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Cheated on emotionally and physically. Do you stay?

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    I can only assume that this has happened to you in your relationship since you are asking this question. If so, and you would like to talk, please feel free to private message me. I know a thing or two about this.


      There were feelings, it's complicated. But yeah. But she never maliciously intended to set up to cheat on me. It just happened... She missed me and all the physical side from me... She loves me, she really does. I'm not saying it because she says it but she does. She hates the guy now. Even last night, he said an email to her. "Why should I be sorry for this? I knew it was going to hurt him. I liked you. I was attracted to you. We had sex. I am not sorry for any of this."


        It really depends on the relationship and the people involved. If honesty was involved, I may be able to forgive and move on, but in my current relationship, especially being long distance, I don't know if I could. For me building trust has to do with actions, not words, and being long distance there's no way for those actions to happen.

        I've never cheated on a partner and have no desire to cheat on my boyfriend now. He knows if it ever comes down to it, I'll talk to him about it first. Sure, I get lonely and I miss him like crazy. I miss walking up next to him and falling asleep in his arms -- is that enough to drive me into the arms of another -- no. I respect my boyfriend and our relationship too much to do that.

