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When you feel something that you know it's wrong and unfair to your SO. Help, please!

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    When you feel something that you know it's wrong and unfair to your SO. Help, please!

    Hi guys! Im new here, and I tried to see if there was some post about my question. I don't think so, so here I am.

    Me and my boyfriend are in LDR. We are perfect together and the distance will end in July, and we love each other so deeply. Everything is going well and we are very good in conflit-resolutions and communication.

    But what brings me here it's a feeling I've been having. I am a university student and I also work every weekend. Mostly to get experience and money for the whole LDR. My boyfriend has a super cool job and only works during the week. To me his life seems a lot more exciting than mine: he lives in a cool country, nice job, nice house; and I feel I am stuck here in a country in a huge economic crises, studying something I don't like, with no time for myself and more than that, my best friends from faculty are now in exhange programmes. So I feel pretty alone. I feel that he has a lot more interesting plans with friends and family than I do and it is not because I don't want to... So for him this LDR seems easier, but as he says, he is out there without me and that is hard as well too!

    But now something else happened: we have a month until we see each other again. Every week until there he is full of plans with friends he does not see in years and is going with them abroad, vacations with family, a very nice national holiday which he and everyone else around talkes to me about...! You see the picture. I have to stay to work and to go to school but I feel alone.

    I feel part of me is so unhappy and miserable that he is doing all of this! He says "its going to be quick. Only some weeks and then I fly to you", but for me this seems unfair: of course for him the time passes quickly, with so many activities. Yesterday I said some 'bad' things but I realised that I was leaving him sad. He can not do anything and the solution its not that he is lonely. I acknowledge that and said "I am so sorry, this is so hard for me and I try to feel better, but it is hard. It's nice that one of us is full of plans". It's a pitty and it's awful, but I cannot joy them on vacations and my BF knows how I feel and understands me at some level. I just can't shake this feeling!
    I can't change things because I have no time with work and school. I'm not trying to play some self-pitty game here, but I feel he has never been in my situation so he cannot help me. He already does everything he can to make this easier.
    I should mention that he is then only going to be with me for a weekend...

    Have any of you been in this situation?
    I need advice... I need to cope with this. I don't want him ever to give up his plans, I'm just sad and frustraded and cry myself to sleep because he is spending all of this time with them and not with me. It's not his fault, it's a coincidence. But still I feel like this... Whenever he his having great plans I feel anxious and feeling he is not missing me. I think at the end of the day I am just sad he is not having all that blast with me.

    Any help? any advice? Any "I've been there''? Oh I really need some lights here.
    Sorry if this may seem selfish and a matter of envy. I would love not to feel this, it makes me feel awful and a bad person. But I still feel this and I need to deal with it!

    Thank you all in advance!
    Last edited by Jess!; April 25, 2013, 08:19 AM.

    Well, I've not been in that exact position..

    But I do end up going away, or doing really great things that I love to do - like going down to my family holiday house and spending the weekend with everyone - EXCEPT my SO... and let me tell you, it absolutely sucks. I'd do anything to have him with me and experiencing the same things, to have him there when I go out or have a weekend away.. it also limits how much I can talk to him too, so I often feel VERY torn over having a nice weekend at the holiday house OR staying home all weekend on Skype.

    I'm sure your SO would have you there in a heartbeat if he could, he is probably having that 'torn' feeling.. the fact is though, you can't stop living life JUST because you're in an LDR. You guys have a trip coming up soon and it might be majorly sucky that he is going to have a great time with his friends WITHOUT you... but do you really want to be the girlfriend who punishes him for having a good time and enjoying life? Be happy for him, get excited WITH him.. I know you can't be there, but he will want to share it with you, however he can, and I'm sure he is wishing you could be a part of it.
    Met Online: February 2009
    Feelings grew: January 2011
    First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
    Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
    Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
    Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
    Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
    Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
    Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
    Engaged: 1st of July 2012
    Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
    Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
    Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
    Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
    Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
    Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

    Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


      Thank you very much, Jazi! Very important advice. It is not that I am not happy for him. Most of the times I am. I don't want both of us stopping living our lives.
      I think my problem is that he is going to spend a lot of time with them and taking a day off work too, but only a weekend with me? Seems unfair, but as I know this I never throw this things to his face and I reallt try not to be that person. I think he understands me and knows that part of me is happy he is going to have a great time!
      It is very interesting and nice that you gave me the ''other'' side of things perspective! wow, that is hard as well.
      Thank you!!


        Originally posted by Jazi View Post
        Well, I've not been in that exact position..

        But I do end up going away, or doing really great things that I love to do - like going down to my family holiday house and spending the weekend with everyone - EXCEPT my SO... and let me tell you, it absolutely sucks. I'd do anything to have him with me and experiencing the same things, to have him there when I go out or have a weekend away.. it also limits how much I can talk to him too, so I often feel VERY torn over having a nice weekend at the holiday house OR staying home all weekend on Skype.

        I'm sure your SO would have you there in a heartbeat if he could, he is probably having that 'torn' feeling.. the fact is though, you can't stop living life JUST because you're in an LDR. You guys have a trip coming up soon and it might be majorly sucky that he is going to have a great time with his friends WITHOUT you... but do you really want to be the girlfriend who punishes him for having a good time and enjoying life? Be happy for him, get excited WITH him.. I know you can't be there, but he will want to share it with you, however he can, and I'm sure he is wishing you could be a part of it.
        This basically. Life does not stop for those in LDR's, it has to move on and sometimes that means one of them doing something without the other...a lot of the time it means that. Accept it and look forward to your own visit and try not to compare them with his trips away. It sucks that he's not with you and I get that, but it also sucks for him too.
        Joey & Scott
        Met: April 2002
        Lost Contact: August 2002
        Reconnected: April 2010
        Together: May 20th 2010

        [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin

