What's the best way to get a visa for the uk/england from the usa?
I'll be going over there for 5 months, august-to-december. I thought you could stay 6 months year, so since january starts a new year would i be able to stay 5 months till december then 6 more months with the new year? and isn't staying for more then 6 conseutive months make you a citizen? help! should i go for a partnership visa/school visa/work visa?
I'll be going over there for 5 months, august-to-december. I thought you could stay 6 months year, so since january starts a new year would i be able to stay 5 months till december then 6 more months with the new year? and isn't staying for more then 6 conseutive months make you a citizen? help! should i go for a partnership visa/school visa/work visa?