the first time I was a complete wreck, although it was made worse because I was leaving after studying abroad, so I was saying goodbye to other friends, the country, the whole experience, not just my SO. I still can't think of a worse feeling than when the alarm went off at 4 am when he had to drive me to the airport. when my flight was called, I was the last person on the plane because I couldn't stop sobbing and hugging him. during my first flight I was able to calm down, and actually felt kind of okay until I got home. but as soon as I started unpacking, everything reminded me of him and I was miserable. luckily, I was busy moving into my new apartment over the next few days so it kept my mind off of missing him. for me, the sadness just made me really tired and headachey and I felt like I was in a daze for about a week. it was hard to sleep alone, but it was okay eventually.
the second time was actually a lot better. I guess I knew what to expect the second time around, and I knew that if we could deal with the distance once, we could do it a second time. it was super hard walking away from him at the airport, but I didn't cry nearly as much. when I got home my roommate greeted me with a bottle of wine, which was lovely, and then another friend came and picked me up and we went for a long drive and listened to loud music. :P it was nice of them, even though I didn't feel like doing anything, but otherwise I would have just drowned in sadness. :P
I'll agree with what most people have said so far, just try to keep busy. see other friends, do things for yourself, express your feelings however you need to. if you need to cry, by all means, cry. I still break down fairly frequently because I miss him so much. and like others have said, definitely try to make plans to see each other again, it's a huge help to have even a tentative plan to look forward to!
the second time was actually a lot better. I guess I knew what to expect the second time around, and I knew that if we could deal with the distance once, we could do it a second time. it was super hard walking away from him at the airport, but I didn't cry nearly as much. when I got home my roommate greeted me with a bottle of wine, which was lovely, and then another friend came and picked me up and we went for a long drive and listened to loud music. :P it was nice of them, even though I didn't feel like doing anything, but otherwise I would have just drowned in sadness. :P
I'll agree with what most people have said so far, just try to keep busy. see other friends, do things for yourself, express your feelings however you need to. if you need to cry, by all means, cry. I still break down fairly frequently because I miss him so much. and like others have said, definitely try to make plans to see each other again, it's a huge help to have even a tentative plan to look forward to!