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    Hey Guys,

    I was wondering if any of you whom own a blog are interested in sharing a link to your blog on this thread; for any LFAD member interested in following, connecting with you, getting to you better, your story,etc.

    I started a second blog not so long ago and I wanted to share a link to it with you guys. I am also looking forward to being able to follow your blog posts and sharing comments. =)

    So far, I read Lucybelle's international travel blog and I always enjoy her posts!

    Here's a link to mine:

    Many warm greetings!!

    Hey thanks for the shout out!

    I enjoyed your blog. Great pictures!!!


      me and my girlfriend started a tumblr blog about a week ago:
      We're blogging about our relationship and just long distance stuff in general
      I think my gf already posted it on the LFAD forums somewhere but I thought I might share the link here as well
      Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.


        I have a tumblr,, which isn't just about my LDR, but to be honest, most of the contents have ended up relating to LDR's and relationships in general lol
        You never forget your first love...


          i use to have a blog about my previous ldr but i update it anymore. i do however have a new write about thing in general.
          "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
          "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
          "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

          Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


            { Our Story on LFAD }

            Our Beginning
            Met online: February 2009
            Feelings confessed: December 2010
            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

            Our Story
            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

            Our Happily Ever After
            to be continued...


              My blog is in my signature. I update almost daily, it's one of my happy places.
              If you go to the archives, you see dating international LD, immigration, planning a wedding at a distance, more immigration, the wedding, pregnancy, having a critically ill baby, the NICU, and now it's just about our new lives, as a new family.


                @garnet awww Nathaniel is sooooo cute!!
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
                  @garnet awww Nathaniel is sooooo cute!!
                  Thank you very much! <3


                    Mine's in my signature! I think I update it about every week or so, depending on my workload for my classes
                    Every long lost dream led me to where you are
                    Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
                    Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
                    This much I know is true...
                    That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

                    |First Met: 02/28/14|Exchanged Numbers: 03/07/14|First Date: 03/14/14|First Kiss: 03/21/14 |Became a couple: 04/05/14|




                      Wtf I just noticed that my URL for my blogger isnīt DemonxOisin! How did that happen?? o.o ANYWAYS though, I update like once ever few months LOL Iīm bad at the blogging thing. Tumblr is more often because I am doing the LDR challenge thing. Just learning how to work it though so be patient.

                      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                      -Miguel De Cervantes

                      Read our story HERE

