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This is for the couples that started out LDR...

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    How long was it before you guys met in person? Just shy of Five years

    How far was your distance? 8000

    How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? Pretty easy. It was a long visit. It was time for me to go home and take my life offhold.

    Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave? The distance was harder to put up with because I knew what I was missing, but we had a plan to close the distance, and I felt better about us as a couple.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      How long was it before you guys met in person? It was around 8-9 months after we started talking, I think. But six months after we started developing deeper feelings.

      How far was your distance?
      I'm from Finland and she is from Scotland.

      How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? We only had a few hours together so we didn't have that much time to be physically together, and I think it made it easier to leave. I kept missing her after it a lot though, but in a good way.

      Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave? I felt good. It was great to finally have seen her.
      "Everyone smiles in the same language."


        Chris and I started out as LDR. We met online about two years ago and dated for about 11 months and met for the first time this past July. He lives in California and I live in Maryland which is about 2,832 miles apart. Meeting for the first time was the most amazing experience I've ever had. I was so nervous it would be awkward, but as soon as we met we instantly clicked. There was never an awkward or dull moment for the week he was here in MD =).

        Him having to leave just plain sucked. I was dreading the day but I knew it had to come. We both cried saying goodbye in the airport and I cried the whole rest of the day, but eventually I accepted the fact we would be together soon (this christmas!). I had to keep telling myself that we are both feeling the same pain and that we are there for each other always and it feel helped me feel better. Also looking through all the pictures we took made me smile and feel even better. It was hard going back to being long distance and not being able to kiss him or touch him whenever I wanted, but as the days went on I got back reality.

        Even though initially it was sad having him go, his visit helped show me how amazing life with him is going to be =) All the feelings I felt towards him were reassured and I'm so thrilled to have him as mine and it made me more excited for our future together knowing how well we clicked =)

        Heres pictures my mom took of us when we first met at the airport on July 7, 2011 =)



          It'll be just over the two year mark when we do end up meeting each other next year. And the distance is something like 10000 miles. I have a feeling it's going to be heart wrenching to have him leave me after a week or two, not sure how long he'll be coming for. But I'll do my best not to show it, because I want to be strong during that time. Plus.. I know he'll get upset for having to leave me and won't show it, if I break down.


            Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
            How long was it before you guys met in person? How far was your distance? How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?
            It was 1 1/2 years before we met in person. I live in Oklahoma and he lives in Florida, so we are over 1,000 miles apart. After we left on our first visit, we were both WAAAY heartbroken. We both cried our eyes out, however, we were both 15 years old. I mean, I still cry now but he doesn't. I handle it much better than I did.

            I feel like as time goes on, the longer you've been together, and the more visits you have then the better it is. We both know how to really mold back into our lives separately when we have to leave each other. I think my SO and I both agree that is harder when we are the ones that have to leave. I am so ready to just be back home, I hate the flight back and he hates when he has to fly back also. We are usually up all the night the day before we fly out because we want to spend as much time together as we can, so when it comes to the day one of us has to fly out, we are exhausted. It is good because we can sleep on the plane, but you are just so ready to either be home or back with your honey.

            Like I said, once you visit, the first one is usually the hardest when it comes to the separation after getting to REALLY meet each other in person. You'll be alright though in the end

            *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


              How long was it before you guys met in person? We met about a year and a few months into the relationship, wanted to be sure that we really knew each other and to make sure the other person wasn't a complete psycho that was gonna kill us in our sleep.
              How far was your distance? 2000+ miles he flew from NY ---> AZ
              How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave? My SO was the one to leave me and honestly being left standing there while your SO walks away, knowing you can't run after them is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. With that said it was definitely worth the pain just to be able to hug him, it brought us so much closer together as a couple and even though for the first visit I only had him for like 19 hours it still to this day is one of the best moments of my life.

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                How long was it before you guys met in person?

                2 months. We were really lucky. We started talking on skype on 26 of october of 2008, and saw each other for the first time in 27 of december of 2008, when I was staying two months with my family in Switzerland, 1 hour and a half drive from where he lives in Germany. But we were NOT a couple before seeing each other in person, there was heavy flirting but neither I or him can really fall in love without meeting the person before, so if we had never met in person we would never have become romantically envolved even though there was mutual attraction.

                How far was your distance?

                Me in Amazon, Brazil, he near by Karlsruhe in Germany

                How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit?

                Both, I felt lucky I met such an amazing guy, and we fel head over heals for each other really fast, it was just meant to be. So while I was missing him terribly, I was happy there was this amazing guy out there who loved me, and whom I loved back, and we belonged to each other.

                Did you feel better or worse after being with the for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?

                Hmmm, I was two months in Switzerland and we would see each other every weekend, or me going to germany or he coming to switzerland to see me, so we had a good ammount of time together in our first visits to really get to know each other in person, so I will say I felt better, he was that cute boy I would love to date while I was in switzerland but that was it. before we met in person, that is..... I fell in love with him, and he for me, and it was an amazing surprise, we found love when we werent looking for it. and now almost 3 years after, we are going to get married january of 2012. <3

                our story.


                02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                  We had known each other for about 8 months before we met. It was a fantastic thing. I think like others have said that even though it was so so so hard to say good bye I still felt better after his visit because I knew that what we had was real. I had thought it was something worth investing my time and heart in before but now that we have spent time with one another I'm completely positive that this is everything I had hoped and we are both in it for the long haul.


                    Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
                    How long was it before you guys met in person?
                    Nine months. We met in an online game, and I don't care what anyone says, it -was- "love at first chat". We've had a lot of ups and downs since then, and several breakups, because we're both emotional, passionate people, but I wouldn't trade any of it for anything.

                    Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
                    How far was your distance?
                    We're 2200 miles/3500 kilometers apart; I'm on the west coast of the U.S, he's on the east coast of Canada.

                    Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
                    How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit?
                    Horrible. I cried pretty much the entire 6-hour flight home. Having come down with a cold on the last day of our visit didn't help.

                    Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
                    Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?
                    I wish I could see him more, but, I wouldn't give up that trip for anything. Even if we don't work out, it will have been an adventure for me. It was my first time out of the U.S., I got a rental car and a very nice hotel room, I had to navigate through a huge city in a foreign country, then find the food court in the mall where we'd agreed to meet...I don't regret a single moment.

                    Originally posted by monkeynbunny View Post
                    Sorry so many questions I just want to get some feed back from couples that started out this way. We started out LDR and have been together for a little over 2 years and have never met in person. I'm really nervous about the first time I see him that I won't be able to leave. There are times were I can't get off skpye because I dont want to leave and he can't either. I can't imagine the pain it will be like if I could actually touch him I don't know If I could let him go. If anyone wants to share your story I would really appreciate it. Thanks for listening.
                    I didn't want to leave, either, but I had no choice, I had obligations at home (including one that is meowing in hunger right now, lol).

          's been two years since our fact, literally two years ago. Our time together was from October 16, 2009 through October 20, I'm in a bit of a funk right now, because I don't know when we'll be able to see each other again, although I'm hoping for early Spring.

                    I really have no choice in the matter, though, when it comes to waiting for him; I haven't since that first night we chatted. I love him with every fiber of my being. He makes me feel complete. He arouses me like no one else ever could. I truly feel like I have met "The One" for me, and even if I have to wait another 2 years, I will, because it will be worth it, and this time apart will only be a memory.


                      Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
                      My SO was the one to leave me and honestly being left standing there while your SO walks away, knowing you can't run after them is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced.
                      I just about teared up reading that Gahh.

                      How long was it before you guys met in person?
                      He arrived for the first trip a few days before our 6 month anniversary. It was amazing.

                      How far was your distance?
                      However far it is from California to New Zealand... I should really know that one by now.

                      How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?
                      The first visit was terrible when he left. But I at least managed to hold off the tears until he was out of sight, but I had no chance on the second trip. I was like a baby, and I sat at the airport for a few hours after just wallowing haha. I felt better after meeting him though, because now I know exactly what I'm doing with my life. I know we are meant to be together.

                      You'll be okay with meeting him. That's going to be the most amazing moment of your life. Leaving is tough, but it really strengthens a relationship, I'd have to say. Besides, you'll have a bunch of memories to talk about afterwards. Good luck, I'm sure everything will be amazing.


                        My first post! been lurking too long me thinks

                        How long was it before you guys met in person?
                        well i confessed i liked him in september 2009, he then came to see me for 6 weeks in the middle of december that year. He stayed at mine lol i guess we were both a tiny bit worried about not getting along but as soon as i saw him at the airport it was jsut amazing.

                        How far was your distance?
                        eh about 5000+ miles. He's in california and im in the uk.

                        How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit? Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave? Honestly i cried the night before he left. He jsut let me cuddle him and fall asleep. Watching him walk away was hard but that first visit just confirmed how much we liked each other and how much i wanted, we wanted to make this relationship work. I cried all the way home which made it hard to drive but yeah lol.

                        GL! although i wouldnt recommend meeting them alone...everyone around me was like " you're crazy! he might just kill you in your sleep lol" but i guess that was the risk we were willing to take. He did actually plan on getting a hotel for the first week at least but i told him not to. Gotta make your own judgement about that.


                          How long was it before you guys met in person?
                          We had known each other almost two years before we met in person. Had been unofficial for around 9 months.

                          How far was your distance?
                          Santa Barbara, CA to Sydney, Australia - 7440.6miles.

                          How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit?
                          Well my SO just left yesterday. It was really difficult, but being the second day now, I am starting to already get back into my groove. I am an independent person, and so is he, so I think we're coping alright.

                          Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?
                          I think I feel better about meeting him than never having met him at all, because I got to share 3 months of my life with him. I know that we will be just dandy living together. I know that we are a great couple. It was really hard though to know that he had to leave. I was crying the whole weekend on and off and he'd hug me and tell me it was going to be okay, and that we'd be okay. I wanted to believe it so much. Watching him walk through the departure gates was so heartbreaking. I was crying so much, and just standing there by myself. I almost had a panic attack so I had to go and walk around. I cried all the way home on the bus ride and the rest of the night too. Thinking about it makes me upset also. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I feel though that this pain is worth it, because the whole visit confirmed that I have found I think the only person in the world (literally!!) who just gets me and I know we'll have a great life together.


                            How long was it before you guys met in person?
                            We met online in late October 2008 and met face to face in late November 2009, so a bit over a year it took us to meet in person. We started off as friends as I was seeing someone else back then, but then my SO came and saved me from that relationship And the rest is history

                            How far was your distance?
                            He lived in England, me in Finland. The distance was about 1000 miles.

                            How was it when you had to leave your SO after your visit?
                            I only visited him once, having to be the one to leave. I guess it was the 3rd or 4th visit. I'm not gonna lie, it was horrendous. I cried my eyes out and insisted on the "one last hug" for about 10 times After that he made sure I wouldn't have to go through that again and I would go to England and he'd come back to Finland with me for a week or so. Aw, he's so sweet

                            Did you feel better or worse after being with them for the first time and then either you having to leave or them having to leave?
                            It was so painful for the both of us when he had to go back after spending just a few days together, but I'd never ever change that first weekend together for anything. The first time together was so amazing and we finally knew what it was like to actually be face to face. We now live together so it's all turned out very good

