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Do you ever find yourself....

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    Do you ever find yourself....

    Speaking in an accent like your partner if they have one, or doing the same mannerisms they do from time to time? lol anytime when im not even talking to Denise i will hear myself say something in Scottish. lol i can also do her accent really well but when im not trying to it tends to pop up, and i'm part british its in the family but i often start saying things like "Oh bugger off!" or "I cant be arsed" things like that, anybody else do this as well?

    aha i say cant be arsed all the time but i am english
    and yeah i kindof say stuff that my boyfriend says now. not in an accent but phrases and stuff.. i cant think of any off the top of my head but we both do it sometimes. i notice when he does it anyway


      Not unless I'm teasing him to his face. On my own no.


        There is actually a communication theory that describes this!

        It's called communication accommodation theory. Basically, the theory explains how we make adjustments to our communication (words, phrases, accents, pausing, rate, volume, etc.) for many reasons. One of the reasons we change from our normal communication is to show that we feel connected to someone. The more similarly we communicate to them, the more we like them, feel close to them, etc. It's an unconcious thing- but it happens a lot. It's most noticible when it happens with someone from another culture, since their communication is usually very different from our own. But it can happen with anyone really that we feel very close to.


          Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
          There is actually a communication theory that describes this!

          It's called communication accommodation theory. Basically, the theory explains how we make adjustments to our communication (words, phrases, accents, pausing, rate, volume, etc.) for many reasons. One of the reasons we change from our normal communication is to show that we feel connected to someone. The more similarly we communicate to them, the more we like them, feel close to them, etc. It's an unconcious thing- but it happens a lot. It's most noticible when it happens with someone from another culture, since their communication is usually very different from our own. But it can happen with anyone really that we feel very close to.
          awwww well i like that! well i love her lots and im very close to her mmhmm


            I drink Coke because it reminds me of my SO.


              I noticed last night that I have a tendency to kind of click my tongue randomly, which Ryan does all the time. And both of us have started emphasizing words a little differently, which matches each others. ^^


                I know I unconsciously use phrases that my boyfriend uses and so does he,especially if we are together for a long time


                  YES.. oh my god, I do SO many things that Philip does and I don't even notice it until he or someone else says something. I'm from Florida and he's from News York, so i'll find myself saying stuff with a northern accent. :P He says "ya buggin'" and I'll say that sometimes and I find myself even laughing like him, haha. He copies some of the things I do as well. It's SO cute. (:
                  This is exactly how it should feel when it`s meant to be


                    Ha! My SO speaks in a Brooklyn accent and I tell him he does but he says he doesn't, when I was with him over there. He said "I'm starving" he said it in such a New York accent that my sister's boyfriend's daughter noticed and she started copying him lol. I admit when I get mad or I start to speak loud my Puertorican accent comes up and then suddenly I start to speak Spanish, he has a bit of an accent when he speaks Spanish too.


                      lol, i know Denise will suddenly go all American when she talks sometimes and i tease her often about it by saying "Hey your accent disappeared again! want me to fix it?" i have a bit of a southern accent mostly because i plan on moving to NC at some point and she'll actually start talking southern along with her scottish accent its the funniest thing in the world it really is lol


                        Heh, I have to make an effort not SO is from South Carolina, and speaks with a nice Southern Drawl (mmmmmmmm ;P) Now, it doesn't help that I lived there for 4 years while in college, but I catch myself saying certain thing, mostly places, with a southern accent. Although I absolutely refuse to say "y'all", and my SO and I have an ongoing "fight" about the word pecans. I say pecAHN, he says PEEcan. Mostly I notice that I don't really notice his accent much any more, or maybe I have had a good influence with my "Proper Amercan English" and his accent isn't quite so broad any more.


                          Originally posted by ValadinShadow View Post
                          Heh, I have to make an effort not SO is from South Carolina, and speaks with a nice Southern Drawl (mmmmmmmm ;P) Now, it doesn't help that I lived there for 4 years while in college, but I catch myself saying certain thing, mostly places, with a southern accent. Although I absolutely refuse to say "y'all", and my SO and I have an ongoing "fight" about the word pecans. I say pecAHN, he says PEEcan. Mostly I notice that I don't really notice his accent much any more, or maybe I have had a good influence with my "Proper Amercan English" and his accent isn't quite so broad any more.
                          lmao oh yeah i know Denise had a semi thick scottish accent when i first started talking to her, now my american and southern accents have rubbed off on her so she still has it just not as thick as it was


                            My SO and I swap phrases a lot, haha.

                            Originally posted by kraut View Post
                            I drink Coke because it reminds me of my SO.
                            Same thing, but with Dr Pepper, haha. ;D

                            Originally posted by ValadinShadow View Post
                            Heh, I have to make an effort not SO is from South Carolina, and speaks with a nice Southern Drawl (mmmmmmmm ;P) Now, it doesn't help that I lived there for 4 years while in college, but I catch myself saying certain thing, mostly places, with a southern accent. Although I absolutely refuse to say "y'all", and my SO and I have an ongoing "fight" about the word pecans. I say pecAHN, he says PEEcan. Mostly I notice that I don't really notice his accent much any more, or maybe I have had a good influence with my "Proper Amercan English" and his accent isn't quite so broad any more.
                            Haha, I'm Southern, but my accent isn't bad at all. (Which is kinda good I guess, my SO doesn't like Southern accents on girls at all for some reason. XD Stupid Cali people!) But I totally say pee-can. It's pee-can pie and butter pe-cahn ice-cream in my opinion. >.>


                              Originally posted by Veiled_Dreamer View Post

                              Haha, I'm Southern, but my accent isn't bad at all. (Which is kinda good I guess, my SO doesn't like Southern accents on girls at all for some reason. XD Stupid Cali people!) But I totally say pee-can. It's pee-can pie and butter pe-cahn ice-cream in my opinion. >.>
                              Lol! I will have to listen the next time he says butter pecan, I hadn't noticed.

