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One of my worst fears has come true..

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    Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
    Just out of curiosity, where in NYC are you?

    Edit: I just saw in another post that you're from Queens, so I sympathize. I'm from Brooklyn, and once was stupid enough to to go Long Island City and stay past dark with a friend to shoot a movie...yeah. Eesh.
    Yea, LIC at night can be pretty desolate. I used to attend college there and would get out about 9pm, so I know the area well.

    I do understand crime can happen anywhere. Part of the reason I wanted to move to my SO's country is that I believed we could have a quieter lifestyle there where people look out for one another. Here in NYC that doesn't exist. I recently had to move apartments b/c drug dealers had taken over a vacant apartment in the building I was living in. Eventually they began threatening my roommate saying if the police were called, our apartment would be next. I decided to get out (my SO knows about this) and although I feel safer where I'm at now, there are still bars on my bedroom window and on Halloween there was a shooting on my block. I do what I can to stay safe, but I don't live my life in constant fear here, and would hate to move somewhere where I felt I had to.

    My SO is quick to admit his country is poor and lacks opportunities, but he really does not believe it is unsafe. He always points out to me how Nicaragua is said to have one of the lowest rates of gang violence in Central America. Safety is truly subjective.


      Originally posted by books View Post
      Yea, LIC at night can be pretty desolate. I used to attend college there and would get out about 9pm, so I know the area well.

      I do understand crime can happen anywhere. Part of the reason I wanted to move to my SO's country is that I believed we could have a quieter lifestyle there where people look out for one another. Here in NYC that doesn't exist. I recently had to move apartments b/c drug dealers had taken over a vacant apartment in the building I was living in. Eventually they began threatening my roommate saying if the police were called, our apartment would be next. I decided to get out (my SO knows about this) and although I feel safer where I'm at now, there are still bars on my bedroom window and on Halloween there was a shooting on my block. I do what I can to stay safe, but I don't live my life in constant fear here, and would hate to move somewhere where I felt I had to.

      My SO is quick to admit his country is poor and lacks opportunities, but he really does not believe it is unsafe. He always points out to me how Nicaragua is said to have one of the lowest rates of gang violence in Central America. Safety is truly subjective.
      How much are you paying per month for rent? You could probably live in a safer area, maybe in Astoria or Greenpoint or Bushwick, and the rent wouldn't be that much steeper, especially if you have roommates. One of my best friends lives with his roommate in a really swanky building in Greenpoint for something like $875 a month.


        Originally posted by books View Post
        Thanks for your input. We could certainly look into a different SO has family scattered throughout Nicaragua. I would definitely not want to live in Managua. I'd be open to working there, but living, for various reasons. Leon, sure it's a possibility. Granada: way too expensive!! Part of the rationale for me moving there is that we can live better for cheap. The thing about the town that he lives in is there are pretty much no foreigners/expats/tourists. The whole time I was there I met one Peace Corps volunteer who was sent to teach and then left after three days. I say that because usually tourists=money which means more crime.

        El Salvador I wouldn't consider unless I got a secure UN assignment. The gang situation there is CRAZY. Honduras, not sure. My SO's Mom is working in Costa Rica right now (she spends 6 months there every year) in addition to many of his other extended family. So, that's an option.

        I met a Nicaraguan girl when I was living in Italy who said as much as she loved her country, she'd never go back. She got an opportunity to study over there and wound up marrying a Spainard and now has made her life in Europe. As successful as her story may seem, hearing her say she'd never go back saddens me.
        Yeah I know El Salvador is pretty bad, and really Honduras isn't that great right now either. I was just trying to think of ease of movement. Because getting a job here (legally) is pretty damn tough. And I hate to say it, but you know some ticos won't want to hire a nica. If you're considering CR, consider Granada (or another city) first. Besides the job issues, CR is ridiculously expensive. I'm talking at least 4x the price of everywhere else in Central America. My SO and I live in a nice-ish area in San Jose, in a small apartment and it's $550 a month. That's more than I paid in the states!!! Really the only thing cheap in CR is food, and it's still more expensive than in Nicaragua. And most wages here suck. I honestly can't understand how ticos make it some days. My SO has a great engineering job and makes $1200 a month, which is pretty great from CR. More "common" jobs are probably $500 a month.


          Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
          How much are you paying per month for rent? You could probably live in a safer area, maybe in Astoria or Greenpoint or Bushwick, and the rent wouldn't be that much steeper, especially if you have roommates. One of my best friends lives with his roommate in a really swanky building in Greenpoint for something like $875 a month.
          I pay $525 and I live with roommates. I'm familiar with all of those areas you listed, actually lived in Astoria when I was in high school for a moment. Bushwick, wow. I remember when Bushwick was seriously a no-go zone. Anyways, I'm ok where I am now...unless something drastic happens.


            Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
            Yeah I know El Salvador is pretty bad, and really Honduras isn't that great right now either. I was just trying to think of ease of movement. Because getting a job here (legally) is pretty damn tough. And I hate to say it, but you know some ticos won't want to hire a nica. If you're considering CR, consider Granada (or another city) first. Besides the job issues, CR is ridiculously expensive. I'm talking at least 4x the price of everywhere else in Central America. My SO and I live in a nice-ish area in San Jose, in a small apartment and it's $550 a month. That's more than I paid in the states!!! Really the only thing cheap in CR is food, and it's still more expensive than in Nicaragua. And most wages here suck. I honestly can't understand how ticos make it some days. My SO has a great engineering job and makes $1200 a month, which is pretty great from CR. More "common" jobs are probably $500 a month.
            Wow, that is alot of rent you're paying. Good info to know...I know things are really tough for nicas in CR. I've heard the stories...I know my SO's mother lives in really cramped conditions but the money she makes there goes far in Nicaragua. To be honest, my SO probably wouldn't be that thrilled about living in CR. Do you know anything about info? I visited Panama years ago and loved it, but have heard that getting a visa there was really tough. There's a lot of work in my field there, but I'm not sure how welcoming Panama is to other Central Americans.


              Originally posted by books View Post
              I pay $525 and I live with roommates. I'm familiar with all of those areas you listed, actually lived in Astoria when I was in high school for a moment. Bushwick, wow. I remember when Bushwick was seriously a no-go zone. Anyways, I'm ok where I am now...unless something drastic happens.
              Yeah, Bushwick has become majorly gentrified (and hipster-fied, heh) lately. $525 is seriously a steal, I don't blame you staying where you are. I think I've just been spoiled living in very nice areas my entire life.


                Originally posted by books View Post
                Wow, that is alot of rent you're paying. Good info to know...I know things are really tough for nicas in CR. I've heard the stories...I know my SO's mother lives in really cramped conditions but the money she makes there goes far in Nicaragua. To be honest, my SO probably wouldn't be that thrilled about living in CR. Do you know anything about info? I visited Panama years ago and loved it, but have heard that getting a visa there was really tough. There's a lot of work in my field there, but I'm not sure how welcoming Panama is to other Central Americans.
                I don't know anything about getting visas in Panama. But they are a little stricter about letting people enter. I know Dominicans have to show like $1000 cash to get in (at least last time I went). I've only been to two places there, and it really is a great country. LOVED Panama city. I don't think it's quite as expensive as Costa Rica, but it will definitely be a lot more than Nicaragua. As far as welcoming, I feel like it's just ticos that kind of hate the rest of Central Americans. Nicaragua I find really welcoming, and from what little I know about Panama, they seem just as nice. Definitely look into it and let me know how things turn out for you!!

