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Best time to visit

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    Best time to visit

    I'm trying to figure out when the best time to visit would be.So when do you think is the least and most busy times of the semesters? I think the start is slow always, then mid terms and finals being the busiest. My SO is saying she thinks the beginning will be the busiest because she is starting a new school in utah. what do you think?

    At least from mine and my SO's experience, the beginning of the semester can actually be really busy. Especially when we first moved to college. We had to settle in, get our room set up, figure out where classes were, get an early start on our classes, etc. Then it slows down a bit once you've settled in, and then speeds up again when midterms come around, slows down a bit, and then speeds up again during finals. It really depends on your classes as well. Some classes you feel you'll be studying for 24/7 because they take up so much of your time. Once you've got a schedule set in place, things become more of a routine and you learn to adjust/make time for other things.

    I won't be able to this upcoming semester, but last year I visited my SO on every break I had, and he came to me during his breaks. Next semester will be really hard for us as I'll be interning and I will have little to no time =/. No visits to him, but at least he'll be able to come to me during his birthday.

    Best of luck!


      Originally posted by Colorado2SouthDakota View Post
      I'm trying to figure out when the best time to visit would be.So when do you think is the least and most busy times of the semesters? I think the start is slow always, then mid terms and finals being the busiest. My SO is saying she thinks the beginning will be the busiest because she is starting a new school in utah. what do you think?
      For me, too, the beginning of the quarter is always hectic, even moreso if you're planning on moving out to live in the dorms. Because I'm on the quarter system, I don't really get a break between tests and papers, depending on how my classes add up (last quarter, starting two weeks in, I had an exam or paper due every week for the following two and a half months), so personally, my SO and I plan visits around my school breaks. This past time he visited, he stayed for finals week (finals week is never very busy for me, since I've done most of my studying the week or so before it, so it's mostly refresh and then exams for me that week) and then spring break.

      But for me, I would say the beginning of school and midterms are the busiest. Finals and school breaks are the least busy for me.
      { Our Story on LFAD }

      Our Beginning
      Met online: February 2009
      Feelings confessed: December 2010
      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

      Our Story
      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

      Our Happily Ever After
      to be continued...


        During term isn't (wasn't?) really good for either of us. She is on the trimester system, so she is very busy the entire length of her term, and when I was an undergraduate, I took extra classes each term, so I always had my hands full as well. Now that I'm going to be starting my PhD, I expect I'll be able to be more flexible about when I go to visit her, but we'll likely still arrange things around her breaks.


          I get super busy after the first 5-7 days of class (when assignments tend to start rolling out), so our visits always happen during the breaks between the school terms. If she's starting at a new school, the first few weeks will probably be packed. If she has a reading week in the term, maybe that would be a good time?

          Married: June 9th, 2015


            I'm assuming that you're on the semester system:

            While the best times, obviously, would be during short vacations where it doesn't make sense to go home (unless you live a few hours away) or during the lull between midterms. That is, of course, assuming that you guys have similar midterm schedules.

            Otherwise you'll just be sitting there while they study frantically and you can't really do romantic things.

            DON'T visit at the start of semesters because that's when everyone's getting adjusted to classes and there are too many new things going on. I'm being really naggy and maternal here, but academics is important and you shouldn't get in the way of your own, or her's.

            Wow, I sound old :P Good luck!
            "If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart"


              thanks everyone i think we have decided to hold the visit till my birthday (sep 29) and she is going to leave about a week early for college so that way she can stop by and visit before she goes for a few days. Best part is this new college for her means only 8 hours between us driving instead of 12 hours. Also flights are nearly as cheap as driving and only takes an hour and a half flying


                Originally posted by Colorado2SouthDakota View Post
                thanks everyone i think we have decided to hold the visit till my birthday (sep 29)
                Random, but that's my birthday too! xD

