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His Visit...

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    His Visit...

    My SO visited Halloween weekend! And I'm still floating on air… even though I tear up when I begin to miss him.

    We spent absolutely every moment together, it was wonderful to have really special moments between just us two. I haven't been that giddy and happy in the longest time. He met a lot of the new friends and acquaintances I've made since I've been away. He fit in perfectly with my friends, and we all hung out together, really comfortably and had a good time.

    In some ways, it makes me really sad. He received a full scholarship to my uni, in the same program - he, and the closest friends I've made here, and I would have all lived in the same hallway. However he choose a much more prestigious school. And seeing him here, in our hallways, on our campus, laughing and having a great time alongside all my friends; it makes me think of how wonderful it would've been if he had been here.

    I'm trying not to get too hung up on that. I'm trying to focus on the really wonderful memories we made together.

    And how I will be seeing him again in 19 days, for Thanksgiving break when we both go home.

    I'm incredibly fortunate.

    Awwww that is tough. Honestly your just going to have to go through that missing him stuff and be strong. Be happy for him that he's going to school and stuff and just try 2 distract urself and have fun with your friends, go out and do stuff to take ur mind off missing him. I kno missing ur boyfriend or girlfriend is the most draining feeling in the world. It takes a lot out of you and brings u 2 tears at the onset of missing them. It's the best and worst feeling at the same time lol. I hope u feel better !


      awww im glad that you are happy! and I think alot of us are counting down until thanksgiving vacation.
      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


        Awwwww! Nice to hear you both have a wonderful time!
        And about school... it's the best for him to go to a prestigious school, though you'll get to see him soon!
        Don't hink about the bad things, try to enjoy the time you are together and don't let those memories go away!

        Thanksgiving is so close!!!

