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Please Help Me...

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    Please Help Me...


    So as some of you may know, me and my SO have closed the distance and everything has been great. I mean we've spent pretty much the entire week he has been back together...And there has been absolutely no problems whatsoever. So today, my parents invited my SO over for dinner and to watch Sunday Football; and it was great Packers won, we had a great dinner, my Dad started a warm and cozy fire for us in the basement and we just watched a movie. It was great! But all of a sudden my SO springs up and he's like I have to go - and the movie hadn't even finished. It was around 9:30 and he said he had to leave because he has to be up at 5:30AM tomorrow.

    And I'm thinking okay this makes sense it's about a 20 minute drive from my place to his place - and he needs his sleep it's his first day back since he's finished the course. etc etc etc. I understand it I am completely aware as to why he needs to go...But I all of a sudden have this wave of pain, go over me like I just don't want him to go. I don't want to go to bed without him...and I just don't want him to leave me again. So I cannot hide my emotions very well and he can tell that I am visibly upset...So eventually we get up and I walk him to the door and he gives me a good kiss...and I start crying! Not hysterically or anything... But a couple tears roll down my face...And he tells me I'm beautiful etc. In an efforts to make me feel better. So I say to him "Well I guess I won't see you until Tuesday evening...?" (We have a family dinner with his parents) And he says "Yeah, looks that way." I guess my face just showed that I was upset... and he says "I have to clean my house - it's getting pretty dirty" And I say, "Well I could help you clean it, once I am finished classes."

    So the plan is for him to pick me up tomorrow to clean his house. You think I'd be happy because I got what I wanted...But now I am freaking out because I do not understand why I am acting like a psycho needy freak! I have NEVER been like this with any other man...ever!! I am so embarrassed that I cried in front of him to begin with, and now I am afraid I pushed him to spend more time with me tomorrow. Like I understand men need their space...and I don't know what's wrong with me and why I did that...or even acted that way. Especially, because I have two assignments I need to complete by Wednesday anyway for my classes...I mean they are all with the exception of one fairly minor assignments and I know I can get them done on my spares...but still...

    So I sent him this text and hopefully he takes it well...and it doesn't further the fact that I am being crazy!

    "Hey...listen I don't know why I cried...I'm actually so embarrassed right now...I don't know what came over me...I swear I'm not the needy type or anything like that. I guess....I don't know I just missed you? I completely understand if you need your space from me tomorrow...I'm sorry again, I don't know what wrong with me.

    If you guys have any opinions on what might be going on with me - or advice I'd really appreciate it. I don't know what's going on...
    Last edited by Ms.Justine; October 23, 2011, 10:27 PM. Reason: grammar...argh
    .We've Closed the Distance.
    no matter where i am, no matter where you are
    i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
    no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
    all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

    Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

    your action sounds like something i would TOTALLY DO...! i think what it is is that you are glad he is finally back and like to spend more time with him. The fact that he is leaving and busy upsets you because you've waited for so long for this moment to come. i think it is totally normal and fine to bet a little bit emotional and cry in front of you SO, especially if you both been through so much together already. And i am sure you didn't creep him out by turning psycho on him all of a sudden.. HAHA!

    I'm sure he wants to spend time with you just as much as you do with him. You probably got emotional when he say he needs to go home before the movie even ended because it caught you so off guard, you weren't expecting him to leave so early. OR just blame it on the hormones.. (sometimes i feel its great being a woman because I can blame my action on hormones.)

    My SO tells me that when he's with me is as if he is watching the weather channel broadcasting weathers of different places.. from sunny to thunderstorm to blizzard. HAHAHA he can read me so well it's almost scary since we've only known each other for 3 months..

    Cheer up hun


      DON'T WORRY... you're completely normal (or we're both crazy, and I should be worried as well)

      I was never emotional and rarely ever cried before meeting my SO. Not that he's evil and makes me cry, but I suddenly just became a very emotional person and the dumbest things set me off. There are also times I get really sad when we have to go our separate ways at night (he moved away a couple of months ago, but was living nearby for the first 2 years of our relationship) and cannot wait until we're able to go to sleep together...

      It was probably a very emotional weekend for you to begin with, seeing as how he just moved back, so you were probably sad that your great weekend was over.

      And what's wrong with being needy anyhow? As long as he doesn't mind it!


        completely understandable hun, it just shows u have very strong feelings for the bloke. i also have never been needy or over the top clingy. yet when i feel threatend or miss my man i go in nutto mode lol. id like to just tell u its the female genes. but im guessing it is somthing that happens from memories of when he left u and he was away for some time. last time i left my man i cried histerically on the plane and the poor guy next to me thought i was hypoventilating cuz the plane was taking off LOL we all do it.... and if he is a good guy he will see it as a sign u really do care for him. dont worry about it too much hun


          Yeah its pretty normal.. I know I used to get that way during visits when i couldnt see him at times. Being you just closed the distance maybe you are afraid that when he leaves he is leaving for good, back to the distance. But if not its still completely normal.


            Originally posted by Jgui View Post
            your action sounds like something i would TOTALLY DO...! i think what it is is that you are glad he is finally back and like to spend more time with him. The fact that he is leaving and busy upsets you because you've waited for so long for this moment to come. i think it is totally normal and fine to bet a little bit emotional and cry in front of you SO, especially if you both been through so much together already. And i am sure you didn't creep him out by turning psycho on him all of a sudden.. HAHA!

            I'm sure he wants to spend time with you just as much as you do with him. You probably got emotional when he say he needs to go home before the movie even ended because it caught you so off guard, you weren't expecting him to leave so early. OR just blame it on the hormones.. (sometimes i feel its great being a woman because I can blame my action on hormones.)

            My SO tells me that when he's with me is as if he is watching the weather channel broadcasting weathers of different places.. from sunny to thunderstorm to blizzard. HAHAHA he can read me so well it's almost scary since we've only known each other for 3 months..

            Cheer up hun
            I feel like this is totally why I did it - I felt caught off guard. And because I have this fear of maybe him leaving again to go back to LDR...subconsciously? *Sigh* Thanks to all of you though, now I don't feel so bad.
            .We've Closed the Distance.
            no matter where i am, no matter where you are
            i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
            no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
            all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

            Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


              Originally posted by lysie View Post
              completely understandable hun, it just shows u have very strong feelings for the bloke. i also have never been needy or over the top clingy. yet when i feel threatend or miss my man i go in nutto mode lol. id like to just tell u its the female genes. but im guessing it is somthing that happens from memories of when he left u and he was away for some time. last time i left my man i cried histerically on the plane and the poor guy next to me thought i was hypoventilating cuz the plane was taking off LOL we all do it.... and if he is a good guy he will see it as a sign u really do care for him. dont worry about it too much hun
              i strongly agree with lysie...
              sweetie you are normal,..I myself i can say im too needy and clingy..only when I had my SO now,..
              coz I know he is exceptional,.my fiance' or my SO now I can say he is the best for me...your lucky dear coz u already closed your distance,.but I and my SO we've been LDR now for a year,.then were 2700 miles apart,.gee imagine that,.then we have 16 hours time difference...I really damn misses him,.but I cant do nothing but wait for the right time for us...Well cheer up sweetie,..Just always bear in your mind He loves will feel good...


                He's like your lost teddy bear, who was finally found. You are ecstatic to have him back and don't want to leave him out of sight again. I wouldn't worry about it, people have emotional highs and lows sometimes, nothing wrong with that. I don''t think you should have to apologize for it either! Assuming he knows you quite well, a few tears isn't going to turn him off of you and think you are clingy.


                  Totally normal. I've been living with my SO for 8 months and I still get sad every day when he leaves to go to work. It's so silly. But I think when you're used to being LD where you don't see your SOs for months and months, it's hard to understand this goodbye is only for a day or two.

                  You were good to recognize he needs his space too, but you shouldn't worry over this.


                    Thanks you guys so much for the advice, I don't feel as crazy anymore. Phew but a good update he sent me this text message:
                    "I absolutely love that you cried...I know that you love me so much and you mean so much to me. Look I want you to come over we need to look for a gift for my sister! And my house needs lots of cleaning! I love you Justine! <3"

                    Phew - I'm glad that things worked out for the better. *HUGS*
                    .We've Closed the Distance.
                    no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                    i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                    no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                    all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                    Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


                      sorry, totally OT . are you from wisconsin?!


                        Originally posted by rusty15 View Post
                        sorry, totally OT . are you from wisconsin?!
                        Myself? No I am not lol. I am from Canada! Winnipeg, Manitoba. Why do you ask?
                        .We've Closed the Distance.
                        no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                        i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                        no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                        all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                        Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


                          First off, D'AWWWWW to his text! :3 That's adorable, and he really loves you!

                          Second, my SO and I closed the distance for 3.5 months in May and early on especially, I wouldn't want him to leave and I would get upset if he couldn't spend time with me. I was so used to him being away and saying goodbye for awhile, that when he was home, it was as if my mind was like "okay, he's going to leave any day now, so spend as much time with him now as you can because you won't get to see him again for awhile." when in reality, he wasn't going anywhere, except to his house a mile away. There was one night in particular I remember so well. It was about maybe 2 weeks into him being home, and I asked him if he wanted to come over to watch "Big Bang Theory" on DVD with me, and he said he couldn't because he was busy that night. I remember freaking out to myself and getting angry at him. I didn't tell him I was angry, but I was fuming, I said to myself "what could be more important than me? I'm his girlfriend!" Then, he texted me later that night saying he was spending time with his next door neighbor, who was only 12 or 13 and looks up to Anthony like a brother. I immediately felt like a bitch, and I fell into a puddle of mush because it melted my heart to hear he was spending time with his neighbor! SO CUTE! So, I couldn't be mad at him and I realized he would be home for several months, and we'd have tons of time to spend together, which we did. But, a few times I got like that. Now, I wish that were the case again, but it won't be for quite some time now lol.

                          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                            Originally posted by loveknowsnodistance27 View Post
                            First off, D'AWWWWW to his text! :3 That's adorable, and he really loves you!

                            Second, my SO and I closed the distance for 3.5 months in May and early on especially, I wouldn't want him to leave and I would get upset if he couldn't spend time with me. I was so used to him being away and saying goodbye for awhile, that when he was home, it was as if my mind was like "okay, he's going to leave any day now, so spend as much time with him now as you can because you won't get to see him again for awhile." when in reality, he wasn't going anywhere, except to his house a mile away. There was one night in particular I remember so well. It was about maybe 2 weeks into him being home, and I asked him if he wanted to come over to watch "Big Bang Theory" on DVD with me, and he said he couldn't because he was busy that night. I remember freaking out to myself and getting angry at him. I didn't tell him I was angry, but I was fuming, I said to myself "what could be more important than me? I'm his girlfriend!" Then, he texted me later that night saying he was spending time with his next door neighbor, who was only 12 or 13 and looks up to Anthony like a brother. I immediately felt like a bitch, and I fell into a puddle of mush because it melted my heart to hear he was spending time with his neighbor! SO CUTE! So, I couldn't be mad at him and I realized he would be home for several months, and we'd have tons of time to spend together, which we did. But, a few times I got like that. Now, I wish that were the case again, but it won't be for quite some time now lol.
                            Oh my goodness! That's too funny I have done something similar. Are you and your SO back to LDR?
                            .We've Closed the Distance.
                            no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                            i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                            no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                            all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                            Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

