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we broke up..

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    we broke up..

    I don't know what to do now :'(

    I'm sorry. What happened?


      [11:23:01 PM] Fiona: bebe
      [11:23:18 PM] Nathan: opo
      [11:23:37 PM] Fiona: just wanna ask u something
      [11:23:48 PM] Nathan: sure
      [11:24:10 PM] Fiona: as of the moment..
      [11:24:14 PM] Fiona: are u bored of me?
      [11:24:25 PM] Nathan: lol no
      [11:24:36 PM] Fiona: coz honestly..
      [11:24:37 PM] Fiona: i am
      [11:24:46 PM] Nathan: bored of me?
      [11:24:58 PM] Fiona: not of u..
      [11:25:00 PM] Fionan: of this
      [11:25:15 PM] Nathan: so what u wanna do?
      [11:25:33 PM] Nathan: it terms of this
      [11:25:41 PM] Nathan: i assume u mean the relationship?
      [11:26:05 PM] Fiona: kinda
      [11:26:39 PM] Nathan: so. u wanna break up? is what ur trying to say?
      [11:26:58 PM] Nathan: which i respect ur descion even if i hate the idea.
      [11:27:10 PM] Nathan: but i guess, its up to u.
      [11:27:29 PM] Fiona: why would u think of that idea?
      [11:27:49 PM] Fionan: it just seems like this days.. all we do is sleep.. or rest..
      [11:28:08 PM] Fiona: but ofcoz we have to.. but its just
      [11:29:07 PM] Nathan: tbh
      [11:29:10 PM] Nathan: with you
      [11:29:21 PM] Nathan: i think we have spent so much time playing
      [11:29:28 PM] Nathan: or watching
      [11:29:32 PM] Nathan: or sleeping
      [11:29:51 PM] Nathan: that cause of distance we are now bored of the things we can only do together over the internet.
      [11:31:26 PM] Nathan: my nan says, to keep it interesting u have to spend some time apart, and i know it hard but i think she right, not love apart, not breaking up, just we spend soo much time speaking to each other. dont get me wrong i love it, but i could sense, and im guessing u sensed we were both bored just sitting there at the computer
      [11:31:38 PM] Nathan: thats why i like it when u go out, instead of spending time just with me
      [11:31:51 PM] Nathan: changes ur daily routine a bit
      [11:33:19 PM] Fiona: alright
      [11:33:44 PM] Nathan: altight? what.
      [11:34:01 PM] Nathan: so what u thinking?
      [11:34:22 PM] Fiona Mae: idk
      [11:35:06 PM] Nathan: maybe an option my be going back to iloilo
      [11:35:11 PM] Nathan: may*
      [11:35:31 PM] Fiona: ill go home on september
      [11:35:44 PM] Nathan: to stay or for holiday?
      [11:35:53 PM] Fiona: brother's wedding only
      [11:36:08 PM] Fiona: maybe stay there for 4 days
      [11:36:51 PM] Nathan: cge.
      [11:37:32 PM] Nathan: tbh the time apart, from like seeing each other everyday to seeing each other twice a week or three times, will make it easier for when i go to the airforce.
      [11:37:44 PM] Fiona: ok
      [11:38:00 PM] Nathann: bebe.


        [12:05:15 AM] Nathan: You know what, what ever i say from this point onwards, ur gonna question. I know what i wanna say, i know it means something, and if you dont see it that way then tough.
        [12:08:35 AM] Nathan: You and I both know that this monthly thing is having affect on your mood, and thats fine, just wish you could sometimes look back on the conversations you have with me when your angry at me for no reason.
        [12:10:02 AM] Fiona: yes rub it in my face now
        [12:10:08 AM] Nathan: See
        [12:11:24 AM] Nathan: You think i was rubbing it in your face yet i was merely stating, that you are only feeling like this because of natrual cause.. jeez. im not going to argue or talk anymore, 7 months of greatness and fun will not be ruined by small minior incidents.
        [12:11:38 AM] Nathan: such as this.
        [12:12:05 AM] Nathan: just stop and dont talk to me, cause i know you will keep getting more angry at me,
        [12:16:05 AM] Nathan: Went and did it again, removed me on facebook, as normal at this time of month, you know what, if you are going to be like this.. then atleast it making this boring and apprent lifeless relationship more entertaining for you. fuck sake fiona,
        [12:17:51 AM] Fiona: dont talk to me
        [12:17:58 AM] Nathan: Im not going to.


          It doesn't seem like you broke up to me. Time apart is healthy like your SO said. It doesn't mean that things are over, chin up!
          Edit: It seems like he's really trying to keep the relationship together, actually, and that you're making things difficult. I'm a little confused.




              Originally posted by princessmaria View Post
              It doesn't seem like you broke up to me. Time apart is healthy like your SO said. It doesn't mean that things are over, chin up!
              Edit: It seems like he's really trying to keep the relationship together, actually, and that you're making things difficult. I'm a little confused.
              I totally agree, he seems to know you well and he also seems to try his best not to put up a useless fight.
              As he said, if you two spend some times apart you'll also have more things to tell each other when you have the chance to talk, and you'll appreciate the time you have together even more


                Yeah.. maybe we just need more space alone or apart..
                I'll rest from this for a while.. Thanks a lot though..
                It's good to know your opinion guys.. I appreciate it


                  I don't wanna be that person who will just throw her attitude.. especially to him..
                  I might just reacted since it will be a big change in the relationship.. Coz I was used to see him everyday..
                  But I guess I have no choice but to accept it..
                  I can't really say that we are still together or not.. I don't wanna set any expectations..
                  But it's best for me to be alone for now.. I think..
                  Thanks guys


                    He sounds like a keeper. He seems to know you well.


                      What I see when I read those logs is you bringing up issues ("I'm bored of this") without offering to change anything, him proposing you each have more of a life so you have things to talk about, and you blowing off and deleting him off Facebook etc, apparently not the first time. He gets frustrated and uses the f word but honestly I would have been frustrated too.

                      I don't see anything that indicates he wants to be done with you.
                      So, here you are
                      too foreign for home
                      too foreign for here.
                      Never enough for both.

                      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                        Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                        What I see when I read those logs is you bringing up issues ("I'm bored of this") without offering to change anything, him proposing you each have more of a life so you have things to talk about, and you blowing off and deleting him off Facebook etc, apparently not the first time. He gets frustrated and uses the f word but honestly I would have been frustrated too.

                        I don't see anything that indicates he wants to be done with you.
                        This. You can't complain about things being a certain way and then be unwilling to 1) change it and 2) accept your responsibility in it,because all I see is you getting defensive and you really shouldn't be. You also shouldn't be going off the handle on him so much and deleting him off of everything every time he says or does something you don't agree with. All he's saying is that you both need more of a life and more variety so you're not always up each others butts 24/7. People tend to forget when they get into relationships that they still have to be individuals and live their lives outside of that. If you don't you risk not only losing yourself but you risk making the relationship dull and that's not good. I also think that when you're PMSing that you find something else to do and maybe even talk to him less temporarily since (from what I've noticed from your chat log) you tend to be kinda moody and take things out on him more then usual around that time. But,like Ejorah said,I don't see anything that suggests that he wants to be done with you. But,what I do see is his desire for you to maybe change the way you deal with him about somethings and to actually get out and have a life outside of ya'lls relationship.

                        ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                        We Met: June 9,2010
                        Back Together: August 1,2012
                        First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                        Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                        Engaged: January 17,2013
                        Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                        Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                        We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                        SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                        Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


                          I agree with the above two posters. It sounds like you're bored and creating drama to make it less boring for you...? It's one thing to spend some time apart in the sense you spend time with friends, find a new hobby, have other interests that don't involve making your SO your world - those are healthy - but it's another thing entirely to start arguments, delete him on Facebook, etc. every time a) he disagrees with you or holds you accountable for your behaviour or b) you get bored enough to start something. It's an unhealthy dynamic to start outleting your boredom through fighting and... well, drama. Him holding you accountable isn't any reason to tell him not to talk to you. Don't you think you'd be frustrated with someone who deleted you at least once a month? And "broke up with you" at least once a month? Even this post comes off as that you're placing the blame on him when you're the one who initiated the break-up in the first place. You can't expect people to be forgiving forever when you're deleting them multiple times and shit stirring because you're bored with the relationship. A relationship involves work and compromise and if you're not willing to do either, then no, you shouldn't be in a relationship (if only for the reason it wouldn't work anyway), but blaming him is ridiculous when you're the one saying "don't talk to me," deleting him off FB, etc. You can't expect people to bang down the door every time you shut them out, especially when you're doing it on a regular basis... Eventually people get tired of it and in the end, the only way to make it work is to change your own behaviour and look at it honestly so that you're able to do so.


                            Yeah, you're all right. I feel like a terrible person now. It's not that I start a fight because I'm bored of it, but because I just wanted to open up with him. Yes, he did made his point and its right that time apart is healthy for the relationship. I just over reacted I think, since I'm used to see and talk to him everyday. I know we've all been through this. But this is something new for me, yes I do act like a brat and gets very emotional(especially on the time of my month). But we talked about it already. And I'm making plans this weekend. Since it's hard for me to keep up here because I live far away from my Hometown. I'm currently working here in the city alone and I don't have that much friends anyway. He did suggested for me to go home, but it's best for me to stay here and work for my son.(coz salary here are much better compared to provinces)
                            He was always there every time I feel home sick and when I miss my son. I just graduated from college and was pressured to work. (of course for my son) Some even suggested to bring him here. And who will look after him? I won't trust a nanny since she will just leave after a week or a month. It's best he stays at home with my Mom. I'll be going home on September as what our conversation shows there.
                            Anyways, thanks a lot again. I did appreciate your time to read and help me. It is best for me to hear other people's opinion, since most of the time I see and understand things differently.


                              happened to me recently... Sometimes we can't understand it ! you were escalating like we did

                              Not a story to be texted. I will prefer lying at her (I did once) and telling her I have something to do to give her time to miss me...

                              Space is vital for any relationship it's just the way...

                              When you miss him try to :

                              write things, listen to music, go out with friends... have your life

