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How long is your distance?

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    Miles Apart: 4465
    Planned Time to be LD: I don't know a definite date, but we are hoping to close the distance middle or end of year 2012.


      we are 3,344 miles apart
      He is in Philadelphia and I am in St. Andrews (Scotland)
      We actually just become LDR, I used to live in Philadelphia.
      However, he is comming here every 6 weeks to visit ^_^


        Miles Apart: 2,863.5 mi, he's in Portland and I'm in Philly

        Planned Time to be LD: I will be meeting him for the 1st time in January and then we will see what happens from there


          Miles apart: 439 travel / 302 straight line (there's a big body of water in the way)
          Planned time to be an LD: We've been LD since August 2009 and will be until at least next summer. It depends on where I decide to go to school. We may close the distance or we may just shorten it by 300 miles.


            New to this site so forgive me if I screw up at all hehe. We are 9,000 miles apart and we will have to stay that way until he gets stationed somewhere close or we get married. Still 2 years to go where he is now.


              I could be wrong, but I think it's about 10,000 miles. We're currently together and it might be semi-permanent for another year, but I could also be going home in January at which point I have no idea how much longer we will have to be apart.
              Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
              First met: June 13th 2006


                Miles apart : 4.724 miles by air

                Planned time to be LD: No more than 6 months


                  Miles apart: 8,000 miles

                  He would be visiting on december but we're on a "secret" relationship so he still has to "escape" his family to see me. That, I hope would be successful. I would die to spend on day with him than nothing at all. PLanned LD -- until he graduates college, that's like 2 and a half years more, except if he can have the money to travel back to me or me to him.
                  Nobody knows who I really am
                  Maybe they just don't give a damn
                  But if I ever need someone to come along
                  I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                    Miles apart: just over 400

                    Planned time to be in LDR: 2 years, until he's done with school. I'm done with school, but currently my job keeps me here, and he wants to live back in MN once he's done with school anyway. Just makes more sense to stay where I have a steady income and can pay my bills, than move to a small town where jobs are hard to find


                      About 450 when I'm at school. When I'm home it's about the same maybe closer to 460-465. Leave it to us to have a complicated 8 hour/450 miles triangle of a relationship.

                      Right now it's up in the air. The plan was when I graduate college in 2014 we'd be together. Depending on jobs and stuff it might close sooner (he's applied to places close by my school); but I'm not getting my hopes up very high for that.
                      ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
                      The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                        Miles apart : 1,264 miles

                        Planned time to be LD : We will have been LD for 8 years come December 31st. We will be that way for another 2ish years when he finishes school in Spring 2013.

                        *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                          Distance: 7.777

                          Hi!. I'm new here actually. Me and my girlfriend have not introduced ourselves yet (we will in a few moments in the appropiate forum).

