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I need some advice/help!! Very serious content.

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    I need some advice/help!! Very serious content.

    I honestly didn't know where to turn because I don't know anyone who could possibly understand this situation. This post my be a little wordy, but I will try to be as brief as possible.

    On July 4th, 2011 I received a message from a female on the dating site I was a member of. She lives in Indiana, I live in Pennsylvania. I wasn't sure why she messaged me but I thought she was cute so I replied back. Over the next week we exchanged a couple of messages and then she sends me her phone number so we can start texting. I honestly didn't expect anything to come of this but I figured why not give a shot? Who knows, right?

    Well around the beginning/middle of August after talking to this woman for this long, we finally decide to try and meet. And when I say talk, I mean by this point we were constantly texting each other every day and would pretty much talk on the phone every night. We knew so much about each other and we just really could tell that we clicked. Neither of us had done the long distance thing, especially without actually ever physically meeting someone. I really like this woman but I told her that I would need to meet her before I could really be willing to move forward with anything. She understood so she actually arranged a flight to come visit me in Pennsylvania. We were supposed to meet over Labor Day weekend at the beginning of September. Her parents were gonna drive with her to Indianapolis, about 3 hours from her hometown, Friday and they were gonna spend the day there and then she was going to catch her flight Saturday morning.........

    She never made it to Indianapolis. On her way to Indy, she and her parents were involved in a head on collision on the highway when a woman in the opposing lane fell asleep at the wheel. All three were rushed to the hospital near Indy. I was unaware this had happened until she called me Friday night while I was at work and left me a sobbing voicemail telling me what happened. Her injuries were moderate. She needed to have some surgery on her crushed knee and her mom had some substantial injuries as well. Her dad was not so lucky, he was in very serious condition with multiple lacerated organs, broke ribs, arms, etc. He was alive, but not in good condition.......

    At this time, I'd like to point out that both of us have very busy schedules, she was working full time and in graduate school and I was working full time as well, but for me between student loans and hospital bills from a previous injury, I was really not in the financial spot to just up and grab a couple hundred dollar plane ticket and take a couple days off work. We planned our meeting almost a month in advance so we could work around our schedules. And believe me when I found out what happened, I was ready to jump in my car and drive to Indy that night. But a 10 hour drive in a 14 year old car was probably not a good idea.

    After about a week or so in the hospital she was released. Her mom was healing fine and her dad was getting better, he was conscious and talking but nowhere near ready to leave. I could not help but feel responsible for what happened, and neither could she. After a week or so of her being out of the hospital we both decided that neither of us were to blame and that we couldn't control what had happened.......

    Then about a week and a half ago there was period of about 4 days where I had not heard from her. No response to calls/texts/e-mails, nothing. Keep in mind this was someone with whom I talked to in some form, EVERY DAY. I didn't know what had happened. She told me that if something happened to her, her parents or one of her friends would contact me and let me know...........

    I finally heard back from her and the news was grievous. Her dad was still in the hospital and apparently he had gotten some kind of infection and that caused complications with his already weakened state and he passed away. When she found out her dad was taken a turn for the worse she and her mother dropped everything and drove back to Indy and in her haste, forgot her cell phone. Which is why she never replied back to me.

    Ever since then she has been a little distant, which is understandable, I could not imagine what she is going through. She says she has been distant to everyone. We still text periodically throughout the day, though not as frequent as before. We have only talked on the phone a handful of times and she says hearing my voice makes her feel better. But I don't know what to do in this situation. I feel so helpless. I want to be there for her, I would fly out to Indiana if she wants me to, but I figure she still needs time to go through the grieving process. But I also can't imagine if this relationship can last through something like this. I mean, don't you think that every time she talks to me or down the road every time she sees me that all she will be able to think about is her dad? Don't you think that me and his death are now ultimately connected?

    I just don't know what to do and I figured I would post my story on here and hope for any kind of useful advice as for what to do? I know this was long but it was the only way to convey the depth of the situation. So thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing your responses.


    she wont text much right now. when my SO's father passed, he would text about once every 45 minutes, if i was lucky. he is one to text frequantly.

    Sorry to hear of her loss.

    All you really can do is say "i will always be there for you and here to talk if you need it". every night for about a week or so i would say to SO "just remember i am always here for you, i will always love you, and i will always be here if you need to talk"

    Relationships can last through death. it can be very very rocky, yes, my SO and i have probably semi-broken up (as in we have "been single" for about 12 hours) about 5 or so times since february (when he passed). just keep being understanding, if she snaps at you just let her and tell her itll be ok.

    Here if you need to talk about more stuff, dont want to write an essay. much hugs.

    EDIT: it depends how she is grieving in a way, to the whole travelling. she may either want space or really need some emotional comfort. just see how it goes, i think, and then ask her when you think the time is right. X


      I'm so sorry to hear this. Everyone deals with death differently and her being distant is her way of dealing with it, it has nothing to do with you and Im sure she doesn't blame you for this at all so don't feel guilty about it. Let her know that you are there for when ever she needs to talk, 24 hours a day. If she wants to be alone then let her know you will be there waiting for when she is ready. It was a horrible accident that could have happened any day of the week, the fact it happened on the way to see you is mere coincidence. I do not believe that she will connect you with her fathers death.


        Honestly the only thing that you can do is be there to talk to her. Even if she doesn't respond, send her some message saying that you are thinking of her. Send her something unique, maybe flowers are the best choice at the moment.

        Relationships can last though something like this but you need to understand that there is defiantly a grieving process. My mom passes away about 20 months ago so I know that moods can go from one extreme to another. Its hard. Just keep showing here that you are there.
        Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

        I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


          I hope I'm not a horrible, cynical person for suggesting this, but... are you 100% sure of her story? You haven't known her that long, and the weekend you're to meet the very first time, she's in a horrific accident? I feel terrible even suggesting something might be amiss, but... I'm cynical when it comes to things like this.

          If this is true, then what she needs is time. Don't push. This is really tough because it's a new relationship, and that can be hard even without stress. Just give her a lot of space and time, but be there when she needs you.

          Best of luck.


            Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone and Minerva, believe me what you said definitely crossed my mind. But it has to be true. We talked EVERY DAY for over two months straight, it's not like I didn't know her. That would be a lot commitment for someone to go through and then bail out last minute. I also have had numerous friends talk to her and they have all told me after talking to her that they think the is legit in that she does like me and wants to make it work and finally, okay, I can see maybe saying you were in an accident on the way to the airport, but if so, why would she say her dad died afterwards? There would be nothing to gain from saying that. You know what I mean?

            ---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

            Not only that, the detailed description of her and her parents injuries that she gave me, I didn't include those in the original post, and timelines for how long it would take for the various injuries to heal, how the accident happened, what the car looked like, everything. The detail with which she describes everything is just too vivide and detailed for it to be not true.


              Yeah, I feel horrible for even suggesting that. I've just seen some awful things online in the past, so my BS detector is a little over-sensitive. I appologize for that.


                I don't think talking every day for two months means you know a person that aside, you need to go to her. I don't care what other responsibilities you have or what your money situation is like. I know when need arises people can pull a surprising sum of money together. Her dad died while she was trying to meet you. Whilst that is indeed not your or her fault, I still think you owe her this visit. I think it's terrible that you haven't gone before. People are more important than money.

                This is terribly sad, and I'm very sorry it happened to all of you

                But leaving her alone in her time of grief is not the answer - yes, you might get there and she's too upset to do more than cry and walk away from you, but the effort is not wasted. I truly believe that if you don't go it will destroy the potential of a realtionship you have.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Originally posted by yeagermeister View Post
                  Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone and Minerva, believe me what you said definitely crossed my mind. But it has to be true. We talked EVERY DAY for over two months straight, it's not like I didn't know her. That would be a lot commitment for someone to go through and then bail out last minute. I also have had numerous friends talk to her and they have all told me after talking to her that they think the is legit in that she does like me and wants to make it work and finally, okay, I can see maybe saying you were in an accident on the way to the airport, but if so, why would she say her dad died afterwards? There would be nothing to gain from saying that. You know what I mean?

                  ---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

                  Not only that, the detailed description of her and her parents injuries that she gave me, I didn't include those in the original post, and timelines for how long it would take for the various injuries to heal, how the accident happened, what the car looked like, everything. The detail with which she describes everything is just too vivide and detailed for it to be not true.
                  On another forum, someone fooled everyone that they were several people for about a year - including a character who had died - and the one who defended him despite anything and everything? His long-term long-distance boyfriend that he had spoken over Skype/cam with, every bloody day, but whom he had never met. Unfortunately, I had the same suspicions reading your original post as Minerva, but perhaps it's because I've seen it happen and because it seems so timely. But I've also seen this type of thing rattle an entire forum, not to mention what it did to his boyfriend, who happened to be a good friend of mine at the time. It is possible, and it's not that difficult. And sadly, sometimes there doesn't need to be an obvious thing to be gained from it, or anything at all.

                  That said, I'm also not doubting 100% that it's possible. Shit happens, to be blunt and tactless, and sometimes it's the sort of thing you'd never imagine happening to you (though my being as cynical as I am, I would likely scout news stories re: car accidents in her location/area, as if it was that nasty and especially seeing as it had to do with someone having fallen asleep at the wheel... it's unlikely it would not have been reported on at some point) until it does. If this is the case with her, if it is true, then what she's going to need is your support, not necessarily a relationship. Don't push her romantically; don't push her at all. Simply be there for her and let her come to you when she's ready to do so.

                  EDIT: In the meantime, I agree with Zephii. See what you can get together for a visit and go. It's one thing if it's completely impossible, but I would look at all your options; most of the time, there's always one that has even the remotest chance of working out.

                  Also, Minerva, don't feel too horrible. I've seen it too, so I suffer the same hypersensitivity.
                  Last edited by Haley53; October 11, 2011, 06:11 PM.
                  { Our Story on LFAD }

                  Our Beginning
                  Met online: February 2009
                  Feelings confessed: December 2010
                  Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                  Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                  Our Story
                  First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                  Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                  Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                  Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                  Our Happily Ever After
                  to be continued...


                    Eclaire - checking the news is a fantastic idea. Smart thinking!
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                      It all seems a little too neat to me. The timing, I mean. I hate to be suspicious as well, but did you try looking online to see if there was a news story about what happened? A head on collision like that with the woman falling asleep at the wall on a highway would've made the papers. Especially now that her father has passed away from complications due to the injuries.

                      Assuming this is all true, I'd definitely suggest you go to her. She needs you now.


                        I'm really sorry to hear what's happened I can't begin to imagine how she feels right about now. The best thing you can do is go to her and be there for her as much as possible. Try to go to see her as soon as possible. She may very need all the support she can get right now, not only from her family and friends but also from you.

                        I really do wish you the best of luck.


                          I'm sorry that this happened to her.

                          Given that there are possible holes in the story as some have stated...
                          DO NOT accuse or question her. This will only anger her and break the trust she has in you.

                          Take it from the perspective that she IS telling the truth because until you have legit proof on weather or not she is lying you can not accuse or question her over it.

                          That said.

                          All you can really do is listen to her, let her know you are there for her whenever she needs you. Don't push anything, just let her come to you and remind her that you care for her and that you are there for her.
                          " There is always hope.


                            I am sorry but I'm on the fence with this one too. I know you came here looking for support but I actually know people who have done this to others on the internet. And I'm ashamed to admit it, but I did the same thing as a teen. You asked why she would do this? Or why the story would go on so long? Because she's hiding something and needs a reason not to meet you.

                            There are plenty of places you can check her story, the first would be an obituary for her father. It would be in a local paper.

                            That being said.
                            I would give her some space. Grieving is hard for anyone and she's been through a huge trauma. She's probably trying to sort through her emotions right now. Be there for her the best that you can when she needs a shoulder to lean on and let her know you care about her and you are there for here if she needs to talk or needs a shoulder to cry on. Some people need space to grieve, some people want support, let her figure out what she needs and she'll slowly but surely get through this.

                            Good luck to you.


                              I was on a pregnancy forum where there was a woman who said she had her twins premature. She said the babies were hospitalized and on the verge of death. This went on for months. It was only when people tried to find the hospital the babies were at that the story unraveled and the woman disappeared. This stuff happens. People do all sorts of things for attention. It’s sad. And it seems to happen quite a bit online.

                              I’m in the camp of NOT going to see her unless she asks you to come. If I were someone who just lost a parent in a really horrific way, the last thing I’d want is for some near-stranger who may or may not be a potential boyfriend to show up. That would be too much pressure for me, I couldn’t handle dealing with my loss and also being faced with dealing with someone who isn’t really a friend, and could become more. Of course she could feel different. The only thing you can do is go by her cues. If she says she needs you, be there. If she wants space, give it.

