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Fiancé left this morning for Brisbane, Australia

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    Fiancé left this morning for Brisbane, Australia

    Due to my fiancé's job which is quite specialised & there's not much work over here in the UK, he has accepted a job in Brisbane & left this morning. The job he is doing allows him to come home, it just depends what project he's on it could be 5weeks on two weeks off, maybe longer maybe shorter.They have already booked his flight back for the 30th of march, but I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I've lost my best friend, I feel sick, and empty. I love him so much but I just can't see an end date. He's already said if he likes it then I can move over there but if that happens, which I obviously don't know yet,what am suppose to till then. I just so majorly confused. Any advice would be great.



    Luckily you have only about a month to wait. A lot of us on here have to wait at least 3 months before we can see our partner again. What should you do until then? Live your life as you normally would. See your friends, go to work, do some things on the weekend to get your mind off being apart from your SO. You will adjust to the situation in time.


      It's always really hard when you have to say goodbye to the one you love but I agree with Tookie, keep yourself as busy as you can. Atleast you haven't got too long until you see each other again, so that's a plus. Many on here don't even have a trip date to see their SO's let alone an end date, so be happy you have something to look forward too.....Keep strong......

      Started Writing - February 2010
      First Visit - September 2010
      Second Visit - June 2011
      Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
      Our Wedding Day - April 2012
      Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
      NOA1 - July 2012
      NOA2 - December 2012
      Fourth Visit - December 2012
      Closing The Distance - Watch this space


        Let yourself be sad for a while, then get back into a routine. It won't get easier, but it will get less hard with time. You'll find a lot of support on here, and if you're anything like me you'll be proud of yourself and your SO for managing between your visits every time you see eachother Just try to focus on the positive things, welcome and good luck!
        We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay

