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Day #1, totally lost!

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    Day #1, totally lost!

    Hello Everyone!

    I'm a newbie here and today my boyfriend left to China ! He's going to live there for the all year! I'm glad I found this LFAD community because reading all your posts and comments makes me feel hope!

    The one thing that worries me the most are our different time zones...I'm in Central America and he will be 14 hours ahead of me.. any recommendations? how do you do to keep it up?

    Thank you very much and my best wishes to all of you

    With a time difference like that I would suggest emailing videos, that way you can still talk. And see one another in a way.
    Also letters would be a good idea as well.
    " There is always hope.


      With a time difference like that I would suggest emailing videos, that way you can still talk. And see one another in a way.
      Also letters would be a good idea as well.
      " There is always hope.


        I moved to China in June 2012, and my SO lives in Michigan USA. We have a 13 hour time difference!
        I think for us we get to talk more than some LD couples because we talk every morning and every night due to our time difference!
        When I wake up we get to talk a little before he goes to sleep, and when he wakes up we get to talk a little before I go to sleep. It's pretty awesome. And we use Skype auto answer to hang out with the other while they are sleeping if we have free time during the day

        May I ask what your SO will be doing in China? Are you planning to visit?


          Thank you so much for your answers! I would love to try letters, it's a great idea!

          Well my SO it's going to China to work. He'll we working with a company he already worked with while being here. And the way you describe the time difference sounds pretty great, I thought it would be more complicated! I would love to go visit him and I'll try to but there's no plan for sure right now.

          For how much longer will you we living over there? do you like it? was it hard to get used to it?
          Last edited by Mechi; January 3, 2013, 11:37 PM.


            I am planning on staying until at least the summer of 2014.
            I love living in China, but I hate Chinese food. This is a good diet hahaha.
            I did not have any expectations when I moved here, so it was not difficult to get used to, however, I live in an apartment with other Americans so that may help me. It would probably be more difficult if I did not have people here who spoke my language.

            My SO is going to be here February 7th, so I'm very excited about that!

            The time difference sounds terrible, but I think it makes it easier to communicate in our situation. We are very fortunate that our schedules allow us so much time to communicate.

            If you ever have any questions, feel free to message me!


              I feel sad because most people on here have met, spent time together and I have been with my SO 19 months and still haven't met


                Originally posted by yachica View Post
                I feel sad because most people on here have met, spent time together and I have been with my SO 19 months and still haven't met
                Yachica it's better to make your own thread than to hijack someone else's.



                  As dglynn77 aluded to, you have a good opportunity to talk as one wakes up/the other sleeps.


                    Hi, Mechi, welcome to LFAD! In September I left my SO on the east coast of the U.S.A. to study abroad in Taiwan for the academic year. We have a thirteen hour time difference; before I left, I was also a little bit worried about the time difference, but it's actually perfect.. it allows us to Skype everyday in the mornings or at night!


                      My SO is in Thailand for work until May. I am supposed to go in March to visit. Some days are fine and I feel complete just texting and talking with him and other days the time difference is hard. I'm in Florida so we are a true 12 hours apart. I've done long distance before when I was younger, but it was just from Florida to California and I was uncertain about my feelings for my partner at the time. This time has more up and down days. Like this morning was really rough and now after reading these blogs I realize if I can hang in there it will be worth it.


                        Thank you very much for all of your answers! We have been managing distance pretty well I think. Sometimes it's hard as some of you mention but we try to keep our mind focus on our positive things than on the negative ones such as bad internet connection, busy schedule, even when I can't wake up and I miss his calls (and I really hate when that happens!!)

                        He's birthday is coming up and I don't have a clue for what to give him... what have you done in the past? any ideas?

                        Thank you! & keep up the good work because love knows no distance ♥


                          While I'm studying in Portugal at the moment, I'm originally from Macau and whenever I'm there I'm 12 hours apart from my SO. We mostly talk whenever it's morning on my side since it's night over on his side and whenever I'm in Macau I'm on holidays so I don't have classes and can wake up early. During weekends either of us can talk on morning or night since it's opposite on the other side.

                          Looking for the future...

                          First Meeting: March 20 2016
                          Got separated: August 2016
                          Reunion: July 2017
                          Officially together: January 2018
                          ... And many meetings later ...


                            Originally posted by Mechi View Post
                            Hello Everyone!

                            I'm a newbie here and today my boyfriend left to China ! He's going to live there for the all year! I'm glad I found this LFAD community because reading all your posts and comments makes me feel hope!

                            The one thing that worries me the most are our different time zones...I'm in Central America and he will be 14 hours ahead of me.. any recommendations? how do you do to keep it up?

                            Thank you very much and my best wishes to all of you
                            I understand your worry but in the end you will see that time difference is NOT an obstacle. My bf and me have 9 hours difference. Just instead of spontaneus skype calls you will have to schedule an online date before. Just like scheduling to go to cinema!
                            I also think sending card/letter every now and then is a very nice gesture. Makes the distance smaller! Another thing: Since you won't be able to talk when you are awake (he must be sleeping at this time) keep notes of the important/funny/nice things you wan to share with him! It helps!

                            Do not worry everything will turn out fine as long as you keep calm, strong and TRUST each other!

