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    Originally posted by heylittlekrissy View Post
    Even the least bit of insecurity can be magnified in an LDR, and it's okay to occasionally feel like this, but you just want to try not to let it affect you too often, that's all
    I think you're doing the right thing by talking to him about it, so atleast you two are on the same page and maybe he can help ease your mind some. Hopefully you're talk goes well, and you'll get excited about seeing him again.
    thing is i never used to be like this, its all because of that blooming (clean version of word i was thinking) girl julia.

    yeh, we are talking tonight, i want to be so excited about it but now its like everything is sucked out. i really dont care if he has girl-friends or guyfriends, it doesnt phase me, if he is happy then thats great. but its just how he is with so many its so daunting. he was always with guys, and now he is always with girls? its not like he always hung out with girls....

    thanks for listening to the ranting x

    EDIT: i talked to him over the phone just now. didnt tell him how i felt at all, but in some way him just answering the phone whilst he was in town did the trick n im sort of happier now.... im gonna talk about julia, but not about the other girls... i think i was just being stupid... jst overwhelmed spose


      You want to know why he has so many girl friends. I think certain guys are better for f/m friendships then others, usually (I say this from past experience) the guys that have lots of girl friends are sensitive and are able to open up and talk about things. I bet your SO is an amazing guy who are just those things. Think about the guy friends you are friends with? Do they all have something in common? I think that some guys even girls just attract more friends of the opposite sex then ohters, it doesn't mean anything and it certainly doesn't mean he has more to choose from.


        Yeah, well, sometimes it only takes one girl to upset things. But if she's the one really bothering you, then it'd be worth mentioning. Glad to hear him answering helped though
        You never forget your first love...


          I know exactly how you feel. I'm really insecure and it bothers me so much that all he does is talk to girls. I dont mind him talking to a few but he needs some guy friends to even things out. I've gotten alittle better over the course of our relationship because he hasn't cheated on me and has proven that he wont. I'm starting to become less insecure and worried then when we started dating.

          It will take some time but things will work out fine. He loves you and thats what matters most.

          My boyfriend always tells me, If I didn't love you and want to be with you and only you, I would have left by now.

          ---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

          if it is really bothering you, bring it up to him. It helps to talk about it
          All because two people fell in LOVE <3
          ~mbb <3 jao~


            lol i have felt this way before. ive rang and heard a womens voice, rang again heard another and again heard another and thought to myself wtffff is going on here. after a while i asked him who these girls were and he got a little offended because he knew i was indeed questioning him being faithful. but as he says to me "i cannot control what all the women in the world do and where they are etc) altho seriously.... it plays mind tricks. u feel jealous u cant be there.... and some other random chick is there THAT u dont know lol. I always think about it this way tho. if he wanted other girls.... why would he be in a long distance relationship? he could get rid of u so easily..... and keeping up an act would be exausting lol so stay postive. remember !!! they may be girls.... but u are the u, and indeed the one he wants best of luck


              yeh i think i was just having a very weak moment... felt really stupid :P when at his flat in his room he even has couple photos of us on his memory wall (as in a memory wall with his father on it and also an emotional letter from his mum)..... so i kissed him and said "im sorry for being really stupid" :3

              with the julia girl.... well it all came out today. over the time we spent with each other, i did end up telling him that i just didnt want her to be in the same room as him at night (ok was worded better on the day but im typing quickly). i didnt tell him about how i hated her.... uhmmm until today....
              basically ive had HUGE family problems (dad has gone to see family... its quite serious) and he started talking about julia and a post or something on facebook.... so i just said "that is it. im so angry with this *family situation* going on, and i just cant do it. i hate her and i just dont want u telling me about her."
              i never said anything about him not talking to her. thats not how i swing, he deserves to have friends n girlfriends shouldnt control that... (unless its like cheating...)

              well he kept calm all the way through my rant saying i dont trust her etc... n he has just said that she doesnt have feelings for him anymore, and he "just knows".
              well i have asked how... and thats how its ended right now....

              i feel very lucky to have an understanding bf....

