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Interracial relationships

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    Im also in an interracial relationship. I am a black girl born in South America and grew up in Europe. He is french Canadian.
    I worry sometimes how our family's will react to it. He said his family dont mind but this is for both of us our first interracial relationship. So i dont think he can know lol. I have interracial couples in my family so i dont think they will make a big deal out of it but not sure. My stephdad however is not really glad with him being white. He is still stuck in the past and views them as his enemy's. Our cultures also has big differences. My parents think our culture is very important and they want me to preserve it so that means follow the traditions and all that stuff. As far as skincolor contrast just imagine Zoe Saldana and Johnny Depp.


      i just decided to post our pic as well to show the contrast

      guys,post ur pics also with your SOs!



        I think this pic shows our contrast well. I love it, because even though my eyes are all scrunched and strange, you can tell we're just so ridiculously happy to be with each other. hehe.


          I'm white (French Canadian) he's Iranian (which is technically white too, but considered Middle Eastern since they are in the Middle East, after all!) As far as skin color goes, he's whiter than me! But then again, people always guess me to be Arab... We confuse people...

          My mother (who isn't generally racist) once mentioned I should consider dating someone my own culture... And I have not talked to my father in a very long time so I don't know if he has an opinion on my SO's race... (he can be racist... but he'd get over it pretty simply... The rest of my family? Don't know... Don't really care... My friends obviously don't have any problem with it... Many of them are Iranian themselves...

          First met online: June, 2010
          First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
          Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Third visit together: August, 2012
          Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
          Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
          Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


            I'd love to post a pic but I'm really privacy conscious! I think I posted some pics on the veteran's picture thread but I may have deleted them... hmmm


              This is me!

              I'm half Maori and half White Australian, my GF is 1/8 Russian and Estonian + change. I've got a perma-tan that varies a lot with the amount of sun exposure and my GF is very very white.


                My girl is White Australian, I'm a born and raised American, my parents and family are from Guyana(so there's a big Caribbean influence culturally) but our ancestry is Indian if you were to trace it about 160 years yea I'm constantly being taken for an Indian, Pakistani, Egyptian, and even Mexican o.O but whatever I'm used to it.

                She honestly doesn't care (and neither do I) but I feel that her parents do. I know my family does, especially the elders (pretty racist...) when I was younger my mother always went on about the whole "stick to your own kind" nonsense (as does most of my family) and "No mix-bloods, nothing good will ever come about from interracial relationships... Yea #$^% that! It's completely absurd and ridiculous to think that way so I have no care about it whatsoever. I'm crazy about her and plan on being with her for a very long time!


                  JP is Polynesian, from Tonga and I'm latina, hailing from Colombia. It's funny because both of us were born in our home countries but raised in the U.S. We're both extremely fascinated with each other's culture and he's been watching doc's about Colombia non-stop since we met lol. I'm also trying to teach him spanish, but it is so hard for him because he can't get the pronunciation down. As far as any issues go, we haven't had any yet and honestly, when we're out in public together I'm way too wrapped up into him & us to even notice that other people are even around. We haven't introduced each other to our parents yet but they know about "us" and neither of our parents have a problem with it as far as I know .. I would love to move to Tonga someday with him and raise little island babies.


                    I'm mixed and he's mixed so... it was kind of unavoidable for both of us.


                      I just looked at pictures and you can't really notice a difference in skin tone between us. In some pictures the lighting is so that my skin looks fairer than his. But it's just the face, the rest of my body is slightly darker. And anyway, there definitely is a difference because I've yet to meet a native Finn with the black hair/dark eyes combo. Though Finnish women seem to really love dying their hair black. It's funny when their fair roots start showing.
                      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                        My Dad is a bit obsessed with the fact my boyfriend's half Jamaican. He was born and raised in England in a white family having no contact with his Jamaican relatives, and as far as his lifestyle goes, he's about as Jamaican as I am. But to my Dad it's infinitely cooler than being 'just English'. Now whenever he sees or reads anything about Jamaica, he has to phone me all excitedly to tell me about it.

                        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                          Originally posted by Malaga View Post
                          My Dad is a bit obsessed with the fact my boyfriend's half Jamaican. He was born and raised in England in a white family having no contact with his Jamaican relatives, and as far as his lifestyle goes, he's about as Jamaican as I am. But to my Dad it's infinitely cooler than being 'just English'. Now whenever he sees or reads anything about Jamaica, he has to phone me all excitedly to tell me about it.
                          This made me LOL. That's cute that your Dad loves your SO's half Jamaican side.



                            Here's me and my SO! There isn't much difference between us skin-wise, because I'm Swedish and he's Argentinian with a lot of mixed origins from Europe (apparently this is regularly ocurring with Argentinians, many of them are half Italian, half Spanish, half German...) Though this picture was taken in Greece, so we're both a bit red/destroyed from the sun, usually I'm paler and he's more tanned xD

                            Met online: February 2011
                            Met the first time: August 16, 2011


                              I was concerned about this at first since I am Hispanic and he is White/Scandinavian. I had been told that the older generation was quite racist and that if I did not blend with a sheet of paper, I was considered "black" He told me that under no circumstance his family would reject me and that no one he knew was racist. The reason I was afraid is cause where I'm from we are a mix of natives, Africans and Spanish. That's all I can say. I am a mix. I am not one nor the other. Color means nothing to me but I know it is everything to some people. Being born and raised in the Caribbean, a lot of people think the stereotype of a black or tan person but we are so diverse the color of our skin makes no difference. I've had people talk to me in English thinking I am White and ask me when did I move to Puerto Rico. Needless to say they are surprised when I tell them I am a native of the island.

                              In the end, when I visited, his friend told me he expected me to be darker and actually told me to get a tan! -.-
                              ”Distance means so little when someone means so much.”


                                Was in an interracial relationship with my ex LDR. She's white and I'm black. We joked about things and I was the first black guy she was with.

                                We are apart now and she mentioned that where she lives now she hardly sees black men so I called her out saying she has jungle fever lol.

                                My family doesn't care who I'm with as long as I'm happy, but of course I have relatives that want me to stay within my race. IR is an entire topic in itself I could expound on.

