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Ever feel like...

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    Ever feel like...

    Ever feel like your webcam is just a window and like they are just a thin piece of glass away from you?

    Forgive me if I see insane but the last few times I've webcamed with my SO I've felt like that.

    It sucks.

    Especially when we've been fighting a lot lately and we all know with distance the issue seems to be bigger than it should, like if its petty it seems huge and if its huge it seems gigantic and if its gigantic... well you know what I mean.
    " There is always hope.

    I completely understand. Its like, you can see them and hear them but you are missing the important elements. Like touching, kissing, smell...I've wanted to jump through my webcam on so many occasions. Me and my SO joke a lot and say have they invented teleportation yet? they need to get on that.
    "You want for myself
    You get me like no one else
    I am beautiful with you

    I am beautiful with you
    Even in the darkest part of me
    I am beautiful with you
    Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
    You're here with me
    Just show me this and I'll believe
    I am beautiful with you"



      Yes, I've felt like that too. Actually I was just thinking about it when I was webcamming with my boyfriend earlier today. So often it's like we're sitting across from each other but then things happen that bring us back to reality that we're relying on the internet to see each other, like internet signal issues, or being stressed about something and not being able to touch and hold each other to calm back down.


        Me and my SO joke a lot and say have they invented teleportation yet? they need to get on that.
        LOL Ruby, we do that too. I made a joke that he needed to teleport home and be in my bed when i got there one night, I got home and instead a huge spider and decided to sleep on my pillow and wait for me =/ He jokes he had to test it out first...


          Yes, you miss the real hugs and things like that. But I am happy that I can see him everyday like this. It's better than nothing.


            All the time haha, like they feel so close yet they're so far away. I've made out with and hugged my computer so much rofl <3


              I've often felt that. There are times when all I want to do is just to rip the screen and jump in there to be in my SO's arms. Yeah, I wish!
              It's a normal feeling. I'm sure that most people in LDR have felt that way.


                I totally know what you are feeling. I'm dealing with that feeling too. It is frustrating but at the same time such a bless to be able to at least see each other, i wouldn't know what to do without webcam.


                  Originally posted by dutchgirl View Post
                  Yes, you miss the real hugs and things like that. But I am happy that I can see him everyday like this. It's better than nothing.
                  I don't know how I'd cope with being away from him for the past four months had we not had skype.

                  But yeah, I find myself trying to touch his face through my computer on so many occasions.

                  First Met Online: October 2010
                  First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                  Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                  First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                  Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                  Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                  Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                  Picking out wedding dates now!


                    I totally understand this. We don't get to webcam that often, but when we do, I find myself being teased. I'll want to hug him and we always try to hug through the screen, though we know it won't happen. =\ It's frustrating, but it is nice to see him when we do get to webcam.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      Sometimes I feel like my computer IS my SO :P And my family acts the same way! It's always "Don't drop Alex!" or "I left Alex upstairs."


                        Lol! @ Lumos. I know what you mean..

                        When the internet is co-operating, and the picture is especially clear, yes. Sometimes I'll reach out and poke his face/my screen with my finger. I'll see him sprawled out on his bed and I'll just want to jump through the screen and cuddle-wrestle him. It's comforting and frustrating at the same time.. LDRs are just something else.

                        Married: June 9th, 2015


                          I used to believe sometimes if I stared long enough into the webcam and touched his face where it was on the screen that I would be able to reach for him and touch him. How wrong I was...



                            i always find myself touching my screen as if it were his face. sometimes if everything is set up properly it feels like i could be there right next to him not. like everyone else said i'm grateful i have the opportunity to skype with him because otherwise i'd be going absolutely mad. (well, more mad than i already am :P)

