I posted last week about my SO not wanted to talk on the phone much but we did talk about it and although he doesn't really like talking on the phone he now understands how important it is to me and our relationship. We skyped (FaceTime actually but it's the same thing to me) last night and we were trying to think f ways to have "Skype dates" since we can't actually go on real dates. We are going to try cooking dinner together while on skype, I know someone who sells tastefully simple so I planned on getting a soup mix and a biscuit mix ( you only have to add one of two ingredients to each mix) and mailing one to him and I would keep one and we would cook it "together" and eat together and just talk and carry on as if we were together. I have also heard of watching a movie together which we also plan on trying.. I was wondering what other people do or if you have any ideas for fun Skype dates!
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Skype dates!
I would always clean my room while talking to my SO, when he stayed with me he'd sit on my bed and talk while I cleaned so it was kinda like we were doing the same thing. Sometimes I'd cook, never together though our time zones don't match up that way. You could even read together, get the same book and take turns reading chapters out loud. Doesn't have to be a huge book even just one of those ones for young people with short chapters.
You could do anything! My SO and I love to cook/eat together. Especially simple things like toast hawaii and the 5 minute chocolate mug cake (I posted the recipe on this forum already if you're interested!). We also watch movies together. The last time we did that was for Halloween.You can also take a bath together (but make sure that the steam doesn't get anywhere near the laptop!). You can also give a tour of your apartment/house if you didn't do that already.
My SO and I like to play online games, so we will Skype chat while doing that which lends more to discussion about the games, but breaks up our conversation a little. Skype also has free, simple games. Recently, I was looking for a new bed set and wanted his input. I shared my Skype screen and we searched for it together. He is now looking for some new computer equipement, so he shared his screen with me while we chatted about the products. Although I wouldn't have called that a date per se...it's something else to do together.
We both download the movie (or DVD) and Skype chat while watching it. I used to watch movies with an LD friend and texted, but it wouldn't be the same as being able hear him laugh or make funny comments. We also never shared screens while watching a movie...too much lag time. Although, we have watched You Tube videos together while sharing screens as they are short.
***Just realized you indicate FaceTime; not sure if you can share screens on that or if it has games.***
We also watch movies on skypeand sometimes when I go to sleep, I leave the skype open so he can take care of me. if he sees that I am having a nightmare, he wakes me up.. one of the hardest thing in a LDR is that you can't sleep together, so that brings a little comfort
Just another vote for cooking. I've probably said this a million times, but I love watching my man cook. =)I love you Nathan <3
5/25/09 <3