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    Im currently on an internship, and just had the job of selecting the next intern from all the CV's and cover letters. Out of 29 we had 2 places to fill, there were 7 that really stood out, the rest were average, and some were just awful.

    I can only really talk from the perspective of the job I was looking at CV's for (Science research) but the main things that really stood out probably apply to most job applications:
    -Enthusiastic cover letter. Job position and company thoughly researched. It sounds obvious, but I was so shocked at the amount of people who seemed to just send a generic cover letter. ALL Cover letters and CVs should be changed to best reflect your experience in regards to the job you applied for.
    -"Extra-curricular" and interests. Give a brief reflection on how these have given you transferable skills, for example, time management. Sports generally show good team working. I actually read a CV detailing a movie collection (I'm sorry but I have no interest in horror and sci-fi movies...). "Interested in cinematics" would have sufficed.
    -SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!! Get someone to proof read it!! :P
    -No more than 2 pages. Bullet points are good. Easier to read.

    I would also recommend giving your CV or cover letter to someone impartial, willing to read it through and be frank with you. For example, I have a friend not afriad to say what she really thinks, I gave her my cover letter, she told me exactly what sounded crap etc :P

    In terms of how a CV should be layed out: Adress and name at the top. Chronological order. Most recent, relevant job experience first. Interests and personal statment. School history etc last (But this would also depend on the job you are applying for, e.g. it would probably be best to put this at the top for a graduate program)

    Sorry if you already do most of this. I was just genuinely shocked by some of the bad applications.

    Also, I got my 2 holiday jobs (1 full time in a hotel, the other part time in a bar) by ringing and emailing companies, regardless of whether they were advertising a job or not. I would ring ahead to make sure I knew the name of the person who would be reading my application. If they say they dont have anything available, ask them if you can leave a name or number so they can contact you if anything becomes available. I had 2 job offers just because I had left my name and number at the bar a couple of months earlier.

    I completely sympathyse when people say they start to feel demotivated after so many rejections though I feel so so so lucky to have the opportunity of this internship!!

    Also, I would count undocumented volunteer work. You can always put it in activities and interests though if you dont have a so called "reference" for it. It shows more transferable skills.
    Si tu n'etais pas la
    Comment pourrais-je vivre
    Je ne connaitrais pas
    Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
    Quand je suis dans tes bras
    Mon coeur joyeux se livre
    Comment pourrais-je vivre
    Si tu n'etais pas la

    Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
    Home could be anywhere when I am holding you



      Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
      Ohhh man my SO used craigslist and I tried to help him find jobs on there but pretty much like 8/10 of the jobs on there are all scams. It's ridiculous. It was frustrating because so many of them seemed like genuine job opportunities.
      ugh yeah tell me about it. Mostly I just look under the food and bev stuff because I'm a culinary student


        Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
        Why have I not seen this around my campus. D: I would so be willing to do something like this... The only ads on my campus bulletins I ever see are for the MAKE 1,000+ A WEEK bulletins, which are more or less a sham, considering you have to pay for their training, are then sent out on your own, and can easily be fired if you don't push the product on enough people. I'm too polite to do work like that unfortunately. But participating in studies is something I enjoy regardless; if I got paid for it, that'd be even better.
        This really just depends on whether or not you are near a research university. I used to work in research at a medical university here in NYC and we recruited through craigslist (under volunteers), in the community, and occasionally the campus. For instance though, if the study is looking for former smokers aged 45 and up, they would typically not recruit at a college campus and instead look to pull from the general population (craigslist) or specific DR's offices, clinics, etc. The general rule is the more invasive and time-consuming the study, the higher the compensation. You may be offered $15 each time you come in to give a blood sample or up to $2,000 for sleeping on-site at a sleep lab for 3 weeks while taking sleep aids. If you're interested in participating in studies, the best thing to do is find out what research universities are near you and contact them directly. Remember, always read the consent very carefully!

        If you are looking at focus group market research, Focus Pointe Global is good and has various locations in the US. They will typically pay between $75-$150 for participation in focus groups. They also offer smaller online surveys which pay $1-2 each.


          @raiblade: I put down my volunteer experience on my resume, it shows you were actually doing something and not sitting on your bum .


            I've been officially unemployed since April. I was supposed to have a new job, my dream job really, and I was going to move to another state. To make a long story short, the job fell through and I moved back in with my mom. Besides being a musician, my work history is quite varied; I've not gotten any interviews. I also don't really know what I want to do. I house sat for some friends for a week in October; that was fun. I have musical gigs, but not getting paid for any of them right now. I guess I'm kind of hoping something will come up and I can go back to my old work.

            It's so boring and it sucks being almost broke.


              Hololz: THAT is some very very useful information! thanks alot! and congratrs on the jobs!

              Yayagrl: My volunteer experiencewasn't documented :/ Does that still count?

              Dar917: Hopefully you find something soon!!!!!

              I know it's hard :/ I called a bunch ofplaces today but only 2 i found were hiring. I still put in a few apps today. Wish me luck!
              Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                I would just mention it as being undocumented. Can you not go back and ask the person who supervised the activities to be a reference just in case?


                  yayagrl: I could try but i don't know if any of the same people are there. It was at my local library and that was about 3 years ago..
                  Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                    P.S. i got a call last night and God willing i have a interview on saturday!!!!!!
                    Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                      Ah ok. I would call and see if anyone you worked with is still there. ^_^ Congrats on the possible interview


                        Thank you! I hope everything works out well!!!
                        Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                          After graduating university in the summer I gave what seemed like hundreds of CVs into the shops in my town. In the end I went on jobseekers allowance- where the govenment pays me while I look for work. Luckily I was on there for two weeks when my seasonal job at a department store came through- where I had worked before. Since then I have three part time jobs. I work for 2 hours at a primary school's after-school club and at a nursery with the babies as lunch cover alongside my seasonal job. Come january I'll be down to two but they're permanent jobs.

                          The recession has really hit young people hard. I think volunteering is sometimes the way to go. I couldn't get a job in childcare as I currently don't have qualifications but I am working on getting them but managed to get a volunteering opportunity at a nursery. They had a job going and I enquired about it and even though she had already given it to someone, she was willing to let me volunteer. As a result I think the things I learned volunteering helped me get my job at the nursery.

                          Just keep trying and try not to get disheartened. Make your CV the best it can be. There are some good points on here.

                          raiblade- did you get an interview in the end? how did it go?
                          "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"- Audrey Hepburn


                            well here in Belgium it's actually pretty easy to find work. I'm still in school but I tutor little children. I also am starting this weekend working in a factory. if that won't work out I'll work in the Mcdonalds, it pays 14 euro/hour wich is awesome. Isn't there anyone that you know working somewhere that doesn't require diplomas or anything? They could help you get in there too maybe? I dunno how it works in USA...


                              Just got a job finally! I'm working Christmas break and potentially the summer break at a bar that my mom's friend owns. I'm waiting tables. I'm very excited!
                              During the school year I'm trying to find a research assistantship (volunteer) position because it will look good on my graduate school applications. It also allows me to go home during the summer and be with my family and my SO.
                              The area around me in Florida seems to only be hiring full time positions, which is quite odd.

                              Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                              Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                              Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                              Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                              Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

