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Foreign Desires

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    Thanks for all the comments, really thanks,
    Its finally I am booking my tickets tonight ( with my dads airmiles So next year Feb time I will be jamming in Sweden, Is there anything I should have a heads up at?
    Awkwardness or anything like that? And could anyone pass on there personal experiance, it would be awsome.



      woot! hope your first meeting goes well!

      First time i met my man i was sooooooooooo nervous! we hadnt web cam'd and i had only seen a tiny army pic he had sent me, i sent him a photo like a week before he hopped on the plane (i went on a major weightloss thing before i saw him - lost 3 stones in 3 months lol - gym and proper portioned food i might add no silly ness!).
      Honestly though as soon as he walked towards me at heathrow and gave me that first just felt right. We talked so much before the meeting and voicing our concerns etc but seriously we neednt have worried. We had as much if not more connection in person than we did on skype.

      Btw we met like how you 2 did, through a game. So when we got food and came home and other things (ahem) we just played the game together and raided a bit haha. It was amazing and we still talk about it now.


        Yay for first meetings!
        My first meeting was so surreal. There was no awkwardness, unless you count me clinging to him in the train station going, "you're so real!" (yeah, plane ride+ train ride makes me kinda stupid)
        Also, he compared seeing me coming off the train to seeing the girl coming out of the tv in The Ring. haha. We are a weird couple.
        In all honesty, be prepared to not know what to think. I know not everyone goes through this, but through the first few hours, my only thoughts were "Is this real? This is too perfect, it can't be real. OMFG what am I gonna screw up?" lol

        First Met Online: October 2010
        First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
        Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
        First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
        Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
        Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
        Engaged!: June 1, 2013
        Picking out wedding dates now!


          Really? Well I only play after work, And Im not sure but that might be the last thing I would wanna do :P Still, glad for you!

          Thats what im worried about, srewing it up some how, altho I have never met her, I dont want to lose her? if that makes any sense?


            well both the man and i have played games for a loooong time. It was nice to actually raid together w/o the headset on lol.
            Well you only worry cause you like her so it's natural. Just dont over think it and just go with the flow xD well thats my suggestion anyway


              It makes sense, but most of the time, it's just our insecurities telling us that we'll screw up.
              My best advice is of course, try to relax and keep in mind you already love this girl for a reason, and she loves you too.

              First Met Online: October 2010
              First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
              Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
              First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
              Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
              Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
              Engaged!: June 1, 2013
              Picking out wedding dates now!


                There will be some awkward times for the first time! but i believe its just first few mins!

                Nervous? ohh yeah! even for those who met before--like me, when i want to see him after 7 months apart, my heart like want to explode hahaha... moment i walk outside the train he stood there, and i don't know whether i should hug him and kiss him or just shake his hand! (stupid thought--ah yes i hug him quite long time..more too squeezing and kiss him of course!)

                When you landed, and walk outside those airport to the meeting point.. just think of this.... This is the reason why you fly hours from home, this is the reason why you pack your suitcase and do all the crazy thing like you never done before you're in love with her, and love is insane

                Congrats! and..please do share the story when you met her! heheh


                  they can and do work, as it has been said it's like a close distance relationship some work and some don't but there is no reason you shouldn't keep pursuing this. Go for it see where it leads and remember communication is key espcially since you cannot be around each other often. good luck i wish you all the best!


                    I'm not super experienced yet, but I've been in an LDR for almost 5 months. It is for sure the healthiest relationship I have ever been in. At times the lack of physical affection can feel horrible, but every time I think of my SO I am so happy. I have never been so happy. Even though sometimes it is so hard I think my heart might just fall out of my chest, I can't imagine anything else. It is quite possible and can be absolutely euphoric if you found the right person.

                    Good luck!

