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No official date?

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    No official date?

    Hi everyone

    My question is about whether or not you and your SO have an official time/date that you got together. Do you remember the exact date that you decided you would become "bf/gf"? Or did it not work like that for you?

    The reason I ask is because although me and my SO have been best friends for almost two years, the exact time that we decided to give our relationship a try is sort of blurry. We knew we had feelings for each other around July 2010, but couldn't do anything about it. We decided that we would be exclusive to each other in January 2011. Set our FB status to "in a relationship" minus the other persons name around feb/march 2011 (he did it before me lol) and then we listed each other in June 2011. I know Facebook can sometimes be a silly thing to go by but it gives you an idea of the timeline :P

    I found that when he was here visiting me (from july-oct this year and has gone home already), and people would ask us how long we've been together, he would tell them we'd been together for a year. I was like "what?! I didn't know you considered us an item that long ago?", because I only really considered it from the first few months of 2011, where as he is counting from when we had feelings for each other.

    I feel kind of left out now because I don't know when our one year anniversary is hahaha. I'm not really all that fussed about knowing, but I wish we had that so that we had the excitement of being able to celebrate. Do you think I should ask him and we could set a date together?

    For us, while our feelings for each other were abundantly clear, we don't consider our relationship to have been official until our first visit in April.

    If you want a date, you two should set it together. Ours was kinda blurry too, so we talked and that's what we decided.


      My SO and I have a date. We were only able to remember it because we sent voice recordings that day and it had the date on it. We probably could've been "together" a while longer, but we never had a serious talk about being girlfriends until that day.


        I remember having a talk with him about weather I was his gf cause people were starting to ask and I didn't know what to say. At the time he was playing it cool and pretty much said that he wasn't seeing anyone else but wasn't sure I was his gf. It just evolved from there and kept hanging out and just became together. We don't know when we actually started dating but we just go by the day we met cause we were instantly attracted to each other and hung out and talked 24/7 from then.


          I couldn't tell you the date we first got together, but we broke up for a bit, and got back together officially on March 30th, 2011, so we go from that. But before then, everything was kinda blurry as to when feelings were confessed and things like that, so I understand. I would just talk to him about it, and work out a date between the two of you
          You never forget your first love...


            Originally posted by Sierra View Post
            If you want a date, you two should set it together.
            I totally agree with this. With my SO and I things were a little different as we didn't know each other that long before meeting in person and I, at least, was seeing other people up until a couple of weeks before we met in person. He had asked me about the status of our relationship before, but I didn't want to be "official" until after we met in person so the day we met we discussed it and decided to be in a relationship together and that's the date we go from.


              I am one of those geeky people that know the exact date and time when it became 'official'. He took me for a walk after getting the ok from my dad and asked if I would be interested in being his girlfriend. Obviously I said yes. So that was June 8, 2010 at around 11 PM. I'm gonna go push my glasses up my nose and read the dictionary now


                My SO and I never officially asked each other which we still find hilarious to this day that we kind of just said we are in a relationship and never made it a "fact." We picked the date we first told each other our true feelings and began to hang out like every day afterwards since we were CD at the time. We both agree that this is basically when everything changed and we became "official."


                  Nope, my SO and I remember the conversation we had but have no idea on the date we had it so we picked a date around the time we think it was (mid October) but that said we prefer the anniversary of when we met which was nearly 3 and half years ago.... and we don't know that date either lol no doubt we'll make one up at the end of June for that.

                  How useless are we with dates
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    This has been posted a lot, but not every couple has a specific date. I really have no idea when we became "official". So we just sort of count how long we've been living together, since we both remember the date he flew in.


                      There is some debate over when our first date was, but he asked me out on our second date,

                      November 22, 2006 at 6:01pm. We only know the time because we were in the car. It was sooo cute too becuase he is such a, but when he was talking to me trying to ask me out, he was stuttering and all flustered. Adorable.


                        We don't have a date either.
                        It wouldn't really work with my conception of relationships anyway. There was no point (or day for that matter) from that on I considered us to be in a relationship with, it was a process. We have a whole anniversary month

                        As a date, we use the day we met, because we both feel like that was when a new beautiful chapter in our lives started. After all, we wouldn't be in a relationship, if we hadn't met in the first place

                        ---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

                        We don't have a date either.
                        It wouldn't really work with my conception of relationships anyway. There was no point (or day for that matter) from that on I considered us to be in a relationship with, it was a process. We have a whole anniversary month

                        As a date, we use the day we met, because we both feel like that was when a new beautiful chapter in our lives started. After all, we wouldn't be in a relationship, if we hadn't met in the first place

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          Our relationship had a complicated progression, but we count the first day of our second visit as "our" date. We didn't make things official until a few days later (neither of us was certain we could handle the pain of an LDR even though we loved each other). But it really started on that day, even if it wasn't something we were ready to face.


                            I know the exact second I first "met" him, since it was on Omegle and I saved the chat log. But the day we became official is fuzzy. He came over in March 2010 but I was too busy enjoying being around him to remember the actual date. We just decided that March 24th seems right.

                            Married: June 9th, 2015


                              lol I know what you mean! my bf and I first told each other how we felt about each other in April and I think our togetherness status was as of April. for other reasons we're going with June.

