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    Nice to meet you all

    1. How long have you and your SO been together?
    A little bit over 3 years

    2. How far apart are you?
    2,150 miles

    3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
    I'm in my first year of grad school, and he's in his final year of undergrad.

    4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
    I'm also studying Speech Language Pathology (seems to be a few of us on here), and he's studying microbio.

    5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
    He's graduating next June, and I'll be graduating in 2014. If all goes as planned, I'll be able to get a job wherever he ends up going to grad school.

    6. Tell us a little about you
    I'm a huge nerd :P


      Heyyyyyyy everybody!

      1. How long have you and your SO been together?
      Almost 7 months!

      2. How far apart are you?
      Only about 110 miles right now because I go to school in Chicago and he's in Wisconsin. But my family is currently in the process of moving to Kansas City, so then it will be over 800 miles

      3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
      Just me! My SO is a junior in high school.

      4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
      I'm undecided right now. I have noooooooo idea.

      5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
      Well hopefully I can graduated from college in 2016 and he will be graduating high school in 2014.

      6. Tell us a little about you!
      Well alright! I love movies, TV shows, music. I play college basketball andddddddd I dunno. I have no life. haha


        Hey everyone! My very first post, woohoo, well here it comes:

        1. How long have you and your SO been together? For some strange reason we don't have an actual date where we made it official that we are together. However, we met each other on the 8th of May in 2012 and decided we will just use that date since we started dating since I gave my phone number on that day and he sent me a message and from that moment we started going on dates and keeping in touch.
        2. How far apart are you? The North-Sea is inbetween. He lives in Norwich, England, I live in Amsterdam, Holland. 270 miles.
        3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you? We both are, or actually he calls it University.
        4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying? He studies Music and I study Occupational Therapy
        5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate? Just two more years for him and a whole four years for me... Just started out!
        6. Tell us a little about you! My name is Merel and I live in the always exciting city of Amsterdam. I'm a first-year student in Occupational Therapy and I love to write, take photos and just meet up with friends in the little spare time I have. I have been an au pair in Watford, England for a year and this is where I met my boyfriend Dan. Unfortunately I had to go back to Holland for my studies and he had to stay in England for his..!


          Awww, I had a good time just reading everyone's response on this 5-page thread. Haha. Figured I'd post as well!

          1. How long have you and your SO been together?
          We've been together for almost 2 and a half years.

          2. How far apart are you?
          1,850 miles. I'm in Texas and he's from Connecticut. (Prior to dating him, I had no idea how to spell Connecticut.)

          3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
          We both are! I'm attending a University and he's attending a community college and has plans to transfer into University next fall!

          4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
          I'm actually undeclared, but have applied internally to become a Psychology major and minor in Communication Sciences & Disorders: Speech/Language Pathology! Hopefully they accept me! And my SO is pursuing into a Bachelor's in Computer Science.

          5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
          If they accept me, I'm planning on completing my undergraduate degree by May or December 2014. And then hopefully pursue into graduate school after! My SO is likely to graduate around the same time as me.

          6. Tell us a little about you!
          Howdy, I'm Diana. I enjoy playing fps and MMOs whenever I'm not completely swamped with school work and go eat all kinds of yummy food with my friends/family. Oh, and my bf and I have the same birthday but we're a year apart. Neat, right?
          Last edited by dianacakes; October 18, 2012, 02:24 AM.


            1. How long have you and your SO been together?

            Three months officially, five months unofficially. :-D

            2. How far apart are you?

            Right now, it's from Kansas to Texas- soon it will be California to Texas or Michigan. BLAH!

            3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?

            My SO, lol. I think I'd go crazy if we both were. He also works full time. O.O

            4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?

            He's about to get his bachelor's in Electrical Engineering.

            5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?

            May! Thank goodness. He's still debating whether or not to go and get his PhD afterwards.

            6. Tell us a little about you!

            Haha. I'm a shy, loud, spiritual, nerdy, peppy, depressed person. I love my boyfriend dearly. He's Nepalese, and having a multicultural relationship plus a long distance one, is, well, hard. I wouldn't trade it for anything, though. I'm gonna marry that boy. :-)


              1. How long have you and your SO been together?
              2 years and 3 months.

              2. How far apart are you?
              7,047 miles.

              3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
              She is. Tough piece of work it is!

              4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
              She's studying Media and Communication. When I attend I'll be studying Psychology.

              5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
              She'll be graduating in 2016. I am due to join the army before I even start university so that's still a while now!

              6. Tell us a little about you!
              I am a world class dork. You ask me anything about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or Batman and I'll lay it on you! But I also love older movies, absolute sucker for Audrey Hepburn. I do several sports and play several musical instruments. Avid Liverpool FC supporter. Insomniac to say the least! I believe that I am a superhero and that I can save the world.


                1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                15 months

                2. How far apart are you?
                almost 10,000 miles

                3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                I'm in college.

                4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                Liberal Arts (English/History)

                5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                This December woot woot

                6. Tell us a little about you!
                I'm Thai, 22. He's American, 24. I'm meeting him for the first time this Feb


                  1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                  Officially, we have been together for 10 months and 3 days. Unofficially, however, it has been 1 year and 5 months.

                  2. How far apart are you?
                  4, 299 miles (6,918.6km)

                  3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                  We both kind of are. My SO isn't actually attending classes. He just goes to take the exams. He's fixing his grades from previous classes, but he's not actually retaking the class, if that makes sense. I am in my third year of college.

                  4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                  Well, I am trying to get into the Radiology program at my school, but if that fails, I guess I'll be getting a Bachelors in Science. Plus, I'm trying to get an Associates in Healthcare Professional just because it would look good and I have the majority of the classes I need for it anyway, so I thought "Why not?".
                  My SO is studying for his Bachelor's in Media and Communication Science.

                  5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                  Well, my SO was supposed to have graduated around December of 2013 at the latest, but he was offered a pretty good job for the next year (starting in January), so he's going to wait until after that to finish school. I, on the other hand, have at least 2 - 3 more years left. After I finally manage to graduate, we'll be closing the distance!! <33

                  6. Tell us a little about you!
                  Well, let's see, my name is Kassi, and I am 21 years old. I love to sing, dance, read, and write. My favorite animal is a penguin, and I love the color aqua green! Currently, I am trying to learn Swedish, though it isn't working out well since I have no actual class. It's hard to self teach a language. I love to play videogames, especially with my SO. I'm kind of shy but not as much as I used to be. I'm a lot more outgoing now, thankfully. I'm even becoming a bit blunt, which I'm happy about, lol. Since I like writing, I try my best to be good at English grammar. My best friend calls me a Grammar Nazi. Last but not least ( I could go on forever), I have never found anyone who is as perfect for me as my SO is. I truly believe that we are soul mates. He's all I think about. He is the air I breath, filling my lungs full of life and my heart full of happiness. He is my rock, and without him, I would have went insane long ago. I love him with everything that I am, and I know he feels the same about me. Life is great, and it will be even greater in 42 days!

                  It was nice reading everyone's reply! I apologize if my last answer was a bit of a ramble, lol.

                  To read our love story, click here.


                    1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                    1 year and roughly 9 months! (:
                    2. How far apart are you?
                    Roughly 36 miles away.
                    3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                    Both of us are attending 4 year universities. (:
                    4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                    I am studying Human Development and she is switching from music to animal health & science.
                    5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                    I am expected to graduate in 2 years! I'm actually not sure about her since she is switching majors and still so early on in her college career.
                    6. Tell us a little about you!
                    - I am the only driver in the relationship right now so that puts an extra strain on our relationship.
                    - I love love love animals. I recently had my very first pet put to sleep due to a tumor and heart failure (which was extremely devastating). I currently have one beagle and one guinea pig... though in my heart I will always have two beagles. <3 RIP Puddles.
                    - My current girlfriend is my first real relationship. (Previous relationships either lasted a day or 2 weeks so I don't really count them.)


                      1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                      Almost 2 months

                      2. How far apart are you?
                      About 100 miles.

                      3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                      Just me.

                      4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                      Architectural engineering and design management.

                      5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?

                      6. Tell us a little about you!
                      I'm 19, not the tallest person ever (5'2"), shy, a little nerdy, and I wish the days away too fast so I can see my baby again :-)


                        1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                        6 months next week

                        2. How far apart are you?
                        4112 miles

                        3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                        Just me.

                        4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                        I'm studying to become an elementary school teacher.

                        5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                        June 2013

                        6. Tell us a little about you!
                        I'm a 23-year-old polish girl who is living in Austria with her family. I am currently trying hard to finish college finally and teaching part-time in 2 schools (while looking for another job to support us some more). I love to read and play online games (all kind of games, but my favourite games are Zombie Panic! Source, Left4Dead and Battlefield Bad Company 2). I am completely and utterly in love with my boyfriend, who just introduced me to his family one by one and had them talk to me through TeamSpeak in the past couple days which probably made my year (his family is soo supportive!!).

                        Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                        First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                        Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                        Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                        Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                        Married: 1/24/2015
                        Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                          1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                          We actually are newlys, hehe, been together for 3 months
                          2. How far apart are you?
                          Approximately 1375 miles apart
                          3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                          We both work full time jobs
                          4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                          hehe nothing but each other
                          5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                          6. Tell us a little about you!
                          Im a country girl, love the outdoors, and love this season for hunting.



                            1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                            a couple days

                            2. How far apart are you?
                            969 miles

                            3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                            im at jobcorp hes home

                            4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                            certified medical assistant

                            5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                            idk soon

                            6. Tell us a little about you!
                            im 24. hes 25 i love dogs. i like to read and listening to music.

                            First met: Jan 2013
                            Started dating: 3/13/13


                              1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                              Nearly 2 years and 8 months and all LD.

                              2. How far apart are you?
                              About 2000 miles.. I prefer not thinking about that too often =/

                              3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                              The SO graduated a year ago and I've got about 3 semesters left!

                              4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                              SO got a degree in biochemistry and I'm working on a physics degree (just wrote a midterm for a tough course and I think it went well! !).

                              5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                              I should be done in the middle of 2014.

                              6. Tell us a little about you!
                              I like documentaries, making art/DIY-stuff when I find the time and weight training to de-stress. Meeting a sweet guy from beautiful California is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me

                              Married: June 9th, 2015


                                1. How long have you and your SO been together?
                                3.5 years

                                2. How far apart are you?
                                348 miles methinks. :P Its about a 6 hours drive. I wish one or both of us had cars!

                                3. Who's in college - you, your SO, or both of you?
                                Both of us. My program is 4 years, his is 5. So even though we started at the same time, I'll be done a year before him.

                                4. What are you (and your SO if applicable) studying?
                                I'm Elementary Education. My SO is Industrial Engineering.

                                5. When are you (or your SO or both) expected to graduate?
                                May 2013. Him, May 2014.

                                6. Tell us a little about you!
                                I'm a college football fan. Jaja! I'm Argentinean, and...I'm not sure what else to say. Sigh. :P

