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Visa / Immigration issues

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    My husband is from England and I going to be seeing him and his family for a month from Dec. 11th-Jan 14th. I agree that it is good to bring proof that you are not planning on staying in the US. It also really depends on the Immigration Officers. Some can be nice, while others can be a little intimidating. As long as you have a good amount of proof that you don't plan on staying, you should be fine. Try not to worry too much, and be prepared.

    As for the visa process, yes all of it does sound like a daunting task... I am planning of applying for my visa to stay in the Uk sometime around 2013. It is always good to do some research on the visa process, and to make sure that you have everything together for your application.


      Originally posted by LotusWing View Post
      Be aware that if the immigration inspector is not convinced that you are a bona fide visitor for business or tourism, you may be denied entry to the U.S.

      I visited my husband in December 2009 and stayed there for 3 months (less than 90 days), and about 2 months later I wanted to visit my husband again (because I quit my job). When I was in Atlanta Airport, the immigration inspector were not convinced about me for tourism. They denied entry to the U.S. and they sent me back with the first plane to Denmark. 20 hours flight on that day...
      I shouldn't read such posts just before departure but...
      How long were you planning on staying? Were you already married?


        Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
        I shouldn't read such posts just before departure but...
        How long were you planning on staying? Were you already married?
        Originally posted by LotusWing View Post
        Be aware that if the immigration inspector is not convinced that you are a bona fide visitor for business or tourism, you may be denied entry to the U.S.

        I visited my husband in December 2009 and stayed there for 3 months (less than 90 days), and about 2 months later I wanted to visit my husband again (because I quit my job). When I was in Atlanta Airport, the immigration inspector were not convinced about me for tourism. They denied entry to the U.S. and they sent me back with the first plane to Denmark. 20 hours flight on that day...
        It's always a little scary, but like I mentioned before- the general rule is you're safe if you're out more than double the amount of time you were in. Lotus says she was in for 3 months, then only spent 2 months outside the USA. So had she spent more than 6 months outside the USA, she might have had different luck. Or had she gotten another officer. It's so wishy washy. But, usually (of course, not always) as long as you were out for twice as long as you were in, you'll be okay.


          the general rule is you're safe if you're out more than double the amount of time you were in.
          I was in for two weeks end of May/beginning of June. So according to that rule I'd be ok. But then I was there for over two months last October and now I'm staying for five weeks. That's what worries me but I guess it can't be helped. I have the letter from my employer if worst comes to worst...


            I freak out about this too! It really depends who you get and how their day is going I guess. I got taken to secondary questioning because when they asked me if I worked I said "no" and then when they asked how I could afford the ticket I said "Well.... with money" lol. I was so nervous it just slipped out. Luckily I got a lady who was clearly a mother and I explained myself and she just laughed and let me through.


              Reading all the replies has really calmed me down. Thanks everyone.

              Just wondering what I could use to tie me to the UK? I will have a university enrolement letter, but I don't pay rent/mortgage. I don't have bills in my name except my mobile. I have a car but its so old its not worth anything. I work for an agency so they can't guarantee me work 4 weeks ahead of time - that's sorted week by week usually. i volunteer for a charity, would a letter from them saying when they expect me back work?

              Good luck to everyone else dealing with immigration laws. I understand it, I do, but surely by being so strict they are pushing more and more people to get married and get citizenship than just allowing them in the country and making it harder to work because they don't have any official papers

              My Story
              Met first time (in person) October 2011
              Unofficially together since November 2011
              Officially together February 2012
              First visit (me to her): 25 Feb 2012 - 22 March 2012
              First visit (her to me): 28 Dec 2012 - 11 Jan 2013
              Broke up January 2014
              Got back together June 2016


                But I just find it weird that the US is so anal, even with people coming in on a tourist visa. I've never heard about this happening to anyone coming to Australia and I've had the exact opposite experience when I've gone to Europe.


                  Originally posted by mcnab View Post
                  Reading all the replies has really calmed me down. Thanks everyone.

                  Just wondering what I could use to tie me to the UK? I will have a university enrolement letter, but I don't pay rent/mortgage. I don't have bills in my name except my mobile. I have a car but its so old its not worth anything. I work for an agency so they can't guarantee me work 4 weeks ahead of time - that's sorted week by week usually. i volunteer for a charity, would a letter from them saying when they expect me back work?

                  Good luck to everyone else dealing with immigration laws. I understand it, I do, but surely by being so strict they are pushing more and more people to get married and get citizenship than just allowing them in the country and making it harder to work because they don't have any official papers
                  Be a good idea to take your enrolement letter. Probably your mobile contract, proof of ownership of your car i guess a letter from the charity wouldn't hurt. I'd also make sure you have an answer to how you'll financially afford your trip. I've read that people dont show evidence straight up, only offer stuff when asked for proof. Don't say more than you need to and don't lie.

                  Im in the process of gathering all proof of ties for my trip in 13 days. And i get why america are "anal" about tourist visas. So many people illegally immigrate to the states via tourist visas and even on the websites i go to which aim to advise people to move to the states legally, have people on there going "oh im from the vwp and imma get married and adjust status" thats illegal. And i really feel likes it's these people who screw it up over for the people like us, who just want to go the states and spend a few weeks there. Don't get me wrong imma be so upset if i get denied entry, i guess it's just one of those things. You can't really blame any specific person or organisation. So all i can do is take as much proof of ties to my country as possible (UK) and hope for the best. I guess it's good that UK is a low fraud country and those with SOs from higher fraud countries really have little chance in getting into the states without an immigrant visa. and even then they're hard to get. It just plain sucks


                    Yeah, I'm just going to do whatever I can.

                    I usually take enough money in cash, plus my debit card, and last time they just asked how much money I had access to with my debit card. Didn't ask for proof, but I will take a bank statement this time, just in case

                    and I agree about the illegal immigrants ruining for people like us. I actually had the same conversation with my friends in America, who have said they are annoyed by it because of how hard it makes it for people like us

                    My Story
                    Met first time (in person) October 2011
                    Unofficially together since November 2011
                    Officially together February 2012
                    First visit (me to her): 25 Feb 2012 - 22 March 2012
                    First visit (her to me): 28 Dec 2012 - 11 Jan 2013
                    Broke up January 2014
                    Got back together June 2016


                      I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. Everything went really well yesterday
                      Afer waiting in the line for two hours, I got barely any questions. Just my purpose of stay and if I was travelling alone. I was honest and said I was visiting my boyfriend and got asked what he does here to which I replied that he worked here. Then he asked how long I was staying and I said five weeks and got my stamp right away
                      Compared to last time this was really easy so I guess it really depends who you get...


                        I got a lot on info from this thread!
                        It makes me feel better for next time I visit.

                        I still have myVWP approved untill 2014 which is good I guess.
                        But I'm a little nervous, is it true if i get denied; I can't attempt to visit ever again under the VWP?

                        I'm wondering if a tattoo of the English flag on my chin will help convince the immigration officers


                          lol should put the tattoo on ya forehead!

                          but yeah if you get denied on the VWP you cant use it again. Thats what i read anyway so imma take as much with me as possible.

                          Kiyama - i hope my next vist will be like yours! Im leaving in 11 days and staying 7 weeks lols >.<


                            Originally posted by ChibiFelicia View Post
                            lol should put the tattoo on ya forehead!

                            but yeah if you get denied on the VWP you cant use it again. Thats what i read anyway so imma take as much with me as possible.

                            Kiyama - i hope my next vist will be like yours! Im leaving in 11 days and staying 7 weeks lols >.<
                            So if was to get denied due to an American having a bad day.... That's it?
                            A huge dent on my relationship and life?
                            What the shit am I meant to do if that happens?


                              Originally posted by Jango View Post
                              So if was to get denied due to an American having a bad day.... That's it?
                              A huge dent on my relationship and life?
                              What the shit am I meant to do if that happens?
                              If you get denied for VWP then you have to apply for a B2/tourist visa (or some other kind if that isn't your intended motive).
                              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                                Originally posted by Jango View Post
                                So if was to get denied due to an American having a bad day.... That's it?
                                A huge dent on my relationship and life?
                                What the shit am I meant to do if that happens?

                                reapply! depending on who's going where, they will deny you if they are in a bad mood and just dont give a shit if your case is complicated that it needs a good looking through which is the reason i was denied. they didnt look through all the paperwork properly but the judge did and got the denial overturned, so if that ever happens and you have the chance to do so get a lawyer and appeal it! its stressful but it works!

                                yeah and illegal immigrants need someone to smack them upside the head, i understand that they dont have the money to get a visa but save up!!! you'll get enough money to do so and if you dont, maybe you werent meant to. but they make it even harder on the rest of us who are doing it the right way, its already stressful but they make it worse! and after 9/11 they are gonna be 10 times tougher on people

