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Really struggeling with the distance between me and my boyfriend

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    Really struggeling with the distance between me and my boyfriend

    A little bit of background story:
    Two months ago my bestfriend (for about a year) and I started dating, after flirting the whole summer. I had known for several months that he was interested in me, but i didn't share the same feelings, then. We slept together (in the literal sense) almost every night from may until july/august. Then I moved away to study at the University in a city 2000km from home. He came to visit me about a month later, and some days after that we became a couple.

    The problem however is that when we are apart i miss him so much it hurts. The longest we've been apart after we started dating is 2,5weeks. In other words we see each other regulary, but that doesn't make it any easier. I was home last sunday for 10 days, and it really feels like beeing separated gets harder and harder every time one of us leave. We haven't set a precise end-date yet, but I'm moving back home for the summer in June (he lives in my hometown) and then we are moving back to the city where i'm currently studying together. I can't wait!

    Only 9 days until I go back home for his birthday, and 29 days after that until I go back home for Christmas.. I know it's not so many days, but it certainly feels like forever. I've got 3 exams the next 4 weeks so i've got enough to do, but i can't concentrate on anything..

    Any tips on how to make time magically go by superfast when we're not together, and superslow when we're with each other?

    As far as superslow when you're together, I'm still working on figuring that one out...

    I'm also pretty close to my SO and we see each other regularly. I agree, it gets harder every time. And all my visits are really short (2-3 days at most..). I feel like I never get enough time with him, and often I get back to school and it's like I didn't see him at all... So I absolutely understand.

    As far as time going fast between visits, get busy! Get a hobby, spend a lot of time on school work or hanging out with friends, etc. Just stay busy. Sitting around bored will just make it harder.
    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
    LD again: July 24, 2012
    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
    Married: November 1, 2014
    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


      I'm totally in the same boat. But worse yet, I get cranky about it. And we almost broke up because of it. And because there's a time zone difference between me and my SO, calls are much harder to have. I agree with the person above me; the only way to get past this is to just keep busy. I joined a lot of clubs and I started focusing on my grades a lot. As a result, it makes the time go by really fast. I've also picked up knitting and scrapbooking to keep busy. I'm making a scrapbook for Austin and I to show him when he visits in February.

      Try putting your effort into something for the both of you. It'll make things more fun and the time will pass quickly.

      First met: June 2012
      Became Committed: June 04, 2012
      Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
      Next Visit: October 2013!

      XXX XXX

      Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.

