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On my own again..for now.

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    I had the same sort of thing with my SO at the airport, he had some problem with his luggage so he had to run off pretty quickly, so we just kissed goodbye and that was it, I stayed and watched him go through the gate..though he didn't look back, heh. I had to wait half an hour for my bus after that, so I just sat there feeling a bit numb. It wasn't until I got home actually that I started feeling really bad, having to get used to him not being around again has been so hard, I think going to sleep has been the worst part.
    It'll be six months before we see each other again, I think for me it gets easier, I have moments where I'm pieces. but then it seems to pass and I can just about get on with things. Though the next time we see each other will be when I go over there, which is supposed to be March, but sometimes it does just seem like its never going to happen, I need to find a job and get all this money and I don't know where to start. the worse thing is I have a job waiting for me there, I just need the money to go. (About £2,000) I'm considering taking out a loan though, I'm not sure. I just need to feel like things are moving for us soon I think, I'm already paying off my overdraft from Uni which feels like its never going to be paid off because any money I put in to it is getting eaten for fees each month. But yeah, staying positive is important..

