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We just had an argument, am i wrong?

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    We just had an argument, am i wrong?

    So my girlfriend and i are in a LDR, she is currently visiting her family in atlanta, and i completely understand that she is with family and that she wont be able to text a lot. But when her and her family were on the way to visit their relatives we were texting and she ramdomly stopped replying so i had not heard from her in a little over an hour so im just bored on social networking sites and i see on instagram that it says "Kayla liked 5 photos 30 minutes ago" not bad pictures but just pictures. So i finally hear from her about 30 minutes later and she says "hey babe sorry i fell asleep" but instagram shows she was liking pictures and stuff, and before anyone accuses me of anything let me be clear that i could care less that she likes pictures, its the fact that she claimed to be asleep. this isnt the only time this has happened. two weeks ago she was on a 4 hour car ride with her mom and "fell asleep" but then she uploaded a picture of her making a goofy face or whatever and the caption said "this is what i do when i am bored on a 4 hour car ride" but she told me she was asleep. So last night she is with her family enjoying them which is great family is the most important thing to me, so she stops replying i expected that because she is with family but then once again i see that she is uploading pictures and liking pictures and tweeting. So i text her and say i dont think you are getting my texts because sometimes my texts dont send and she replies "I AM" and so i say oh ok well im just making sure and she says "Im just talking to my family" and so this morning we are texting and she is giving me like one word replies and stuff and so im like send me a picture of you i miss you! and she says "if i remember to take any i will" and then like 4 minutes later she is uploading pictures of herself and tweeting but she isnt talking to me. And so i ask if everything is ok and she gets mad and is saying that its annoying that i think something is wrong when nothing is and so i say well im just trying to make sure we are on the same page and i want you to know that if you are busy or just want to enjoy the time with your family you can text or call me later its not a big deal all you have to do is say that you wont be able to reply or it will take awhile that way i am clear that your just not ignoring me or that im bothering you because you act bothered by me but you are all over these sites and gets mad at me and ignores me now. What did i do wrong if anything because i was just trying to make sure everything is good with us...

    Please don't double post, keep your thread in one place. Thanks.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      From what you've said, I don't think it's your fault at all.
      Sounds like she's got bored of talking to you and is getting annoyed with something.


        She doesn't want to tell you she doesn't want to reply. Chill out! If she doesn't reply don't worry about it. She's doing other things. I don't reply to half the texts people send me sometimes because I'm doing other things and don't feel like having a conversation. She's probably using excuses like saying she's sleeping because it's human nature not to want to say she's bored of texting (it sounds rude!). I think you're being too demanding on her right now and it's no wonder she's getting annoyed.

        Don't text her so much, give her space. She's on holiday. Save your conversations for a call once every few days or something.


          Personally I would be aggravated also. It's suffocating to have someone constantly pester you for instant replies or make a mountain out of a molehill when the molehill was hardly there to begin with. :/

          Is it possible she could have told she was sleeping because she was afraid of what your reaction would be if she were busy? Or if she were occupied with something else? I know you say you don't have a problem, but the post implies otherwise, and the behaviour implies otherwise. My guess would be she's simply not up to texting you instantly throughout the day every single time, but rather sometimes gets caught up doing other things online and isn't sure how to communicate that to you. If she's getting pissed off at you for making a problem out of nothing, then my guess would be it's a reoccurring issue. Perhaps you should work on being okay with it when she's doing something else, whether or not she claimed to be sleeping (sometimes I say I'm going to sleep and end up getting distracted), and then talk to her about being more honest about what she's doing. For now this sounds like more something you need to correct than she does, honestly.
          { Our Story on LFAD }

          Our Beginning
          Met online: February 2009
          Feelings confessed: December 2010
          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

          Our Story
          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

          Our Happily Ever After
          to be continued...

