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Trying to figure out how to deal with it...

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    Trying to figure out how to deal with it...

    Okay so I need some advice please. My boyfriend and I just got together this Summer and have grown more attached than ever. Well, now I'm starting back to College on Monday and he's working on studying for his Real Estate license so we can't video chat like we use to. Especially since he doesn't really have any privacy at home.

    This is the first relationship where it hasn't felt rushed but now that we just text chat more than anything, not hearing hos voice or seeing his face really gets to me sometimes. But, I don't let him know cause I don't want him to feel guilty since it isn't his fault. Can anyone tell me how they deal with the lack of video communication please?

    Well since you'll be in school, you'll be busy and the destractions will help. But you can make plans to set available time aside to do something together. Weather that's calling each other, webcaming, watching a movie together. You can also write him letters like suggested on the activities page. There's many ways to stay in touch (: good luck. I too am starting college next month and will be facing the dificulty of not spending as much time with my SO.


      Originally posted by cre8inglaughter View Post
      Well since you'll be in school, you'll be busy and the destractions will help. But you can make plans to set available time aside to do something together. Weather that's calling each other, webcaming, watching a movie together. You can also write him letters like suggested on the activities page. There's many ways to stay in touch (: good luck. I too am starting college next month and will be facing the dificulty of not spending as much time with my SO.
      Yeah I'm hoping we'll be able to make some time on the weekends at least. Honestly this is the first LDR where I'm with someone who tells me how he really feels about me, who shares my interests, we've watched many movies together (first one was The Notebook ) and I am definitely gonna give the love letters a try! <3 Yeah I'm in the Sign Language Interpreting program so I'll be buckled down but even with studying I know I'll be tempted to IM him or get lost in thought while in class lol.


        Oh I know same here ^.^ I'm going for an Office Administration Certificate (I wanna get into a company called Scan) they help people young and old alike to improve their lives. Weather it's to go to school, or get a job. They help in so many ways, and everyone I've met is happy working there and they aren't stressed or grumpy.. which who can blame them they make peoples lives better But yeah I'e been struggling to find something fast to keep connected with him since my phones getting turned off tonight. I don't know if your interested or not. You can get an app on your phones, and you can keep in touch that way.


          Originally posted by cre8inglaughter View Post
          Oh I know same here ^.^ I'm going for an Office Administration Certificate (I wanna get into a company called Scan) they help people young and old alike to improve their lives. Weather it's to go to school, or get a job. They help in so many ways, and everyone I've met is happy working there and they aren't stressed or grumpy.. which who can blame them they make peoples lives better But yeah I'e been struggling to find something fast to keep connected with him since my phones getting turned off tonight. I don't know if your interested or not. You can get an app on your phones, and you can keep in touch that way.
          I originally was gonna try OAC but at my College I have to have no lol me and numbers don't get along very well. So, I decided to stick with Sign Language since it's such a unique language and it's with your hands, I dunno to me it seems like an art form in a way. I like the idea of an app but my BF's phone is off so thats an issue.


            Does he have a computer or ipad? Any other means of technology use? And I'm really sorry to hear that, here they don't have that. But they have lots of business classes (yay) not really lol. I'm terrible with math too.


              Yeah he has a computer, can he use the app to send me messages to my phone number? Eh its okay for me personally OA wouldn't have been my cup of tea anyway lol.


                Does he have a smart phone? I'd recommend downloading Viber which uses wifi to make free calls and you can text for free as well. I use it to call the UK, USA and sometimes even within Canada if I'm feeling extra cheap. If you download Facebook Chat there is a voice call feature that'll use data to make the calls but I found the quality to be crappy.


                  Oh I hate the facebook video app too lol. But we do video chat on Google+ but lately its been hard since hes had no time to his self. That's one reason why I wish his phone wasn't out of service because we could text when we're not at out computers. And yeah he has an Iphone I believe.


                    Yeah actually there is a program he can download onto his computer. Where he can download phone apps onto it and then if you download the app as well. You can both convers there. If you were interested in doing that. I could find out what it's called, I had it at one point but I'm totally drawing a blank now lol.


                      Well I mean the computer isn't really the issue we chat all the time on Google+ but is there a way for him to download a texting app onto his phone with service and just wifi?


                        Originally posted by Usani View Post
                        Well I mean the computer isn't really the issue we chat all the time on Google+ but is there a way for him to download a texting app onto his phone with service and just wifi?


                          Oh well if he can download an app you can try Pair, Avacado, or Between. There's also Touch Me.


                            Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
                            Thank you so much, I'm gonna show this to him right now!


                              Originally posted by cre8inglaughter View Post
                              Oh well if he can download an app you can try Pair, Avacado, or Between. There's also Touch Me.
                              I'll check those out too, thanks y'all!

