mind and she said she wouldn't either. And she's since said things like that she keeps all the pictures she's asked of me on her phone to look at even when she's out, shown them to her family, said it's alright to tell my friends that I'm romantically involved with her etc.

    The only problem is, I live in Ontario and she lives in the American north west. I suggested that we get together at the end of summer in a neutral city which is a six hour flight for me and six hour ride for her and she has agreed! So here we are, almost 2 months after that first day I left her a message we're both really excited to see one another and we still talk for long periods almost every day and every day I learn something new about her which is amazing ..but I'm so scared she won't like me in person. lol although she'd said the same about hoping I'd like her in person. However, even if she does decide she really does like me in real life, we're both just poor students I have another 2 years to go and she has far more as her programme is much longer. but I really really like her, I haven't met anyone like her ever and she likes me. I can't let this opportunity pass me by because (as I've told her) I want her in my life and am willing to do what it takes to have that. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering. However, you're all the experts, is this doomed? Because as you have gathered, it is an unusual situation ..even among LDRs

    Please help me, I want so much for this to work out well...

    I wouldn't say it's unusual at all (sorry to burst your bubble there), there are so many of us here who have similar stories, so many of us having to wait until one or both finishes school, and so many trying to overcome the hurdles of international love... You'll fit right in. Welcome to the forums!
    And no, you're not doomed, not in the slightest! ^^
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Its not very unusual, my boyfriend and I met in a similar way xD Welcome to the forums!


        @Zephii No I meant it is unusual due to the circumstances of how we have met and how I made the transition from fan to friend to lover amongst all these men who were vying for her attention not because I initially intended to but because I was just lonely and wanted someone to talk to and found I really enjoyed her company. But as for the school part, I could afford to go see her maybe twice a year even if this does work out are there people who have succeeded while seeing eachother about that much because this is really important to me. I haven't felt this was in a long time but it also terrifies and stresses me out a lot.


          heh, I'm in Texas and my guy's in Alberta. ^^; I'm headed up there at the end of May and we've been together for around 10 months, haven't met in person yet, this will be our first meeting. It's not doomed, but you have to trust each other and you really need a lot of patience. Also, don't let other people get you down. Thre will be a lot of people who tell you it isn't worth it, but don't let them get to you. Beyond that, ti's really up to what y'all work out. Nothing's impossible, though.


            Nothing is impossible eh? Have you ever seen someone eat their own head? lol ok ok what you've all said is very reassuring thank you. she actually just emailed me to wish me well in case I wasn't online today due to my exams but that if I am that she hopes we can talk even longer than we did yesterday (which was still a few hours) that was really sweet of her. I can trust that she likes me but everybody, cross your fingers for me that she likes me enough to put up with the inconvenience of our situation and doesn't get won over by some young gentleman in the programme she just started before I have a chance to see her for real. It still really stresses me out. My friends think I'm crazy and are starting to show concern for me because they've never seen me like this, maybe because I've never met anyone like this. I dunno... but thank you for giving me a place to organize my thoughts and get some support.


              I'll start out by saying... You are not Doomed!
              Many of us here have met our SOs in similar ways... Like I added my SO by 'accident' on Facebook thinking she was someone else (I was trying to add someone local from college), only to add someone I did not know. She corrected me and we kept on chatting a well... the rest is history (full story on my blog and What-is-your-story-page4) So in a way we went from complete stranger to lover.
              Also consider this... you are your SO in both in North America right? Some of us here separated by a Ocean; I'll use my LDR for an example... I am in Canada and my SO is in Malaysia, 7,985.05 (8,000 rounded) miles away AND on top of that we have a 15/16 hour time difference.
              And if your friends say it won't work, or you are just going to end up heartbroken... don't listen to them! LDRs do work! All you need is Love, Trust, Commitment, Communication and some Distance.
              If you have any other questions feel free to message us, or join us in Flashchat! We are here to help ya and have fun too!

              "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
              "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
              "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

              Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                I have to agree with everyone else, you're not doomed! If she feels the way she does about you then charming young guy with change that. I have advice from my situation. I met my boyfriend on a dating site and while first talking to him,also chatting with a local guy as well ( my boyfriend lives in Ireland). I buried the idea of going any further with the local guy because I had such a strong connection and liking for him. Pretty much what Im trying to say is that it doesnt matter what the distance is, if you have a certain connection mutually, it wont stop those feelings. Have faith that everything will work out. I don't think she will think you not worth it, the distance is only numbers but when you find a strong tie,connection to one person...both will sacrifice to be with someone they want to. If you ever need to talk, dont hesitant! Trust me the distance might be great but it can work ( My boyfriend and I have close to 4600 miles between us and have been together for over a year) things can and will work if you all trust, communicate, and both put in the effort to make it work! Best of Luck


                  Welcome to LFAD and you're definitely not doomed!

                  Everyone starting an LDR has those insecurities at some point - it's only a sign that you care for that other person and you're starting to fear losing them. All kinds of things cross your mind: will she like you, will you click in real life, will she think you're attractive, what if she meets someone else? etc but the very same things are probably running wild in her mind too!

                  The distance does not change it if you have true feelings for each other. Once you fall in love it doesn't matter how far the other person is, she's all you can think about and you could not want anyone else.

                  If your friends put you down and tell you she's not worth the distance and you shouldn't do this then they're not really your friends! True friends support and help you no matter what and if YOU think she's worth it then they will encourage and stick by you every step of the way.

                  Listen to your heart and don't live your life thinking "what if...?", for all you know she could be the one and only person you're meant to be with for the rest of your life.


                    welcome to LFAD, and no, you are not doomed, stay positive,
                    what a cool story you have there!!


                      Not doomed at all! I met my girl on Twitter as well and i love her with all my heart and soul and i know were meant to be together forever, most long distance relationships work out and they get married and stay together until day do them part. Your in for a rough ride no doubt but it will be worth it in the end!


                        Thank you all. You have all been so supportive. I think I just needed to hear from others who have been in similar situations as oppossed to most people I know in real life that do not understand. It is a wonderful thing which you all do here. I will check back on the forums and if there is ever anything I can contribute to pay back you kindness ..or forward to someone else as well.. then I shall be sure to do so In the meantime, I wish you all very well in you own situations and in all else too


                          I hope you guys can meet soon!!!

